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Munich shooting



  • Latest BBC reports are 3 shooters. Video footage of two different ones shown.

    Guy outside McDonald's and Guy on the roof?

    I heard the reports of shootings at Marianplatz had been since discredited.
  • Latest BBC reports are 3 shooters. Video footage of two different ones shown.

    Guy outside McDonald's and Guy on the roof?

    I heard the reports of shootings at Marianplatz had been since discredited.
    Yes, definitely different people.
  • ICIS or Right wing nuts they are still terrorist . The only difference is that it's almost unknown for a right ring nut job to be a suicide terrorist .
  • One body found about 1km from the actual scene. Not believed to be that of a gunman.
  • The Germans around called him a 'fucking turk' and other derogatory towards Arab German terms. Again going by a translation I've seen but that doesn't exactly make it sound like he's right wing.
  • The new world order that Blair and his illuminati cronies planned back in the late nineties is finally coming to pass.
  • Far far to common like Lucky Red says.
    Do we have to keep putting up with this untill its daily? And if so what do we do after that?
  • RIP all those innocent lives that have been lost and a speedy recovery to all those that have been injured.

    With all these attacks that keep happening how long until there is another one in this country we can't keep going on without, I just hope n prey that not too many people, lives are lost or affected.
  • LuckyReds said:

    Press Conference was held by Polizei München half an hour ago. It cleared up much of the confusion, personally I stopped trying to keep up tonight as there was so many claims and retractions. Ultimately the police have now confirmed that:

    - One incident, other reports were erroneous and closures precautionary.
    - Lone Gunman, other suspects were arrested but found to be innocent.
    - Body was found some distance from the scene, self-inflicted bullet wound to the head
    - Subsequently identified as an Iranian-German
    - "Unknown Motive" (...)

    The nationality suggests it wasn't right-wing related, as do reports from a witness (who identified herself as a very upset Muslim, so with little to gain by lying) that the attacker shouted "Allah Ackbar". It is still far too early to claim it was ISIS, and ISIS aren't known for being quick to claim reponsibility; it took them over 30 hours with the Nice attack, and around 10 for the Würzburg attack.

    The attacker being Iranian would suggest he's Shia, so unlikely to engage with ISIS - although there was some Sunni migration during the revolution. The other peculiarity is the fact he committed suicide; he didn't use his suicide as a weapon, nor did he die in a confrontation. In Islam suicide is heavily forbidden.

    There's also horrific claims that children were primarily targeted in the attack, although this isn't confirmed - and if it's true I doubt it ever will be confirmed with the current climate towards immigrants in Germany.

    With all that said and done though... All in all, another very sad day. They're becoming far too common now.

    Could he not have converted? Is it known if Shia go over to Sunni, or tother way round?
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  • Redskin said:

    bobmunro said:

    Thoughts with the families and those injured. What the fuck is happening with our world?


    Get used to it. For the rest of your life.

    It's not the rest of my life that concerns me (being an old git) - it's the lives of my sons and their children I fear for.
  • The BBC's Frank Gardiner, who knows his stuff, said just now that based on what is now known, this attack sounds more like the type you get in the U.S. on a regular basis.
  • LuckyReds said:

    Press Conference was held by Polizei München half an hour ago. It cleared up much of the confusion, personally I stopped trying to keep up tonight as there was so many claims and retractions. Ultimately the police have now confirmed that:

    - One incident, other reports were erroneous and closures precautionary.
    - Lone Gunman, other suspects were arrested but found to be innocent.
    - Body was found some distance from the scene, self-inflicted bullet wound to the head
    - Subsequently identified as an Iranian-German
    - "Unknown Motive" (...)

    The nationality suggests it wasn't right-wing related, as do reports from a witness (who identified herself as a very upset Muslim, so with little to gain by lying) that the attacker shouted "Allah Ackbar". It is still far too early to claim it was ISIS, and ISIS aren't known for being quick to claim reponsibility; it took them over 30 hours with the Nice attack, and around 10 for the Würzburg attack.

    The attacker being Iranian would suggest he's Shia, so unlikely to engage with ISIS - although there was some Sunni migration during the revolution. The other peculiarity is the fact he committed suicide; he didn't use his suicide as a weapon, nor did he die in a confrontation. In Islam suicide is heavily forbidden.

    There's also horrific claims that children were primarily targeted in the attack, although this isn't confirmed - and if it's true I doubt it ever will be confirmed with the current climate towards immigrants in Germany.

    With all that said and done though... All in all, another very sad day. They're becoming far too common now.

    If he's Iranian he's more likely to be IRA than ISIS !

    RIP to all the innocents killed - this is happening in the major cities of Europe far, far too frequently and it's only a matter of time before more blood is shed on the streets of our capital, God bless all those that have kept us safe for so long.
  • RIP to all those killed. 9 people according to BBC this morning
  • What's become apparent to me with this and other attacks is that it is possible to cause large-scale confusions without actually carrying out an attack. With people on high alert and tensions high a few reports of attacks on a few places in a major city. A bit of confusion. A few people running away a police response and a social media reporting of it. You could easily cause widespread panic across a big city even shut down half the city without even carrying out an attack.
  • What's become apparent to me with this and other attacks is that it is possible to cause large-scale confusions without actually carrying out an attack. With people on high alert and tensions high a few reports of attacks on a few places in a major city. A bit of confusion. A few people running away a police response and a social media reporting of it. You could easily cause widespread panic across a big city even shut down half the city without even carrying out an attack.

    He did shoot a few people, killing 9 though mate.
  • What's become apparent to me with this and other attacks is that it is possible to cause large-scale confusions without actually carrying out an attack. With people on high alert and tensions high a few reports of attacks on a few places in a major city. A bit of confusion. A few people running away a police response and a social media reporting of it. You could easily cause widespread panic across a big city even shut down half the city without even carrying out an attack.

    This is why the IRA had a code word to give when they'd planted a bomb. Otherwise anybody could close down a railway station with a call.
  • edited July 2016
    Social media can be superb in these times for giving warnings to people
    to keep them away from the danger areas and giving help to the displaced in the evening, plus assisting the Police.

    But the flip side of this is social media and main steam media spread the terror quicker by stating as in last nights terror attack that there were 3 gunman, with two still on the loose.

    The human mind always feared the worse when adrenaline kicks in
    and how do you know what to believe when the media is telling you
    the worse case Scenario as if it is gospel.
    The German Police were fantastic last night, and quite rightly assumed the Worse from the social media Reports.I wouldn't be so confident if several gunmen were on the loose in central London or any other British City as we are so under resourced in comparison. The amount of armed officers is poor for a population of 65 million and rising every day.

    The shocking fact is their are young Muslims in western Europe including Britain who embrace certain western Values today who in the future will
    come under the influence of Militants, whether on line or at a mosque.
    and be the terrorists of tomorrow.

    Also the Polar opposite Extreme Right wing will retaliate in response.

    Either way Innocents, dies.

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  • You're right but you have to look at the context of this attack. I think this one has been treated as such in terms of the reaction due to the fact it's come just after the Nice attack and the ones before that. Everyone understandably just assumed it's the same again, and it could, however unlikely, still prove to be the case. And 9 deaths of course is much more significant than 1, taking nothing away from the personal affect felt in any death.
  • Another attack that slipped under the radar a bit was the day after Nice. The mum and her daughters stabbed for being inappropriately dressed.
    I fear these sort of attacks will become very common now.
  • edited July 2016
    Sadly I don't think these attacks will ever end, how can the police ever stop unknown nut jobs, it must be almost impossible.

    How long until we enter a real vicious cycle of Islamist/Right wing attacks.

    I read an article yesterday that highlighted the current mood in China towards traveling in Europe, people are scared and travel agents are reported a real drop in European bookings.

    It would be a real shame if the rest of the world was put off from traveling to Europe, for their own experiences and out economies.

    As for a solution, not a chance, imo.
  • Surely we have better access to media than ever before? If people choose just to read the Sun/Mail/Guardian etc that's their problem.

    However with the internet around, no one need ever buy a news paper again, the depth and scope of what is available is amazing.

    With the speed we now receive our news, it's a certainty that things will be reported incorrectly, at times and people will jump to (often incorrect) assumptions.
  • Problem with online media is its so easy to manipulate. Anyone can set up a website, issue a bias story and people will take it as gospel. You've only got to look at the shit some people share on Facebook.
  • Problem with online media is its so easy to manipulate. Anyone can set up a website, issue a bias story and people will take it as gospel. You've only got to look at the shit some people share on Facebook.

    Yeah, I accept that, I wasn't really talking about random websites though.

    No way would I go out and buy 3/4 newspapers a day, yet reading through 3/4 recognized news outlets on the internet is much, much easier.

    Beyond that there are some fantastic blogs and podcasts around, again, produced by people that know their stuff, rather than little Brian sitting in mummy's basement.

    Facebook / Twitter sum up just about everything that's wrong with modern society, imo.
  • 24 hours earlier there was also a murderous attack in Prague's best shopping centre, in the Tesco there. I arrived there a couple of hours later, still unaware. Yet none of you know about. The perpetrator, a woman, is in police custody. She knifed an apparently random victim, another woman, who tragically died, despite the paramedics getting to her in 3 minutes.

    It turns out the perpetrator was released from a mental hospital only that day. Two years ago it was similar story when a gunman went on the rampage in a cafe in a sleepy Czech town. Looks like the Munich attack is much like these two, yet the nature of modern media is such that the whole world knows, and Obama offers condolences,and it is lumped together with the Wurzburg attack.

    Not having a go at anyone, just pondering the role of modern media in shaping our view of events.

    And also that this thread is only 2 pages long. I don't mean that in a dismissive way, more that this has become the norm. This incident 2/3 years ago and I believe this thread may have ran into 8/9 pages by now. Unfortunately it's another tragedy that has come along in a recent glut. All equally heartbreaking, all equally as pertinent as an attack on free society, but hasn't elicited as much response as you might think.

    Shocking and sad
  • I do understand that mate. However hopefully you see my point too. People on this thread , for understandable reasons , are still trying to fit the Munich attack to the Islamic terrorist threat. Last night, when I learnt it was 5 years anniversary of Brevik, I assumed it must be the extreme right.

    Looking almost certain that neither was true, yet the whole world has speculated and reinforced prejudices and hates in the process.

    You make good points Prague. What I would throw out there, at the risk of stating the obvious, is that part of why this is so shocking is because it's a gun crime. I put this forth because my opposite was quite underwhelmed yesterday. I am so used to gun crime being American that this sort of thing just no longer effects me. My mind seemingly has a "another shooting incident" coping mechanism that takes over when news like this breaks. It's not that I feel nothing for the victims or those who are terrorized, but it is not, for me, anyway any sort of existential crisis that prompts any larger thought. It's just a thing that happens, like weather. Last night when reading more I had to sort of readjust myself and remember "this is almost unheard of in that part of the world."

    I fear that, for Europe, these kinds of things may become the norm. Just as for the US Columbine was an epochal moment that kicked off a rash of other school shooting, so I fear it may be the case for western Europe.

    I wish I had something more uplifting to end on. Perhaps the fact that after Columbine there were, and have been various "copy cat" incidents, or maybe saying incidents of similar nature is better, but that it died down and if there is one place America is *relatively* good at controlling gun access it's in schools. For now anyway.
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