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  • Shawshank is an all time classic. 
    Good to have you back Beds.
  • National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is currently free to download in HD on Sky

    Brilliant film  
  • Shawshank for me too … although Bull is worth a watch 
  • Shawshank is a great film and gives me an excuse to post a link to one of the great foootball cartoons of all time... the North Bank Redemption...

  • Marvellous! One of the top CL threads every year! Thanks for doing it again!
  • Good to have beds back again this Christmas, wouldn't be Christmas without this annual list of goodies. 
    I don't remember having Netflix listings in the past but very welcome nonetheless. 
  • Although you have missed it was on Monday 
    “Battle Royalle”  A Japanese film from 2000 its sub titles.  Its was on Movie Legends on Freeview

    Watch this a you can see exactly where SQUID GAMES / HUNGER GAMES came from. It’s so similar in base story. Worth watching
  • Beds thread & Muppets…………it’s officially Christmas 🎄 😘😘😘😘😘
  • "The Last Bus" is on iPlayer, a well crafted and acted film that induces a few tears and a warm glow
  • Sponsored links:

  • Shawshank is awesome but 10:40pm is too late for me.
  • edited December 2023
    Although you have missed it was on Monday 
    “Battle Royalle”  A Japanese film from 2000 its sub titles.  Its was on Movie Legends on Freeview

    Watch this a you can see exactly where SQUID GAMES / HUNGER GAMES came from. It’s so similar in base story. Worth watching
    Must have watched this film 100s of times, was absolutely obsessed with it at the age of about 15/16 and had it on DVD. Thought Kiriyama was one of the coolest movie antagonists I'd seen.

    BR 2 I never enjoyed, tried watching it at least 3 times and could never get through it.
  • "The Last Bus" is on iPlayer, a well crafted and acted film that induces a few tears and a warm glow
    I’ll have to check that out . 
  • edited December 2023
    3.50PM          -          FILM4         -             THE BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER KWAI
    9.00PM         -           BBC2             -            BELFAST
    9.00PM          -            5STAR           -            SAVING PRIVATE RYAN 
    8.00PM          -           SKY CINEMA FAVOURITE       -          THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER
    9.50PM          -           SKY CINEMA COMEDY            -            KINGPIN
    ANYTIME       -            AMAZON PRIME                  -               THE COVENANT

    3.50PM             -            SKY CINEMA ACTION           -              CATWOMAN 

                                                             RECOMMENDED FILM OF THE DAY


  • some excellent ones there but Belfast for me too 
  • stonemuse said:
    some excellent ones there but Belfast for me too 
    My Favourite film of last year
  • Good to have beds back again this Christmas, wouldn't be Christmas without this annual list of goodies. 
    I don't remember having Netflix listings in the past but very welcome nonetheless. 
    Definitely did Netflix and Amazon Prime last year, I think Apple TV too, but as that wasn't relevant to me I can't say for certain.
  • Watched and enjoyed The Covenant. 
  • aliwibble said:
    Definitely did Netflix and Amazon Prime last year, I think Apple TV too, but as that wasn't relevant to me I can't say for certain.
    Yes i did. I don't recommend much from Apple because I'm not sure that many people have subscriptions to it. I don't
  • Not heard of Belfast. Will try and watch tonight 
  • Sponsored links:

  • Although you have missed it was on Monday 
    “Battle Royalle”  A Japanese film from 2000 its sub titles.  Its was on Movie Legends on Freeview

    Watch this a you can see exactly where SQUID GAMES / HUNGER GAMES came from. It’s so similar in base story. Worth watching
    Remember when it came out. Sneaked into the pictures on panton street to watch it. Obviously an 18 rated film. I was 13/14 at the time. 
    Loved it.
     Had influences of it's own. Running man and such but it definitely influenced hunger games and squid games. I've told people this but will they listen.. 
  • Not heard of Belfast. Will try and watch tonight 
    It got shit loads of Oscar nominations last year .
  • It got shit loads of Oscar nominations last year .
    Brilliant film 
  • Saving Private Ryan is on 4seven not 5Star
  • I may have to have an early night.
    We caught up with stuff recorded earlier last night & instead of just turning off the tele & going to bed, husband put it back on normal tv only to find Shawshank had just started.
    Husband never watches films twice.
    Think he’s in double figures with this now.
    Just can’t not watch it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  • What The Covenant is it 
  • Not heard of Belfast. Will try and watch tonight 
    Enjoyed that. Tremendous opening scenes and a nice gentle pace that never needs to be stepped up. Kid playing Buddy was brilliant. 

    Fantastic cinematography but wished it was in colour though, b&w does my eyes in! 
  • What The Covenant is it 
    Is it the one directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Jake Gyllenhaal? If so I'd recommend it. It's a great film.
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