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Climate Emergency



  • sam3110 said:
    The bigger the population grows the more the problem will grow.
    This applies to the world's population and not just in the UK. 
    The problem is that when you mention the Elephant in the room some people go into total denial of the fact.
    8 Billion at present. An 8 fold increase since 1800 and predicted to be 10 Billion by 2050. A lot more mouths to feed and provide for. Can’t help feeling that something has to give at some point.
    The bigger the population grows the more the problem will grow.
    This applies to the world's population and not just in the UK. 
    The problem is that when you mention the Elephant in the room some people go into total denial of the fact.
    8 Billion at present. An 8 fold increase since 1800 and predicted to be 10 Billion by 2050. A lot more mouths to feed and provide for. Can’t help feeling that something has to give at some point.
    Exactly this.
    If you Google the world's population decade on decade it is increasing at a frightening pace. 
    Long term this is not sustainable. 
    Problem is how to slow it down.
    Politicians around the world just Bury their heads in the sand and refuse to tackle the problem. 
    Only thing that would work is a worldwide ban on having more than 2 births per person. Yes very occasionally you'll have people with 4 kids because one birth was triplets or something, but it's the only way to limit the growth IMO.

    Problem is half the people having 14 children are doing so because they're raving lunatic religionists, and the other half are doing so because the death rate amongst children is so high in their countries, and neither are going to follow the rules 
    Think the solution is education and opportunities for all. There is correlation between income/educsation and birth rates. Essentially improving the former reduces the latter. 
  • I suspect that climate change will end up being the solution to population figures. 
  • I suspect that climate change will end up being the solution to population figures. 
    But that won’t be the solution to climate change, as the richest will be fine, I wonder who causes the most damage? Us, the richest. 
  • sam3110 said:
    Another solution is to set a finality date, so the swelling upper end of the population spectrum is no longer a problem. 

    But again I'm not sure deciding that everyone that hits their 80th birthday gets euthanised is going to go down well....
    Rather than going by age decide by region.
    We in England could play our part by Nuking Croydon. 
  • I suspect that climate change will end up being the solution to population figures. 
    But that won’t be the solution to climate change, as the richest will be fine, I wonder who causes the most damage? Us, the richest. 
    I imagine you’re right but I think large parts of the planet becoming uninhabitable with mass starvation and mass migrations and unrest will upset the rich applecart as much as anyone else’s. If things pan out to how they currently look like panning out I think civilisation as we’ve come to know it will be gone. Perhaps think MadMax.
  • The bigger the population grows the more the problem will grow.
    This applies to the world's population and not just in the UK. 
    The problem is that when you mention the Elephant in the room some people go into total denial of the fact.
    8 Billion at present. An 8 fold increase since 1800 and predicted to be 10 Billion by 2050. A lot more mouths to feed and provide for. Can’t help feeling that something has to give at some point.
    The bigger the population grows the more the problem will grow.
    This applies to the world's population and not just in the UK. 
    The problem is that when you mention the Elephant in the room some people go into total denial of the fact.
    8 Billion at present. An 8 fold increase since 1800 and predicted to be 10 Billion by 2050. A lot more mouths to feed and provide for. Can’t help feeling that something has to give at some point.
    Exactly this.
    If you Google the world's population decade on decade it is increasing at a frightening pace. 
    Long term this is not sustainable. 
    Problem is how to slow it down.
    Politicians around the world just Bury their heads in the sand and refuse to tackle the problem. It is alrea
  • The number of children being born is now decreasing and although it will take a few decades to  come through the population will inevitably  start to fall.

  • The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world and the loss of bio-diversity is extremely worrying.

    We should be planting a lot more trees, as they do remove carbon from the atmosphere. Planting trees is just one of the many solutions to reducing carbon dioxide. Unfortunately most of the new houses being built have such small gardens that people don't want trees. Paving, decking and plastic grass are all very detrimental to the planet.
    This is so important but, I think, something that largely gets overlooked. It's as if the CO₂ problem on its own is so overwhelming that people struggle to factor in the other ways in which we are wrecking the planet. Use of insecticides, discarding of plastic materials and loss of habitat are all huge problems (and there are many more). Even if we solve the carbonification problem, our wildlife will still be in peril from the other problems we cause. All animals have a minimum viable population and with that minimum viable population comes a minimum viable habitat requirement. This isn't just a matter of how many bodies can be crammed into an area. Each individual needs space to roam, to nest, to graze/hunt, to mate, to do whatever things are necessary for the strategy 'chosen' by that species. We are incredibly bad at allowing for this. Every time we build a road/railway we bisect the area into two smaller ares, often making it harder for the native wildlife to survive.

    Planting trees is incredibly important for removing carbon from the atmosphere, and in terms of this alone is probably more important than protecting old trees (new ones have more scope to grow). However, established habitats cannot be readily replicated and animal life often has requirements that go beyond the fact that there are some trees. A famous example being that owls need old trees because they nest in holes in the wood that are only present in mature trees. New ones are no good to them. This was one of the things that was so bad about HS2. They did their tree count, but there was nothing in their plans that raised the importance of established woodland over that of newly planted trees.

    There is a definite hierarchy: Man made chemical/mechanical means of reducing carbon from our atmosphere area undoubtedly good and should be encouraged. Planting new vegetation is better and should be done wherever possible. Protecting the habitats that we already have is most important of all, whether we are talking about huge international rain forests or our own back yards.
  • kigelia said:
    sam3110 said:
    The bigger the population grows the more the problem will grow.
    This applies to the world's population and not just in the UK. 
    The problem is that when you mention the Elephant in the room some people go into total denial of the fact.
    8 Billion at present. An 8 fold increase since 1800 and predicted to be 10 Billion by 2050. A lot more mouths to feed and provide for. Can’t help feeling that something has to give at some point.
    The bigger the population grows the more the problem will grow.
    This applies to the world's population and not just in the UK. 
    The problem is that when you mention the Elephant in the room some people go into total denial of the fact.
    8 Billion at present. An 8 fold increase since 1800 and predicted to be 10 Billion by 2050. A lot more mouths to feed and provide for. Can’t help feeling that something has to give at some point.
    Exactly this.
    If you Google the world's population decade on decade it is increasing at a frightening pace. 
    Long term this is not sustainable. 
    Problem is how to slow it down.
    Politicians around the world just Bury their heads in the sand and refuse to tackle the problem. 
    Only thing that would work is a worldwide ban on having more than 2 births per person. Yes very occasionally you'll have people with 4 kids because one birth was triplets or something, but it's the only way to limit the growth IMO.

    Problem is half the people having 14 children are doing so because they're raving lunatic religionists, and the other half are doing so because the death rate amongst children is so high in their countries, and neither are going to follow the rules 
    Think the solution is education and opportunities for all. There is correlation between income/educsation and birth rates. Essentially improving the former reduces the latter. 
    What about the mental conservative Christians in the US of A that pump out kids at an alarming rate and tell everyone contraception is a sin?

    They're meant to be in one of the highest educated and most developed countries in the world, doesn't stop them from breeding like rabbits does it 
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  • Flooding is an increasing problem due to climate change and nature can help to mitigate. The value of nature is vastly under estimated.

    Tony Juniper's books on what nature has done for us are excellent

  • sam3110 said:
    kigelia said:
    sam3110 said:
    The bigger the population grows the more the problem will grow.
    This applies to the world's population and not just in the UK. 
    The problem is that when you mention the Elephant in the room some people go into total denial of the fact.
    8 Billion at present. An 8 fold increase since 1800 and predicted to be 10 Billion by 2050. A lot more mouths to feed and provide for. Can’t help feeling that something has to give at some point.
    The bigger the population grows the more the problem will grow.
    This applies to the world's population and not just in the UK. 
    The problem is that when you mention the Elephant in the room some people go into total denial of the fact.
    8 Billion at present. An 8 fold increase since 1800 and predicted to be 10 Billion by 2050. A lot more mouths to feed and provide for. Can’t help feeling that something has to give at some point.
    Exactly this.
    If you Google the world's population decade on decade it is increasing at a frightening pace. 
    Long term this is not sustainable. 
    Problem is how to slow it down.
    Politicians around the world just Bury their heads in the sand and refuse to tackle the problem. 
    Only thing that would work is a worldwide ban on having more than 2 births per person. Yes very occasionally you'll have people with 4 kids because one birth was triplets or something, but it's the only way to limit the growth IMO.

    Problem is half the people having 14 children are doing so because they're raving lunatic religionists, and the other half are doing so because the death rate amongst children is so high in their countries, and neither are going to follow the rules 
    Think the solution is education and opportunities for all. There is correlation between income/educsation and birth rates. Essentially improving the former reduces the latter. 
    What about the mental conservative Christians in the US of A that pump out kids at an alarming rate and tell everyone contraception is a sin?

    They're meant to be in one of the highest educated and most developed countries in the world, doesn't stop them from breeding like rabbits does it 
    The USA has some of the most educated people in the world and probably has some of the most ill educated in the developed western world. I think the majority of us would be shocked at the standard of education in large sections of The USA.
  • edited October 2023
    A couple of years ago my company planted 400 trees on our land, supplied by the Woodland Trust.
    They still have offers.

  • edited October 2023
    I visited Borneo in the summer. 

    - The river / lodge/rainforest with the animals/orangutans was amazing and reasonably clean.  We had an amazing time.
    - The hotel by the beach was amazing and the beach was one of the nicest I have ever visited...but totally ruined by the tonnes and tonnes of plastic washed up every day and just left there. It was depressing (picture at the bottom). I did a beach clean each evening and dragged a bag too heavy to carry full of plastic off each time but didn't make a dent.
    - Then we went to a floating village for a couple of hours, one side were 3 eagles swooping down and catching fish, it was stunning, the other was the pictures below.

    This island is a wildlife holiday destination remember. 

    The beach...I walked along it for 3km and it looked like this pretty much the whole way. Broke my heart.

  • edited November 2023
    UN reports that the world is going to see a 3 degree increase in global temperatures this century and has a “hellish future” with current levels of carbon reduction completely inadequate. Not meant to be a flippant remark here but we’re doomed.
  • UN reports that the world is going to see a 3 degree increase in global temperatures this century and has a “hellish future” with current levels of carbon reduction completely inadequate. Not meant to be a flippant remark here but we’re doomed.
    Indeed. There be no hope. Destined to self destruct. This is one subject where my usual optimism deserts me. As a race we're either very clever or incredibly stupid. I've made my mind up.
  • I still think tech could save us from this.  The issue is that tech could also be the end of us 
  • I still think tech could save us from this.  The issue is that tech could also be the end of us 
    We already have it. How's it going so far?
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  • swordfish said:
    I still think tech could save us from this.  The issue is that tech could also be the end of us 
    We already have it. How's it going so far?
    It is in it's infancy but huge sums are being invested in it. In 10yrs time things will have changed massively.  No excuse not to do our bit in the mean time however.. The biggest change should be renewable energy which as an island we have a great opportunity to be power independent.
  • It seems that the same gullible fools who swallowed the Covid hoax have also been taken in by the Cimate change nonsense.
    There certainly are some gullible fools around.
  • swordfish said:
    I still think tech could save us from this.  The issue is that tech could also be the end of us 
    We already have it. How's it going so far?
    It is in it's infancy but huge sums are being invested in it. In 10yrs time things will have changed massively.  No excuse not to do our bit in the mean time however.. The biggest change should be renewable energy which as an island we have a great opportunity to be power independent.
    I'm not advocating doing nothing, just sceptical because not enough is being done when it needs to be. We've just had a denier post on here, a rarity I know these days, but it doesn't inspire confidence.
  • When will people understand that covid, climate change etc are bogus catastrophies designed to make certain people fantastic amounts of money.
    When hell freezes over.
  • When will people understand that covid, climate change etc are bogus catastrophies designed to make certain people fantastic amounts of money.
    remind me who those people are.
  • Will, when you say it's a hoax, do you mean that it's an entirely fictitious thing that exists nowhere but peoples' imaginations or do you mean that the hoaxers have deliberately manufactured the effects of climate change to fit in with their money spinning yarn?
  • More than 13% of a council's CO2 emissions come from staff working from home, a survey has found.

    A report by City of York Council said an estimated 723 tonnes of carbon dioxide was produced in 2022-23.

    It was caused by home workers using office equipment, lighting and heating during the day, the report said.

    Working from home produced far more emissions than staff commuting and business travel put together, the findings revealed.

  • And there's me scrapping my car, in the name of saving the world.
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