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Woolwich - The Mitre



  • But then the abandoned inner areas get re-populated by younger, trendier people (see Hoxton) looking for somewhere cheap but not surburban, shops and restaurants open up to cater for them, prices go up, people who were there before move out, prices keep going up and the young trendy people can't afford the area after and now you are living in the nwe Islington.

    So the cycle continues.
  • True, but this isn't gonna happen in Woolwich as it's too far out.
  • thats what you think now. people never thought people would commute from brighton - but they do. I know people that moved to Edenbridge as they can get fast trains into town. the thought of travelling an hour to work sounds terrible to me, but for value for money its the new thing.

    I think before too long people will be priced out of living within the M25 within reason. Woolwich is close to london compared to a lot of places people commute from and with the new travel link it will be a desirable place. if not for location but for ease of getting to work.
  • [cite]Posted By: stop shouting[/cite]True, but this isn't gonna happen in Woolwich as it's too far out.

    Just rubbish, Woolwich is 25 minutes from Cannon Street, Bank and Charing Cross at the moment, soon to 15 from Canary Wharf by rail and river, Crossrail will make it less then 10 minutes from Canary Wharf, and under 20 to Oxford Street.

    It'll be cheap in London terms housing wise, and accessible via public transport to everywhere from Heathrow to Bond Street.

    It's a non issue about the distance, otherwise, what's the point of places like Ingress Park?
  • The 8.32am from Woolwich Arsenal is timetabled to take 32 minutes to arrive at Charing Cross.

    I hope and trust that this is a useful addition to an otherwise enthralling debate about the khazis of old London Town.
  • Typical Charlton, decended into a train timetable discussion.

  • Rothko, I admire your spirit in supporting all things Woolwich & I respect your statistics regarding the various train & transport routes to & from Woolwich but if you fill it up with all the yuppies you seem to desire, where are all the current incumbents going to reside?
  • Sidcup?
  • edited October 2008
    Woolwich is a total carzy now.

    I remember as a very young boy every Saturday morning going to the Indoor Market and then onto Cuffs and then walking through the foot tunnel to see my Nan who lived in those flats over at North Woolwich.

    Then on the way home, as a treat (ffs!) going to a hamburger place called McDonalds!

    I remember buying my 1st ever single from Woolworths on Powis Street (Baggy Trousers!)

    Woolwich, Plumstead has always been rough and ready, but you walk through it now and it is very depressing.

    Rothko is right that the DLR and proposed Underground will help the area (especially the ones who could afford the Berkeley Homes flats) but when you walk through the High Street in the daytime it is a truly bloody miserable experience.
  • This was a thread about boozers as well and we cant get away from the fact that a large number of peeps living in Woolwich are Somali -- muslims and unlikely to drink. Therefore the people to poplulate the boozers aint there no more. Woolwich was dying long before the Somalis came. Thats not to say it cant make a come back. Parts of Deptford were almost like strt out of a Dickens noval in the late 70s -- now its just a shithole !!! no realy some parts are very nice now, but as Da9 says u dont see those people who have brought the new apartments in Deptford Market.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]The 8.32am from Woolwich Arsenal is timetabled to take 32 minutes to arrive at Charing Cross.

    I hope and trust that this is a useful addition to an otherwise enthralling debate about the khazis of old London Town.

    That's why I'm always late!
  • I do think when you are a child you don't see the things you see as adults.

    eltham, sidcup, orpington high streets were glamerous high streets when i was a child, nothing much has changed these days except i've got older, the shops haven't changed much. except in sidcup a cinema closed and they gained an american coffee shop!
  • Exactly Goonerhater. The Somalians aren't reknown for being real ale drinkers & therefore are unlikely to frequent the local hostelries. Maybe the Catholic club could put on a Somalian night!!!!!!
  • edited October 2008
    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]I do think when you are a child you don't see the things you see as adults.

    eltham, sidcup, orpington high streets were glamerous high streets when i was a child, nothing much has changed these days except i've got older, the shops haven't changed much. except in sidcup a cinema closed and they gained an american coffee shop!

    You're a youngster!

    There have been massive changes in SE London since I and a few others on this thread were lads.

    One example: Thamesmead was marshland when I was growing up.
  • Suzi Woolwich was a great place to shop once. Now it still has a few larger stores but mainly charity places.

    As for cross rail you can forget that ------ and possibly the Olympics where is the dosh ? it aint gona come from HM Gov now they have to bail out the Banks, Iceland, The Councils, TFL, Old Bill etc etc etc.
  • Cuffs was like Grace Bros off "Are you being served?"!

    Woolwich was a good place to shop, probably til the Broadway was built in Bexleyheath.
  • hmmm, i'm not a child though, or of school age when i used to go to those high streets with my mates to 'hang out' everyone is saying "when i used to go there it was lovely". I may not be as ancient as some of you (:p) but I do remember changes happening in my opinons from when I was young to now i've grown up (a bit), you don't take notice of things like you do now. when I was 8 i didn't notice if someone had graffitti'd a wall or left rubbish on the floor.

    i don't remember many high streets being 'lovely' with flower displays, fountains, murals etc etc. the way you all seem to be describing them.

    weren't they all built around the same time. I personally blame architecture from the 60s to the 80s which we can blame a lot of the bad buildings that look terrible now.
    the broadway bexleyheath? erith the middle bit? the one at lewisham? the walnuts? what were they thinking? lets build a big pebbledashed monstrosity in the middle of the town centre! they're so dated we're paying for it now. grotty colours, horrible angles, it makes the area look for want of a better word 'tired'.
  • and Woolwich was a great place to shop as there were 000's of people in really well paid jobs at the Arsenal which is no more.

    Olympics and Crossrail will happen, one you can't postpone, the other won't be allowed to die again
  • True Len. Woolwich and Plumstead marshes. Used to go eel fishing down there.
  • I go to woolwich sometimes in my lunch hour. its like a normal high street to me on that pedestrianised bit. the car park stinks of wee - but which car park doesn't.

    I get to go to primarni, dotty p's m&s etc etc whats wrong with that? what shops are they missing?
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  • What was the place that used to be down towards the ferry, past Boots, used to buy my Farahs there in the early 80's
  • Blokey I sit opposite was telling me earlier that he's got a few tats done by the legendary Jack Ringo. Does anyone know if he's still with us as work blokey thought he might have passed away.
  • [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]What was the place that used to be down towards the ferry, past Boots, used to buy my Farahs there in the early 80's
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]True Len. Woolwich and Plumstead marshes. Used to go eel fishing down there.

    and i used to go to the cinema in sidcup, allders in eltham, geography field trip at the docklands before anything was built on it.

    i dunno if you expect stuff just to stay still.

    DA9> I used to buy all my naf naf outfits and shell suits from sidcup market! qualiteee
  • Cant postpone in the real World thing is the real world went for a walk a week back. The Olympics will happen some how but bottom line is large capital works will have to be shelved if HM Gov is going to cover this mess. Also dont forget a big lump was coming from the private sector which may not have the cash or credit (remember that --- credit) to pay out big wedges.

    No one is talking about the damage down to company pensions yet , possibly companies may have to put dosh into these which will have taken a hell of a hammering.

    My dad took me down to Woolwich to get me my first suit and went with him to but my one and only Crombie overcoat. Imm sure those shops have long gone.
  • [cite]Posted By: stop shouting[/cite]Blokey I sit opposite was telling me earlier that he's got a few tats done by the legendary Jack Ringo. Does anyone know if he's still with us as work blokey thought he might have passed away.

    He retired a few year back, did one of mine, top fella
  • [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]What was the place that used to be down towards the ferry, past Boots, used to buy my Farahs there in the early 80's

    Nah, it will come to me in a minute, it used to have a small cafe inside there as well.......really bugging me it......OMNI's
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]What was the place that used to be down towards the ferry, past Boots, used to buy my Farahs there in the early 80's[/quote]BHS?[/quote]

    Bought a 2 tone tonic suit there when I was 10!

    Now I just go to Dotty P's.

    What more could I want!
  • Tell u wot Suzi if you think its not that bad do have a wander down there at night --- except dont ! unless your in a car.

    Some places (not many) would have beenbetter if they had stood still Woolwich being a good example.
  • Cheers DA9. I'll let him know.
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