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Charlton Summer Transfer Rumours 2024



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    Biggest question really is Alfie playing cricket today?
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    edited June 29
    RC_CAFC said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    We won't sign anyone better than May this window. We don't seem to have any interest in replacing CBT despite letting him go 6 months ago. We really struggled to score last season as it is... Can't wait to watch another mid table battle 
    To be fair, we have no interest in replacing CBT because we’re not playing with wingers any more. If we switch to a lb and lw during the game, it sounds like Small and Edwards can play both positions. 

    You may be right about the mid table battle, but I’m confident based on the players recruited, the better science department and the most qualified manager we’ve had in years that this will be the best season we’ve had in a while.
    We lost JRS after the 22/23 season, didnt replace him / his goals and finished lower in 23/24.

    We've lost CBT in 23/24, haven't replaced him /his goals (because we dont now play with wingers ?) and..........
    We lost 11 games before CBT left
    We only lost 3 games after CBT left. Sounds like we were better off without him.

    I’m of course being deliberately provocative there but the point I’m making is that we didn’t need a like for like replacement because he wouldn’t have fit the system the manager wanted to play. Instead they brought in Thierry Small who was far more effective at being a wing back than CBT was.
    But it's the goals we are missing. Losing JRS, then CBT.......and now Alfie

    Yes we might not now be playing with wingers but that leaves a problem......


    Jeez......its not rocket science. We've now replaced goal scoring wingers with non-goal scoring wing backs. And now we are going to sell our top goalscorer. 

    And it’s not like we've signed players who can score the goals that we've lost over the last 18 months. I really do hope there is a plan there somewhere because I cant see it.
    I’d love to keep May, I really would, but goals scored are generally an indicator of how good a team is, rather than how good one player is:

    In 2018/19 we were promoted. 
    73 goals for, 40 goals against. 
    In 2019/20 we were relegated to L1. 
    50 for, 65 against. 
    The following season we were 7th. 
    70 for, 55 against. 
    Then 13th, 55, 59. 
    Then 10th, 70, 66. 
    Then last season 16th, 64, 65.
    It looks clear from those stats that barring 2018/19 we haven’t been anywhere near good enough. 
    Improve the team, and the goals will come, so long as you don’t have an absolute donkey or donkies up front. 
    I think that we will improve the team, from what I’ve read here at least. 
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    shirty5 said:
    JamesSeed said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    We won't sign anyone better than May this window. We don't seem to have any interest in replacing CBT despite letting him go 6 months ago. We really struggled to score last season as it is... Can't wait to watch another mid table battle 
    To be fair, we have no interest in replacing CBT because we’re not playing with wingers any more. If we switch to a lb and lw during the game, it sounds like Small and Edwards can play both positions. 

    You may be right about the mid table battle, but I’m confident based on the players recruited, the better science department and the most qualified manager we’ve had in years that this will be the best season we’ve had in a while.
    We lost JRS after the 22/23 season, didnt replace him / his goals and finished lower in 23/24.

    We've lost CBT in 23/24, haven't replaced him /his goals (because we dont now play with wingers ?) and..........
    We lost 11 games before CBT left
    We only lost 3 games after CBT left. Sounds like we were better off without him.

    I’m of course being deliberately provocative there but the point I’m making is that we didn’t need a like for like replacement because he wouldn’t have fit the system the manager wanted to play. Instead they brought in Thierry Small who was far more effective at being a wing back than CBT was.
    But it's the goals we are missing. Losing JRS, then CBT.......and now Alfie

    Yes we might not now be playing with wingers but that leaves a problem......


    Jeez......its not rocket science. We've now replaced goal scoring wingers with non-goal scoring wing backs. And now we are going to sell our top goalscorer. 

    And it’s not like we've signed players who can score the goals that we've lost over the last 18 months. I really do hope there is a plan there somewhere because I cant see it.
    I’d love to keep May, I really would, but goals scored are generally an indicator of how good a team is, rather than how good one player is:

    In 2018/19 we were promoted. 
    73 goals for, 40 goals against. 
    In 2019/20 we were relegated to L1. 
    50 for, 65 against. 
    The following season we were 7th. 
    70 for, 55 against. 
    Then 13th, 55, 59. 
    Then 10th, 70, 66. 
    Then last season 16th, 64, 65.
    It looks clear from those stats that barring 2018/19 we haven’t been anywhere near good enough. 
    Improve the team, and the goals will come, so long as you don’t have an absolute donkey or donkies up front. 
    I think that we will improve the team, from what I’ve read here at least. 
    5 clean sheets in 46 games is the main reason why we finished 16th in League One

    We let in 2+ goals a league game on 19 occasions 

    Scoring goals was not the problem

    It could be this coming season 
    Yes, but underlying that was the fact that the team wasn’t good enough. 
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    edited June 29
    JamesSeed said:
    shirty5 said:
    JamesSeed said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    We won't sign anyone better than May this window. We don't seem to have any interest in replacing CBT despite letting him go 6 months ago. We really struggled to score last season as it is... Can't wait to watch another mid table battle 
    To be fair, we have no interest in replacing CBT because we’re not playing with wingers any more. If we switch to a lb and lw during the game, it sounds like Small and Edwards can play both positions. 

    You may be right about the mid table battle, but I’m confident based on the players recruited, the better science department and the most qualified manager we’ve had in years that this will be the best season we’ve had in a while.
    We lost JRS after the 22/23 season, didnt replace him / his goals and finished lower in 23/24.

    We've lost CBT in 23/24, haven't replaced him /his goals (because we dont now play with wingers ?) and..........
    We lost 11 games before CBT left
    We only lost 3 games after CBT left. Sounds like we were better off without him.

    I’m of course being deliberately provocative there but the point I’m making is that we didn’t need a like for like replacement because he wouldn’t have fit the system the manager wanted to play. Instead they brought in Thierry Small who was far more effective at being a wing back than CBT was.
    But it's the goals we are missing. Losing JRS, then CBT.......and now Alfie

    Yes we might not now be playing with wingers but that leaves a problem......


    Jeez......its not rocket science. We've now replaced goal scoring wingers with non-goal scoring wing backs. And now we are going to sell our top goalscorer. 

    And it’s not like we've signed players who can score the goals that we've lost over the last 18 months. I really do hope there is a plan there somewhere because I cant see it.
    I’d love to keep May, I really would, but goals scored are generally an indicator of how good a team is, rather than how good one player is:

    In 2018/19 we were promoted. 
    73 goals for, 40 goals against. 
    In 2019/20 we were relegated to L1. 
    50 for, 65 against. 
    The following season we were 7th. 
    70 for, 55 against. 
    Then 13th, 55, 59. 
    Then 10th, 70, 66. 
    Then last season 16th, 64, 65.
    It looks clear from those stats that barring 2018/19 we haven’t been anywhere near good enough. 
    Improve the team, and the goals will come, so long as you don’t have an absolute donkey or donkies up front. 
    I think that we will improve the team, from what I’ve read here at least. 
    5 clean sheets in 46 games is the main reason why we finished 16th in League One

    We let in 2+ goals a league game on 19 occasions 

    Scoring goals was not the problem

    It could be this coming season 
    Yes, but underlying that was the fact that the team wasn’t good enough. 
    Hence why we finished 16th and the lack of clean sheets 
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    @RonnieMoore, good to see you keeping up the below average trolling. Good effort. 
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    shirty5 said:
    JamesSeed said:
    shirty5 said:
    JamesSeed said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    We won't sign anyone better than May this window. We don't seem to have any interest in replacing CBT despite letting him go 6 months ago. We really struggled to score last season as it is... Can't wait to watch another mid table battle 
    To be fair, we have no interest in replacing CBT because we’re not playing with wingers any more. If we switch to a lb and lw during the game, it sounds like Small and Edwards can play both positions. 

    You may be right about the mid table battle, but I’m confident based on the players recruited, the better science department and the most qualified manager we’ve had in years that this will be the best season we’ve had in a while.
    We lost JRS after the 22/23 season, didnt replace him / his goals and finished lower in 23/24.

    We've lost CBT in 23/24, haven't replaced him /his goals (because we dont now play with wingers ?) and..........
    We lost 11 games before CBT left
    We only lost 3 games after CBT left. Sounds like we were better off without him.

    I’m of course being deliberately provocative there but the point I’m making is that we didn’t need a like for like replacement because he wouldn’t have fit the system the manager wanted to play. Instead they brought in Thierry Small who was far more effective at being a wing back than CBT was.
    But it's the goals we are missing. Losing JRS, then CBT.......and now Alfie

    Yes we might not now be playing with wingers but that leaves a problem......


    Jeez......its not rocket science. We've now replaced goal scoring wingers with non-goal scoring wing backs. And now we are going to sell our top goalscorer. 

    And it’s not like we've signed players who can score the goals that we've lost over the last 18 months. I really do hope there is a plan there somewhere because I cant see it.
    I’d love to keep May, I really would, but goals scored are generally an indicator of how good a team is, rather than how good one player is:

    In 2018/19 we were promoted. 
    73 goals for, 40 goals against. 
    In 2019/20 we were relegated to L1. 
    50 for, 65 against. 
    The following season we were 7th. 
    70 for, 55 against. 
    Then 13th, 55, 59. 
    Then 10th, 70, 66. 
    Then last season 16th, 64, 65.
    It looks clear from those stats that barring 2018/19 we haven’t been anywhere near good enough. 
    Improve the team, and the goals will come, so long as you don’t have an absolute donkey or donkies up front. 
    I think that we will improve the team, from what I’ve read here at least. 
    5 clean sheets in 46 games is the main reason why we finished 16th in League One

    We let in 2+ goals a league game on 19 occasions 

    Scoring goals was not the problem

    It could be this coming season 
    Yes, but underlying that was the fact that the team wasn’t good enough. 
    Hence why we finished 16th and the lack of clean sheets 
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    It's very clear. We don't have to sell May. Even if Jones doesn't rate him.  He could be massive for us as a sub.

    The reality is, the new owners are like all the others. They speak well but are not prepared to invest to get out of this God forsaken league.

     Jones has to sell May to improve the team, but promotion next season is now off the agenda - again!!
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    Swisdom said:
    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be. I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business. 

    Swisdom said:

    he gets a move, keeps his family close by, works for an old boss he admires, gets a pay rise and his wife gets more support for their kids.  Maybe a player is doing what’s right for his family and himself!

    I like how the first post makes it sound like a forced move and the second like it's a personal choice.

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    Huddersfield want May because Duff has asked them to go get him due to there previous working relationship. That doesn't mean there aren't other goal scorers out there that we can look at. 

    I imagine you'll find the Jones will want the team contributing goals so we aren't relying on one player to bang 20+ in. If Kanu/Adhame(?) and Leaburn get 10+ each with Godden potentially and Aneke chipping in that's a start then we have a midfield who are being engineered to chip in with goals. 

    If we had a better team for the sake of selling one man then that can't be a bad thing.
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    It's very clear. We don't have to sell May. Even if Jones doesn't rate him.  He could be massive for us as a sub.

    The reality is, the new owners are like all the others. They speak well but are not prepared to invest to get out of this God forsaken league.

     Jones has to sell May to improve the team, but promotion next season is now off the agenda - again!!
    Shit, is it? Thanks for telling me I was about to buy my season ticket!
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    edited June 29
    No incoming transfer rumours then?
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    It's very clear. We don't have to sell May. Even if Jones doesn't rate him.  He could be massive for us as a sub.

    The reality is, the new owners are like all the others. They speak well but are not prepared to invest to get out of this God forsaken league.

     Jones has to sell May to improve the team, but promotion next season is now off the agenda - again!!
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    Jones said he made some surprising transfer decisions at Luton that the fans didn’t agree with. Longer term look what happened. 
    He didn’t get that chance to do that with Southampton or Stoke.
    Someone mentioned on here or the other forum that May scored less goals from open play last season (17) with one assist than he did in the previous 2 years, where he also had more assists. 
    Who knows how many he’ll get for Huddersfield. Who knows if he’ll be their main man!
    looks pretty certain he won’t be ours.
    Sounds like we have some deals in the pipeline, let’s see who walks through the door.
    Berry and Mitchell sound like really good signings. Hard to tell with Edwards or Mannion yet.
    We’ll know soon enough if 85 pages of Alfie May and his life story on here was worth everyone’s anxiety, or anger .

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    edited June 29
    redbuttle said:
    No incoming transfer rumours then?
    Funny you should ask that but I got in this taxi yesterday and the driver was/said………………
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    For all the reasons why Alfie May might be transferred out I think the top one is the regime want to cash in, and I think the bottom one is that Alfie May would not fit into Nathan Jones’ preferred system, which is not credible to me.
    The more sinister explanation is the notion that the centre forward and the team manager don’t get on personally, if that is the truth it is a red flag against Jones that can only be ignored if he wins game after game and automatic promotion.
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    I agree that Berry Mitchell and Edward’s ‘sound like’ good signings, but when we got Alfie May last summer he didn’t sound like a good signing, to me he was an obvious ringingly clear good signing with hardly any doubts in play.
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    edited June 29
    It's very clear. We don't have to sell May. Even if Jones doesn't rate him.  He could be massive for us as a sub.

    The reality is, the new owners are like all the others. They speak well but are not prepared to invest to get out of this God forsaken league.

     Jones has to sell May to improve the team, but promotion next season is now off the agenda - RonnieMoore said:
    It's very clear. We don't have to sell May. Even if Jones doesn't rate him.  He could be massive for us as a sub.

    The reality is, the new owners are like all the others. They speak well but are not prepared to invest to get out of this God forsaken league.

     Jones has to sell May to improve the team, but promotion next season is now off the agenda - again!!
    The first part of his name seems appropriate somehow. I cant see how some cannot see the need to build a sustainable business, do we expect them to act like lottery millionaires and spunk it all away - theres been countless cases where thats gone wrong ie Rushden & Diamonds/ Fleetwood/ Gravesend🤪
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