Sorry for my earlier post and my sincerest apologise to anybody that I offended one to many sherbets but that is not an excuse for my actions and any offence that I caused
I thought it was bang out of order - that wasn't even a Malaysian Airlines plane up there!
Another possible debrtis sighting then, but still no confirmation. It's a lose-lose sitiation for the families - if the plane is found in the ocean then their kin are dead, but if it is not found, they have hope but don't know what has really happened...
in the world of instant modern communications i can not believe that not one text not one fb message of the like has been sent from on that plane if the people knew it was in trouble on that plane
I'm also struggling to see how the fire explanation deals with the lack of communication. A fire breaks out that incapacitates the passengers and crew and knocks out all 5 radios whilst leaving autopilot intact and not consuming the plane itself, which flew on for another 6 hours? Don't see it myself but I'm no expert.
Mobile phones most likely wouldnt work. They are comparatively weak, so have to close to a cell. Its very rare to get a signal at cruising altitude and even less likely tge further over tge ocean you get.
None of the passengers would have known anything was wrong whilst in range of a cell.
What it does mean is that if the plane took the northern arc over land then either all mobile devices were confiscated or the passengers are dead.
Mobiles would not work at that altitude, my guess is all on board were dead from hypoxia apart from the captain who can keep going longer from the four oxygen tanks on board. Motive? pilot Just split from wife or the political party leader who was imprisioned sent him over the edge. Why fly to the middle of the indian ocean? No better way to keep it in the news if the plane is never found.
Does not explain why he left no suicide message though? or did he?
Mobiles would not work at that altitude, my guess is all on board were dead from hypoxia apart from the captain who can keep going longer from the four oxygen tanks on board. Motive? pilot Just split from wife or the political party leader who was imprisioned sent him over the edge. Why fly to the middle of the indian ocean? No better way to keep it in the news if the plane is never found.
Does not explain why he left no suicide message though? or did he?
Suicide speech might be recorded on the black box. I suppose the black box is the only way to know exactly what happened..
Who knows what sends people (or pilots) over the edge, but the political link and/or family issues do not seem major enough for me for the pilot to take this action (if indeed he did?). I'm also not sure that hypoxia did affect anyone as several changes of direction were made from the flight deck well past any oxygen tanks life-span. If this is it in the Southern Ocean, for some reason, one of the pilots (or a hijacker) flew this plane there deliberately. Why? We may never know? When (because it will be) the black box is found, it may only show that one of the pilots knew what he was doing and where he was aiming at. Alternatively, it could show it was some weird but elaborate accident...nobody will know anything until they find and identify the plane (intact or debris).
what I don't understand is if the pilot (or co-pilot) had hijacked the plane to commit suicide, why turn the plane around & fly it for hours. Surely you would just crash it into the seas or wherever at the earliest opportunity.
I'm going for a hijack but by people or peoples unknown and have or were trying to land it somewhere to use later
The debris could be found soon and case closed. Thoughts with the families RIP the unlucky victims of the flight whether it was an accident or not.
A crazy unexpected outcome where the flight is all part of something big that people haven't opened their eyes to yet.
Steven Spielberg cashes in on the film, based on a true story:Flight MY370. George Clooney gets the leading role as the pilot with the hired cast making a mockery and sticking two fingers up at the fact it should be Asian actors...
Mobiles would not work at that altitude, my guess is all on board were dead from hypoxia apart from the captain who can keep going longer from the four oxygen tanks on board. Motive? pilot Just split from wife or the political party leader who was imprisioned sent him over the edge. Why fly to the middle of the indian ocean? No better way to keep it in the news if the plane is never found.
Does not explain why he left no suicide message though? or did he?
I think this is starting to look the most plausible explanation. If you want to embaress the Malaysians by having a plane full of Chinese citizens go missing, you probably don't want to leave a suicide note and give your plans away. To increase the chances of not being found, it is probably best to go down in a completely different place to where people are expecting you to be. This is the only explanation that doesn't have too many holes in it.
Probably crashed it with a view to sinking it too!
Waits for co pilot to leave cockpit, locks him out. Put's on his oxygen mask, then takes plane up to 45000 feet to render everyone bar himself unconscious. Once clear of all radars he takes it up to high altitude again, puts it on auto pilot to head out to a remote area in the Indian Ocean, before putting himself to sleep by taking his oxygen mask off. Plane flies on for hours before running out of fuel.
The debris could be found soon and case closed. Thoughts with the families RIP the unlucky victims of the flight whether it was an accident or not.
A crazy unexpected outcome where the flight is all part of something big that people haven't opened their eyes to yet.
Steven Spielberg cashes in on the film, based on a true story:Flight MY370. George Clooney gets the leading role as the pilot with the hired cast making a mockery and sticking two fingers up at the fact it should be Asian actors...
i think spielberg will turn it into a sequel to close encounters myself
Yes, purely my theory having just heard that : A) Anwar Ibrahim is a relative of his. He drove directly from the Ibrahim court case in KL that afternoon, to the airport to take his flight. He was likely in a furious state of mind. If there is any truth that he recently split up with his wife as well, this could well have been the tipping point for him.
Waits for co pilot to leave cockpit, locks him out. Put's on his oxygen mask, then takes plane up to 45000 feet to render everyone bar himself unconscious. Once clear of all radars he takes it up to high altitude again, puts it on auto pilot to head out to a remote area in the Indian Ocean, before putting himself to sleep by taking his oxygen mask off. Plane flies on for hours before running out of fuel.
All of the other oxygen masks would have been automatically deployed.
There are usually three people in the cockpit was this the case with this flight or was there only two?
Took 2 years to find the French plane that crashed off Brazil and the route that took was known and crash site relatively predictable. In this case over more disputed waters, I expect some air force has shot it down and they are now covering tracks. Would even have bought enough time to do a clear up operation by now.
It took two years to find the main wreckage on the sea bed. They actually found floating wreckage almost straight away which confirmed it had crashed.
Waits for co pilot to leave cockpit, locks him out. Put's on his oxygen mask, then takes plane up to 45000 feet to render everyone bar himself unconscious. Once clear of all radars he takes it up to high altitude again, puts it on auto pilot to head out to a remote area in the Indian Ocean, before putting himself to sleep by taking his oxygen mask off. Plane flies on for hours before running out of fuel.
im pretty sure on commercial flights now, no one is allowed to go in or out of the cockpit as soon as the passengers arrive on the plane.
Just come back last night from a pals stag do and while I was waiting for the toilet the pilot came out to use it also, and I asked him his theory. He reckons that maybe after takeoff the front wheel caught light or exploded this then burnt out all the wiring looms to the cockpit as it is below them, turning off all transponders etc which is why the plane seemed to divert, but as it was a night flight and with no equipment he got lost and it eventually came down in sea miles off course
Have not read all this thread but found this interesting
None of the passengers would have known anything was wrong whilst in range of a cell.
What it does mean is that if the plane took the northern arc over land then either all mobile devices were confiscated or the passengers are dead.
Motive? pilot Just split from wife or the political party leader who was imprisioned sent him over the edge.
Why fly to the middle of the indian ocean? No better way to keep it in the news if the plane is never found.
Does not explain why he left no suicide message though? or did he?
Could be years like the air france crash.
I'm going for a hijack but by people or peoples unknown and have or were trying to land it somewhere to use later
The debris could be found soon and case closed. Thoughts with the families RIP the unlucky victims of the flight whether it was an accident or not.
A crazy unexpected outcome where the flight is all part of something big that people haven't opened their eyes to yet.
Steven Spielberg cashes in on the film, based on a true story:Flight MY370. George Clooney gets the leading role as the pilot with the hired cast making a mockery and sticking two fingers up at the fact it should be Asian actors...
Probably crashed it with a view to sinking it too!
abducted by ALIENS anyone ?
Yes, purely my theory having just heard that :
A) Anwar Ibrahim is a relative of his.
He was likely in a furious state of mind. If there is any truth that he recently split up with his wife as well, this could well have been the tipping point for him.
There are usually three people in the cockpit was this the case with this flight or was there only two?