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Charlton Summer Transfer Rumours 2024



  • edited June 28
    Will I be disappointed if May leaves? Yes

    Do I think it's a terrible decision? Don't know. It depends on who else we bring in, and what formation Jones wants to play. I'm twitchy, but if it's Jones' decision, which seems to be the case rather than his hand being forced, then I can accept it.

    750k is a fair price for a lower league goal scorer in his 30s, who's never played higher than L1, AND who can't play the lone striker role that so many managers now favour.
    This about sums up my own take on it. It is not a decision I am particularly happy about nor would I honestly say I agree with it but I can see what the possible logic behind the idea is - even if I don't find it convincing personally.

    Jones appears to be given the responsibility and authority that several previous coaches lacked and as such will sink or swim based on his own decisions. I can and do hope its the latter but the former remains a distinct possibility in my mind.
  • _MrDick said:
    So, my landscape Gardner is good friends with Alfie May and his dad. What he told me earlier this week is that he’s off to Huddersfield but a fee hadn’t been agreed. The reason he’s off … and I don’t know how true this is but he doesn’t get on with Nathan Jones. Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just passing on what I was told 
    Is it because Alfie likes table tennis? I do worry about managers who can’t work with the best players because of their ego.
  • Swisdom said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    Trust Jones? Like Stoke and Southamton did.
    Actually, they didn’t to be fair. Not saying they were right or wrong to, but they didn’t.
    Yep very fair point this as well. Luton let Jones do his work. Those other two clubs treated him with suspicion from the start.
    I think Jones’ issue at Stoke and Soron was some of the egos of players.  The attitudes weren’t right and he didn’t get the respect he felt he was owed.  So it was never gonna work 
    And now Jones doesn’t get on with Alfie, seems to be a pattern forming.
  • cafc_se7 said:
    We won't sign anyone better than May this window. We don't seem to have any interest in replacing CBT despite letting him go 6 months ago. We really struggled to score last season as it is... Can't wait to watch another mid table battle 
    So over the top in my opinion! We are much better defensively this season which will make a huge difference! 

    I am still confident we will get the attacking players in we need!
    Maybe over the top but we've had season after season of this, and I don't see much changing before the season starts. 

    Defensively Jones did seem to sort us out but we struggled to attacking wise to win many games and now we're letting go a 20 goal season striker.

    Hopefully I'll be surprised but I'm not getting my hopes up as we approach our 5th year in L1
  • Sage said:
    Swisdom said:
    Laurens family are all from Yorkshire

    Alfies brother, and parents are in West Malling/Kings Hill area

    Alfie was home for about an hour last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and I heard him putting some stuff in the car. Then the kids and Lauren got in and they left and haven’t been home since so I was surprised to see him playing cricket in the area last weekend as I assumed they were up north.

    their house is back on the market too so I figured last week this would be the outcome but didn’t want to say as it’s not my place.    

    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be.  I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business.  
    Okay, I’m not being funny but am I honestly the only one seeing how contradictory and ridiculous this is? Maybe I am I don’t know and maybe it’s because we live in a world where everyone wants to know more and more about things even if there isn’t anything more to know if it’s not to do with them. We’ve become a desperate society.

    Saying it’s not anyone’s business whilst also telling everyone the name of his wife, where they live, where roughly his brother and parents live, previously uploading a photo of their home, saying they haven’t been back home for a week and whatever else over however long it’s been, whilst also saying you didn’t want to say as it’s not your place is simply an astounding level of hypocrisy and ignorance. Even if he wasn’t moving to Huddersfield, which it looks as though he is, I wouldn’t blame him he was instead looking to move away, even if you helped him find this place, as all of his business is aired on a fans forum. But it’s not anyone’s business 😅

    Fully anticipate backlash from this and it’s important to keep to the topic I know, but deary me.
    Agreed, really poor form even if you're itk more than others. You're his neighbour ffs
  • I think it's reasonable to assume Jones may have been told there is very little to spend on transfer fees unless you generate it yourself through sales.

    The only fit player who could generate a "large enough"sale fee is Alfie May.
    So if the manager thinks he doesn't fit into the style of play and he doesn't really have the option to keep him as a squad player if he wants to pay fees for others ...
    Plus if May wants to be a regular starter ....
    I've no idea if it'll work out, I'll reserve judgement.
    But we sold Jenkinson, bought a load of replacements and got promoted.
    Yes but we had BWP already at the club & then brought in the magnificent Yann. We're getting rid of the best goal scorer in the division & we're left with .................................... ?
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  • RoanRedNY said:
    summary.  We announced the guy we signed 2 weeks ago, we have a new pitch incoming but we want to argue about who paid for it and looks like we might sign another ruddy goalkeeper.  Updates on page 196
    From Page 162.  Didn’t age well……no updates to report
  • Yann897 said:
    Yann897 said:
    Croydon said:
    Chunes said:
    Honestly now, this forum is full of adults....players come and go!  :D There is nothing that can be done and you might not like it but you have to get on with it. 

    We have to see what the club up there sleeve. It might surprise us.

    Either way, I am sure NJ has a plan and for now, that's good enough for me. 

    What is all this snobbery about how an adult should feel over Charlton related activity? 

    I spend a ridiculous amount of money following and watching Charlton, players like May and Dobson make those drives and shit journies home a bit more bearable. 

    If people spend their hard earned, and are sacrificing their time and money to follow this club, it's perfectly acceptable for people to be pissed off when the club makes poor decisions. 

    This lethargic approach of 'crying' 'grown adults' 'bed wetters' etc is a complete piss take. It's fans who give a shit about the team venting, all the sniping is proper frustrating to read. 
    Yeah I have to say it's getting pretty tiresome that whenever people on this board show passion for the club or one of its players, they get accused of bed wetting, crying, not being a grown man, etc.

    It's called having a passion. We're not armchair Man Utd fans. In Argentina, people cry when they score a goal! 

    If you prefer to support from a more distanced place, by all means, but I don't see any need to try and humiliate others fans who are more invested. 
    There’s nothing dispassionate about taking the opposite approach to all this. I have watched almost every Charlton men’s, women’s, youth games that I possibly can. I have plenty of passion for CAFC.

    Regarding what @Braziliance about the club making “poor decisions”. On the surface it does seem bonkers, but no one knows yet whether it’s a poor decision or a stroke of genius. Would it still be a poor decision if we get promoted and Huddersfield don’t?

    It’s been quite clear from March / April that Jones hasn’t fancied Alfie. We don’t know why and I doubt we ever will. But he is the manager and he will live with the consequences of his decisions.

    Everyone six months ago hated the model of players being forced on a manager and wanted the manager to be able to choose his squad. Now we have a manager with the remit to do it and the same people are upset because the manager doesn’t want the striker every fan loves.
    I doubt if Jones will last the season if we are not challenging.
    Same. I think we’ll be up there, with or without Alfie.
    Based on what? Can only be pure hope at this point surely, as the squad is nowhere near where it needs to be. 
    The fact we finished the season strong and signing some good players and just putting the right systems in place behind the scenes . I think it’s a good time to be following Charlton with or with Alfie May.
    Are you on commission to write this unrelenting drivel in support of this joke SMT? Have some pride!
    Have some pride for backing the club and the manager ? Yeah that’s what I’m doing so stop talking waffle , I think the smt have done a good job since they’ve came in apart from
    a few poor decisions . We’re actually being run like a proper football club and that’s what people have been asking for since Roland . Carry on being negative about every little thing sad little man.

    League one stalwarts. So proud.
  • Blind faith. Again.
  • Redrobo said:
    I wanted a manager who was given the freedom to buy and sell the players he wanted to do (obviously within a sensible budget). To build a team and a squad that would not be a push over and be competitive. To get us promoted out of this shit league.
    We have suffered for so long under owners who knew better than the professionals, sold players over their heads, bought players that they thought were good, and even suggested formations and tactics.
    Can’t believe we now have so many slagging off a manger who has insisted he be empowered to do just that because they know better.
    I have no idea as to how much we will get for May, or even if he is leaving. But I do believe in Jones and his commitment to make changes across our Club to make it more competitive and drive it forward.
    It is for Jones to decide if May stays or goes. That’s his job.
    He is much more qualified to make those decisions as he knows the budget and the choices that need to be made.
    I am backing Jones to get it right.
    Exactly where I'm at.
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  • Swisdom said:
    Sage said:
    Swisdom said:
    Laurens family are all from Yorkshire

    Alfies brother, and parents are in West Malling/Kings Hill area

    Alfie was home for about an hour last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and I heard him putting some stuff in the car. Then the kids and Lauren got in and they left and haven’t been home since so I was surprised to see him playing cricket in the area last weekend as I assumed they were up north.

    their house is back on the market too so I figured last week this would be the outcome but didn’t want to say as it’s not my place.    

    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be.  I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business.  
    Okay, I’m not being funny but am I honestly the only one seeing how contradictory and ridiculous this is? Maybe I am I don’t know and maybe it’s because we live in a world where everyone wants to know more and more about things even if there isn’t anything more to know if it’s not to do with them. We’ve become a desperate society.

    Saying it’s not anyone’s business whilst also telling everyone the name of his wife, where they live, where roughly his brother and parents live, previously uploading a photo of their home, saying they haven’t been back home for a week and whatever else over however long it’s been, whilst also saying you didn’t want to say as it’s not your place is simply an astounding level of hypocrisy and ignorance. Even if he wasn’t moving to Huddersfield, which it looks as though he is, I wouldn’t blame him he was instead looking to move away, even if you helped him find this place, as all of his business is aired on a fans forum. But it’s not anyone’s business 😅

    Fully anticipate backlash from this and it’s important to keep to the topic I know, but deary me.
    Im not some sort of fucking stalker - The things I’ve said are out there in various places already but only bits and bobs of it here and there.  I’m trying to paint a clearer picture so people can stop spouting shit like “he moved because his wife made him”.  

    He lived next door to me for almost a year and I only admitted that when the rumours surfaced about him leaving.  He was left alone to do his own thing so there were no breaches of trust.  Even on the few times we met up socially we didn’t discuss all.  

    He’s a family man who missed the first few years of his first two sons because he was living away so maybe, just maybe, he wants to be with his family, help them grow up but also he wants to go to work and enjoy it - which we could all see he was not at the end of the season by being subbed.

    he gets a move, keeps his family close by, works for an old boss he admires, gets a pay rise and his wife gets more support for their kids.  Maybe a player is doing what’s right for his family and himself!

    Thanks for adding some clarity to the situation. 

    My only question is......would he have been looking to move if he was happier at the club ?  ie, that he wasn't been subbed every week & that he was going to be pivotal in the managers plans. 
  •  If Jones can not find a system that Alfie fits into then the Welsh windbag should go 
    I find it difficult to understand why Jones can't find a place in the team for a striker who gives 100% every game & more or less guarantees you 20+ goals a season.

    Maybe that was why he was such a failure at Saints & Stoke
    How many goals does he score with his head, or make clearances with his head?

    Jesus....I've heard it all now.

    That Simonsen bloke was crap. Too small, couldn't defend corners & couldn't out jump their 6ft 3 centre half. So glad we gave him back to Barcelona.

    ( He actually went back to Vejle BK his boyhood club)
    Well done Charlton bob,someone that actually knows what he talking about. Sometimes I think people on here have never seen or supported Charlton,or maybe never born when some players played for the club.
  • supaclive said:
    May has about three seasons left in top level football.   His wife knew his job when they met.

    Tell her to wait three years then they have the rest of their lives to spend up North.

    The family thing IS bollocks.  Sorry it just is.

    You married a footballer!  Ffs
    So because she married a footballer, she automatically has to settle and be happy?

    they have three young kids? Alfie is at work all day and away working all over the country. She is at home with the kids away from parents and friends but yet, how dare she want to be near home

    but Alfie, rein your woman in!!!!! Stupid comment!!!!
    Work all day!  Start work at 10 am maybe. finish at 12 or max 1pm, Wednesday off,Sunday off. Say no more!
  • Swisdom said:
    Sage said:
    Swisdom said:
    Laurens family are all from Yorkshire

    Alfies brother, and parents are in West Malling/Kings Hill area

    Alfie was home for about an hour last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and I heard him putting some stuff in the car. Then the kids and Lauren got in and they left and haven’t been home since so I was surprised to see him playing cricket in the area last weekend as I assumed they were up north.

    their house is back on the market too so I figured last week this would be the outcome but didn’t want to say as it’s not my place.    

    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be.  I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business.  
    Okay, I’m not being funny but am I honestly the only one seeing how contradictory and ridiculous this is? Maybe I am I don’t know and maybe it’s because we live in a world where everyone wants to know more and more about things even if there isn’t anything more to know if it’s not to do with them. We’ve become a desperate society.

    Saying it’s not anyone’s business whilst also telling everyone the name of his wife, where they live, where roughly his brother and parents live, previously uploading a photo of their home, saying they haven’t been back home for a week and whatever else over however long it’s been, whilst also saying you didn’t want to say as it’s not your place is simply an astounding level of hypocrisy and ignorance. Even if he wasn’t moving to Huddersfield, which it looks as though he is, I wouldn’t blame him he was instead looking to move away, even if you helped him find this place, as all of his business is aired on a fans forum. But it’s not anyone’s business 😅

    Fully anticipate backlash from this and it’s important to keep to the topic I know, but deary me.
    Im not some sort of fucking stalker - The things I’ve said are out there in various places already but only bits and bobs of it here and there.  I’m trying to paint a clearer picture so people can stop spouting shit like “he moved because his wife made him”.  

    He lived next door to me for almost a year and I only admitted that when the rumours surfaced about him leaving.  He was left alone to do his own thing so there were no breaches of trust.  Even on the few times we met up socially we didn’t discuss all.  

    He’s a family man who missed the first few years of his first two sons because he was living away so maybe, just maybe, he wants to be with his family, help them grow up but also he wants to go to work and enjoy it - which we could all see he was not at the end of the season by being subbed.

    he gets a move, keeps his family close by, works for an old boss he admires, gets a pay rise and his wife gets more support for their kids.  Maybe a player is doing what’s right for his family and himself!

  • My Alfie May source I mentioned last week, he sent this WhatsApp to me last night:

    Huddersfield medial tomorrow
    Birmingham have just come in as well
    He’s definitely gone mate unfortunately 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!