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When will UEFA take racism seriously?



  • Sorry, I meant it’s not easy to prove who was doing it.
  • Addickted said:
    Seeing as the FA have done nothing about the tweeted racist chanting at the Millwall v Everton game, I find it slightly hypocritical that they expect FIFA to take action against Montenegro.
    What I was thinking !
  • edited March 2019
    Endemic in the society of some of these countries . I’m not saying UEFA should do nothing, but it’s going to take more than playing games behind closed doors and some fines to sort sort this out .
  • Addickted said:
    Seeing as the FA have done nothing about the tweeted racist chanting at the Millwall v Everton game, I find it slightly hypocritical that they expect FIFA to take action against Montenegro.
    What I was thinking !
    John Barnes has made a similar point. What about Chelsea being forced to play behind closed doors? We've got problems to take care of at home.
  • I thought John Barnes point was well-made - it's a problem in society and needs to be tackled at its root, not just in football stadiums. 
  • wmcf123 said:
    Endemic in the society of some of these countries . I’m not saying UEFA should do nothing, but it’s going to take more than playing games behind closed doors and some fines to sort sort this out .

    There you go... nail hit firmly in the head. These morons think and behave exactly the same outside of a football stadium. Time to close the thread?
  • rananegra said:
    I thought John Barnes point was well-made - it's a problem in society and needs to be tackled at its root, not just in football stadiums. 
    Yes. If you banned the fans from attending matches, would that stop them being racist. These things teaches us a bit of the issues they have in these countries. The important thing is they have to understand they are issues and that is where the answer lies. We do have to remember that whilst great strides have been made in football in this country, racism has still not been eradicated from our game too. But that is because there are still racists.
  • rananegra said:
    I thought John Barnes point was well-made - it's a problem in society and needs to be tackled at its root, not just in football stadiums. 
    Yes. If you banned the fans from attending matches, would that stop them being racist. These things teaches us a bit of the issues they have in these countries. The important thing is they have to understand they are issues and that is where the answer lies. We do have to remember that whilst great strides have been made in football in this country, racism has still not been eradicated from our game too. But that is because there are still racists.

    If you banned fans from attending matches or had teams thrown out of competitions then you'd hope that the fans would realise why its been done and that if they want to continue supporting their team then using racist language isn't okay

    At the moment there isn't that deterrent and by allowing fans to continue attending UEFA / the FA / whoever are basically sending a silent message saying that to use racist language is okay

  • JohnnyH2 said:
    Southgate got the tone of his comments right. There is a slight danger of England coming over a bit pious, attacking other countries for their racism as if we were perfect.

    As for the Montenegran fans, less than 25 years ago the area was the scene of a brutal war, with ethnic cleansing against the Bosnian Muslims, so it's sadly not a surprise that people there still have unacceptable attitudes to race. Indeed the Kosovo war was exactly 20 years ago
    Not just confined to the Yugoslav countries. I know Bulgaria well, and unfortunately there is a lot of racism there, and unless UEFA take tough action , I fear it will be bad in Sofia. Why it is so, I am not quite sure. I can certainly say that it has been allowed to flourish since the fall of Communism. Even one of my good Bulgarian buddies suffers from it, it's like a disease in his head. We were up in Newcastle together for Euro 96 with the BG team, and I discovered the two other BG guys he'd brought with him from Toronto were bloody Holocaust deniers. On our last night we ended up in a club in Whitley Bay, and easily the best looking, sorry the only good looking woman, in a sea of slappers was dark skinned, but he didn't want to go near her.  

    Prague is nowhere near as bad, I don't expect trouble here of any kind, unless some England want to start it.

    Southgate got the tone of his comments right. There is a slight danger of England coming over a bit pious, attacking other countries for their racism as if we were perfect.

    As for the Montenegran fans, less than 25 years ago the area was the scene of a brutal war, with ethnic cleansing against the Bosnian Muslims, so it's sadly not a surprise that people there still have unacceptable attitudes to race. Indeed the Kosovo war was exactly 20 years ago
    Not just confined to the Yugoslav countries. I know Bulgaria well, and unfortunately there is a lot of racism there, and unless UEFA take tough action , I fear it will be bad in Sofia. Why it is so, I am not quite sure. I can certainly say that it has been allowed to flourish since the fall of Communism. Even one of my good Bulgarian buddies suffers from it, it's like a disease in his head. We were up in Newcastle together for Euro 96 with the BG team, and I discovered the two other BG guys he'd brought with him from Toronto were bloody Holocaust deniers. On our last night we ended up in a club in Whitley Bay, and easily the best looking, sorry the only good looking woman, in a sea of slappers was dark skinned, but he didn't want to go near her.  

    Prague is nowhere near as bad, I don't expect trouble here of any kind, unless some England want to start it.
    Your description of woman is in my opinion dreadful 
    OK, let's modify it to say that in my opinion,, the lady in question was easily the most attractive in the club, but to my buddy she wasn't simply because she was dark skinned. And I was shocked by that, as I thought I knew him well.
    I’m more interested in what on Earth the “BG” team is?!
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  • edited March 2019
    I would dock points rather than ban them. I think it would have a better effect in addressing the problem. 
  • Complex problems rarely, if ever, have simple solutions.

    Education for fans, players, coaches and officials.
    Campaigns against racism
    Punishments including individual bans, closure of stands and grounds, fines, points deductions and expulsions.

    All needed, all take time, all will have only a partial impact.
  • se9addick said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    Southgate got the tone of his comments right. There is a slight danger of England coming over a bit pious, attacking other countries for their racism as if we were perfect.

    As for the Montenegran fans, less than 25 years ago the area was the scene of a brutal war, with ethnic cleansing against the Bosnian Muslims, so it's sadly not a surprise that people there still have unacceptable attitudes to race. Indeed the Kosovo war was exactly 20 years ago
    Not just confined to the Yugoslav countries. I know Bulgaria well, and unfortunately there is a lot of racism there, and unless UEFA take tough action , I fear it will be bad in Sofia. Why it is so, I am not quite sure. I can certainly say that it has been allowed to flourish since the fall of Communism. Even one of my good Bulgarian buddies suffers from it, it's like a disease in his head. We were up in Newcastle together for Euro 96 with the BG team, and I discovered the two other BG guys he'd brought with him from Toronto were bloody Holocaust deniers. On our last night we ended up in a club in Whitley Bay, and easily the best looking, sorry the only good looking woman, in a sea of slappers was dark skinned, but he didn't want to go near her.  

    Prague is nowhere near as bad, I don't expect trouble here of any kind, unless some England want to start it.

    Southgate got the tone of his comments right. There is a slight danger of England coming over a bit pious, attacking other countries for their racism as if we were perfect.

    As for the Montenegran fans, less than 25 years ago the area was the scene of a brutal war, with ethnic cleansing against the Bosnian Muslims, so it's sadly not a surprise that people there still have unacceptable attitudes to race. Indeed the Kosovo war was exactly 20 years ago
    Not just confined to the Yugoslav countries. I know Bulgaria well, and unfortunately there is a lot of racism there, and unless UEFA take tough action , I fear it will be bad in Sofia. Why it is so, I am not quite sure. I can certainly say that it has been allowed to flourish since the fall of Communism. Even one of my good Bulgarian buddies suffers from it, it's like a disease in his head. We were up in Newcastle together for Euro 96 with the BG team, and I discovered the two other BG guys he'd brought with him from Toronto were bloody Holocaust deniers. On our last night we ended up in a club in Whitley Bay, and easily the best looking, sorry the only good looking woman, in a sea of slappers was dark skinned, but he didn't want to go near her.  

    Prague is nowhere near as bad, I don't expect trouble here of any kind, unless some England want to start it.
    Your description of woman is in my opinion dreadful 
    OK, let's modify it to say that in my opinion,, the lady in question was easily the most attractive in the club, but to my buddy she wasn't simply because she was dark skinned. And I was shocked by that, as I thought I knew him well.
    I’m more interested in what on Earth the “BG” team is?!
  • What did England expect was going to happen?

    It was hardly a surprise. Montenegro is a crappy little Eastern European country that was till recently just Serbia b!tch, spend years at war with its neighbours, Slovaks and Novaks, prior to that was owned by a bunch of commies and prior to that got rolled over by the Nazis.

    An absolute pussweed of a nation that will never achieve anything. From a football point of view, they have no chance in the Euros and waste everyone's time, money and effort by entering qualification. If we wanted to watch a one side league we can go watch Scottish football. 

    The Montenegrians should stick to eating goats or what ever crappy mediveil thing they do that passes for culture in that dogs @rse place of the world they reside in. 

  • What did England expect was going to happen?

    It was hardly a surprise. Montenegro is a crappy little Eastern European country that was till recently just Serbia b!tch, spend years at war with its neighbours, Slovaks and Novaks, prior to that was owned by a bunch of commies and prior to that got rolled over by the Nazis.

    An absolute pussweed of a nation that will never achieve anything. From a football point of view, they have no chance in the Euros and waste everyone's time, money and effort by entering qualification. If we wanted to watch a one side league we can go watch Scottish football. 

    The Montenegrians should stick to eating goats or what ever crappy mediveil thing they do that passes for culture in that dogs @rse place of the world they reside in. 

    So you won’t be holidaying there this year then?
  • What did England expect was going to happen?

    It was hardly a surprise. Montenegro is a crappy little Eastern European country that was till recently just Serbia b!tch, spend years at war with its neighbours, Slovaks and Novaks, prior to that was owned by a bunch of commies and prior to that got rolled over by the Nazis.

    An absolute pussweed of a nation that will never achieve anything. From a football point of view, they have no chance in the Euros and waste everyone's time, money and effort by entering qualification. If we wanted to watch a one side league we can go watch Scottish football. 

    The Montenegrians should stick to eating goats or what ever crappy mediveil thing they do that passes for culture in that dogs @rse place of the world they reside in. 

    So you won’t be holidaying there this year then?
    Don't feed the troll
  • I think someone's come up with the "do you think that was racist? Hold my beer" post of the week. 
  • Going to Kotor, Montenegro on a day trip when i go to Croatia in the summer, looks lovely. Don’t know what smudge has seen of it??
  • edited March 2019
    While the usual suspects try to accuse me of racism, and I apologise to all WASPs, of whom I am one, I was under the (mistaken?) impression that it was a generic term for a self-perpetuating management hierarchy where there is no cultural diversity or women (which isn't part of the acronym). Apologies again if I am alone in this impression.
  • edited March 2019
    While the usual suspects try to accuse me of racism, and I apologise to all WASPs, of whom I am one, I was under the (mistaken?) impression that it was a generic term for a self-perpetuating management hierarchy where there is no cultural diversity or women (which isn't part of the acronym). Apologies again if I am alone in this impression.
    No one called you a racist but you've admitted that once again you stupidly used a racial term you didn't understand.

    Of course women can be WASP but why use an American upper class racist phrase in the first place?

    But carry on playing the victim when it was your own ignorance that showed you up.
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  • What did England expect was going to happen?

    It was hardly a surprise. Montenegro is a crappy little Eastern European country that was till recently just Serbia b!tch, spend years at war with its neighbours, Slovaks and Novaks, prior to that was owned by a bunch of commies and prior to that got rolled over by the Nazis.

    An absolute pussweed of a nation that will never achieve anything. From a football point of view, they have no chance in the Euros and waste everyone's time, money and effort by entering qualification. If we wanted to watch a one side league we can go watch Scottish football. 

    The Montenegrians should stick to eating goats or what ever crappy mediveil thing they do that passes for culture in that dogs @rse place of the world they reside in. 

    So you won’t be holidaying there this year then?
    Don't feed the troll
    Yes boss
  • edited March 2019
    No one called you a racist but you've admitted that once again you stupidly used a racial term you didn't understand.

    Henry, sarcasm is obviously beyond you.

    Does anyone associate WASP with women, although technically you are correct? I could have used the acronym WFMAM (white fat middle aged men) but nobody would have got it. Is your middle name "pedantic"?

    Can we keep this shit to the Commoners thread and leave CL clear for  football fans.
  • edited March 2019
    Quote from Wikipedia:-

    Sociologists sometimes use the term very broadly to include all Protestant Americans of Northern European or Northwestern Europeanancestry regardless of their class or power.[5]The term is also used in Australia, New Zealand and Canada for similar elites
  • Chizz said:
    I think someone's come up with the "do you think that was racist? Hold my beer" post of the week. 
    Chizz, learn the difference between. Rudeness and Racism. 

    Once you've mastered that, learn humility and apologise. 

    I doubt there will be any need to hold anyone's beer on that one. 
  • edited March 2019
    What did England expect was going to happen?

    It was hardly a surprise. Montenegro is a crappy little Eastern European country that was till recently just Serbia b!tch, spend years at war with its neighbours, Slovaks and Novaks, prior to that was owned by a bunch of commies and prior to that got rolled over by the Nazis.

    An absolute pussweed of a nation that will never achieve anything. From a football point of view, they have no chance in the Euros and waste everyone's time, money and effort by entering qualification. If we wanted to watch a one side league we can go watch Scottish football. 

    The Montenegrians should stick to eating goats or what ever crappy mediveil thing they do that passes for culture in that dogs @rse place of the world they reside in. 

  • edited March 2019
    What did England expect was going to happen?

    It was hardly a surprise. Montenegro is a crappy little Eastern European country that was till recently just Serbia b!tch, spend years at war with its neighbours, Slovaks and Novaks, prior to that was owned by a bunch of commies and prior to that got rolled over by the Nazis.

    An absolute pussweed of a nation that will never achieve anything. From a football point of view, they have no chance in the Euros and waste everyone's time, money and effort by entering qualification. If we wanted to watch a one side league we can go watch Scottish football. 

    The Montenegrians should stick to eating goats or what ever crappy mediveil thing they do that passes for culture in that dogs @rse place of the world they reside in. 

    To a large extent you’re wasting your time posting that on here.
    Try this :D
  • edited March 2019
    No one called you a racist but you've admitted that once again you stupidly used a racial term you didn't understand.

    Henry, sarcasm is obviously beyond you.

    Does anyone associate WASP with women, although technically you are correct? I could have used the acronym WFMAM (white fat middle aged men) but nobody would have got it. Is your middle name "pedantic"?

    Can we keep this shit to the Commoners thread and leave CL clear for  football fans.
    So you not knowing what WASP meant when you used it, incorrectly, twice, was not stupidity as you now pretend you were using "sarcasm".

    You'll be saying people like me don't get irony next.
  • What did England expect was going to happen?

    It was hardly a surprise. Montenegro is a crappy little Eastern European country that was till recently just Serbia b!tch, spend years at war with its neighbours, Slovaks and Novaks, prior to that was owned by a bunch of commies and prior to that got rolled over by the Nazis.

    An absolute pussweed of a nation that will never achieve anything. From a football point of view, they have no chance in the Euros and waste everyone's time, money and effort by entering qualification. If we wanted to watch a one side league we can go watch Scottish football. 

    The Montenegrians should stick to eating goats or what ever crappy mediveil thing they do that passes for culture in that dogs @rse place of the world they reside in. 

    Welcome to Charlton Life, Judith Chalmers.
  • Actually, it is quite a pleasant summer holiday destination. I know a lot of Italians go there.
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