Makes a change... Most games just get released buggy as shit these days, with the usual complaints that the Developer should have held off releasing until it was fixed - Just looks like SI have done exactly that?
It’s a real shame. Hopefully this doesn’t have long term implications for the studio. Sega, who own SI, obviously won’t be happy about what’s happened.
It’s a real shame. Hopefully this doesn’t have long term implications for the studio. Sega, who own SI, obviously won’t be happy about what’s happened.
Saw an youtube video about this. Apparently they are contracted to make at least one game this year (hopefully they can put a patch onto FM24 to make up for it.
In the most recent one the youtuber goes into the reasons why this might of happened.
The real problem they've got now is they've actually got to make FM26 good. If they'd been able to get it together then FM25 could have been a bit of a free hit; it would have sold no matter what because of the name and with that they could have used the reactions of the very involved community to essentially beta test it and take the prevailing feedback from it. They could have answered a lot of the criticism by blaming the huge transition and promising improvement now that they had the code down and another year to take a good run at it. Any goodwill lost with a weak game could have been clawed back with a better follow-up and offset against strong sales based on the IP.
They've lost all that now. There's no goodwill, there's no buffer for an experimental step into a new engine and there's no second year to start to make back the money they've lost this year. Given SI's track record over the past 4 or 5 editions where they've just spun their wheels and ignored the increasing amounts of criticism that have come through about repeated stale aspects of the game I'm not sure they have it in their locker.
They've become obsessed with the match engine when I honestly don't think there's that many people watching 90 minute games and feeling like the game doesn't go through the thirds quite enough like the real thing. For the past couple of seasons I've been using a skin that has an instant result button because I'm far more interested in building a tactic and a team than I am watching tiny little man drawings visually confirm the goal I know I just conceded. I want the actual management simulation to be better; no more terrible press conferences with the same responses as they had in 2009, no more player interactions based on Miles Jacobson's inability to communicate with other humans ('you've trained well this week' 'This is an outrage, I can't recover from this insult and I'm going to see out my contract'), no more broken AI squad building, ridiculous focus on physical attributes over anything else and newgen faces that are somehow actually getting worse each year. I'm sure though that they will spend this additional time almost exclusively tinkering with the match engine making the game run as slowly as possible on weaker computers when the ability to play at a decent speed on a normal people laptop is one of the game's main draws, and not paying any attention to the stuff that actually takes up most of the entertaining management simulation aspect. SI won't die because they've completely cornered the market on this area and Sega won't let that go but the pressure on FM26 to be good is huge without any evidence that the people making it can actually pull it off.
should have cancelled it in November when they pushed it back, worked doubled hard on FM26 and just added the releases to that. Would have been better for them to send players a major patch for the current season.
Those games come out too often anyway. Should just be a data base update every 2 or 3 years, then a new game, same goes for fifa and most of these sports games.
I remember when Pro Evo announced they were skipping a year. I assumed the next game would be excellent with time for an engine rebuild. But it turned out to be the worst Pro Evo of all time. Let's hope this doesn't go the same way.
Those games come out too often anyway. Should just be a data base update every 2 or 3 years, then a new game, same goes for fifa and most of these sports games.
Like most things, its driven by revenue. And the brand name of "FIFA/EA FC" or Football Manager is enough for it to sell every single year with marginal differences in the actual product.
Sports Interactive absolutely have to deliver with FM26. They are a single game studio, and are owned by Sega. As a public company I expect they won't tolerate any further mess-ups.
In terms of the squad I’m sure you’ll get it bang on.
L Jones
A Mitchell
The game is good so just tweak it, didnt need a massive overhaul!
Saw an youtube video about this. Apparently they are contracted to make at least one game this year (hopefully they can put a patch onto FM24 to make up for it.
In the most recent one the youtuber goes into the reasons why this might of happened.
Still the greatest version they've ever released, its now free to download, and people are still modding it now to keep it up to date
Sports Interactive absolutely have to deliver with FM26. They are a single game studio, and are owned by Sega. As a public company I expect they won't tolerate any further mess-ups.
You'll need to sign up to the Forum, but Game can be downloaded from the "Game" Folder, and then the latest season from "Patches"