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No Vaccination Novak Djokovic



  • edited April 2020
    Alternative views are interesting and @thewolfboy you won't get burnt at the stake now for having them. Just like I won't for being an Agnostic by day and an Atheist, at night when I digest the daily news, science and tales of the unexpected which enter my domain during the waking hours.

    Good luck on not "catching Cancer"  
    My healthy life style ( other than supporting Cafc) didn't stop me having cancerous tumors in 2019.  

    I'm with you on healthy eating and not putting toxins in our body and making Adult choices. 
    Are you  a Jehovah's witness or in some other cult because it sounds like you have your ticket already to the brand new world ?   if you can't see a healthy lifestyle and diet alone won't stop your "Superman elite philosophy" needing some help along the way from traditional medication, then a shock could be on the way.

  • It is no surprise that the Sunday Mail surmises that the initial cause of the Covid-19 virus is a leak from a Science Research (probably vivisection) Lab in Wu han. If true, it begs the question, why is such a toxic virus is being played around with in the first place?
    No-one is going to catch the Covid-19 virus from me because I don't have it. They won't catch measles, cholera or cancer from me either because I am relatively healthy and don't carry these awful diseases. In fact I would be more likely to catch Covid-19 from you, assuming the proposed vaccine carries a tiny proportion of the virus in it. But even if I did catch Covid-19 I would be pretty confident that my healthy immunity system would defeat the virus - after all 86.5 people who currently catch the virus do survive, if you can believe the official UK figures (which are probably incorrect).
    Ignoring the vaccination issue.
    Do you seriously believe people catch cancer from other people or was that a mis-type?
    I've never heard anyone think that you catch cancer.
  • I may have the answer to why @thewolfboy thinks cancer can be "caught".
    If he teaches in a secondary school he may be aware of the vaccination of year 8 pupils against the human papilloma virus. 

    This virus is sexually transmitted, and can cause genital warts and - eventually - lead to cervical cancer. and some cancers of the mouth and anus.   Of course, it is the HPV which is being "caught", not the cancer, but he may be confusing cause and effect.

    As I said, a little knowledge...
  • N01R4M said:
    I may have the answer to why @thewolfboy thinks cancer can be "caught".
    If he teaches in a secondary school he may be aware of the vaccination of year 8 pupils against the human papilloma virus. 

    This virus is sexually transmitted, and can cause genital warts and - eventually - lead to cervical cancer. and some cancers of the mouth and anus.   Of course, it is the HPV which is being "caught", not the cancer, but he may be confusing cause and effect.

    As I said, a little knowledge...
  • Donald Trump is @thewolfboy and I claim my prize. 
  • edited June 2020
    Novak's Adria Tennis tournament has turned into a bit of a disaster, with Grigor Dimitrov and Borna Coric testing positive for Coronavirus...
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  • When I stated that, "They won't catch measles, cholera or cancer from me" the cancer comment, I was being sarcastic. I thought that was obvious!
    Please don't link me with Trump!
    The world would be a lot safer if people cleaned up the environment and lived much healthier lives. Don't do drugs - unless you really have to.
    And for Gawd's sake, stop worshipping scientists as if the have all the answers to health issues. They are often the cause of huge problems. Wait and see if Covid 19 started off in a Wu Han vivisection laboratory.
  • When I stated that, "They won't catch measles, cholera or cancer from me" the cancer comment, I was being sarcastic. I thought that was obvious!
    Please don't link me with Trump!
    The world would be a lot safer if people cleaned up the environment and lived much healthier lives. Don't do drugs - unless you really have to.
    And for Gawd's sake, stop worshipping scientists as if the have all the answers to health issues. They are often the cause of huge problems. Wait and see if Covid 19 started off in a Wu Han vivisection laboratory.
    It would seem that of the numerous takes on where Covid-19 originated you have chosen to believe it is man made, or at least harnessed from the wild by Chinese scientists.
    How come you believe that at this stage of one and I do mean no one outside of China knows for sure and it’s not even clear that they do either.
    Of the dozen or so theories floating around yours is no more or no less one knows for sure and indeed the truth may never be told.
    You have however chosen to believe your version as factual because that theory suits your very odd beliefs.
    Are you really a teacher......good grief!
  • Just because Djokovic is an all-time great player does not mean that he isn't a nutcase.
    His Adria Tour is being called the "Djoker Circus." Very little or no social distancing, and now players like Dmitrov and Coric have tested positive.
    Tennis is the #1 sport for being able to maintain social distancing.
    Unless you have a couple of numbskulls like Djokovic and Ivanisevic running the show.

    And now Djokovic has it too according to Sky News.  Sounds like this has not gone to plan at all for Novak
  • edited June 2020
    Swisdom said:
    Just because Djokovic is an all-time great player does not mean that he isn't a nutcase.
    His Adria Tour is being called the "Djoker Circus." Very little or no social distancing, and now players like Dmitrov and Coric have tested positive.
    Tennis is the #1 sport for being able to maintain social distancing.
    Unless you have a couple of numbskulls like Djokovic and Ivanisevic running the show.

    And now Djokovic has it too according to Sky News.  Sounds like this has not gone to plan at all for Novak
    You can't catch Covid 19 if you're healthy and are a vegan. Must be fake news.

    Novak Djokovic is an intelligent guy, but not as bright as an insiderous Virus which enjoys making fools of Princes, Prime Minister's and Sport superstars; not to mention cabinet ministers.

    COVID-19 will probably be Asymptomatic for Novak and his wife because they are healthy, gluten free and believe in a guardian angel and don't have underlying illnesses ; their Children were negative.

    Serbia went from total lockdown with a curfew to carry on as normal.

    Naughty Nick Kyrgios is laying into Novak big time. 
  • Swisdom said:
    Just because Djokovic is an all-time great player does not mean that he isn't a nutcase.
    His Adria Tour is being called the "Djoker Circus." Very little or no social distancing, and now players like Dmitrov and Coric have tested positive.
    Tennis is the #1 sport for being able to maintain social distancing.
    Unless you have a couple of numbskulls like Djokovic and Ivanisevic running the show.

    And now Djokovic has it too according to Sky News.  Sounds like this has not gone to plan at all for Novak
    You can't catch Covid 19 if you're healthy and are a vegan. Must be fake news.

    Novak Djokovic is an intelligent guy, but not as bright as an insiderous Virus which enjoys making fools of Princes, Prime Minister's and Sport superstars; not to mention cabinet ministers.

    COVID-19 will probably be Asymptomatic for Novak and his wife because they are healthy, gluten free and believe in a guardian angel and don't have underlying illnesses ; their Children were negative.

    Serbia went from total lockdown with a curfew to carry on as normal.

    Naughty Nick Kyrgios is laying into Novak big time. 
    Certainly not showing much in the way of intelligence recently.  Seems very selfish with his attitude.
  • What a very silly guy......wonder how he’s gonna explain it away?
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  • edited June 2020
    He was being 'philanthropic' by running a tournament for the enjoyment of the masses apparently - that's his excuse. Shows that you can have loads of money but also no common sense too!
  • Swisdom said:
    Just because Djokovic is an all-time great player does not mean that he isn't a nutcase.
    His Adria Tour is being called the "Djoker Circus." Very little or no social distancing, and now players like Dmitrov and Coric have tested positive.
    Tennis is the #1 sport for being able to maintain social distancing.
    Unless you have a couple of numbskulls like Djokovic and Ivanisevic running the show.

    And now Djokovic has it too according to Sky News.  Sounds like this has not gone to plan at all for Novak
    You can't catch Covid 19 if you're healthy and are a vegan. Must be fake news.

    He caught it of a 5G transmitter
  • He is now known as NoVax Djokovic, and his Adria "Djoker Circus" Tour was a total disaster.
  • jams said:

    And for Gawd's sake, stop worshipping scientists as if the have all the answers to health issues. They are often the cause of huge problems. 
    I've never disagreed with something more on this forum, what an absolute load of old bollocks
    Scientists are often not very intelligent and certainly not worth worshipping!

    But SCIENCE is a different matter!  
  • Jams, I have a second cousin, actually a Charlton fan, who was born without legs due to the Thalidomide drug that was supposed to make it easier for women to have a more comfortable pregnancy. I am not condemning scientists out of hand - just saying stop treating them as if they are demi-gods. They make mistakes and are sometimes stupid. Like I wonder who it was who decided it would be a good idea to make an atomic bomb.
  • Jams, I have a second cousin, actually a Charlton fan, who was born without legs due to the Thalidomide drug that was supposed to make it easier for women to have a more comfortable pregnancy. I am not condemning scientists out of hand - just saying stop treating them as if they are demi-gods. They make mistakes and are sometimes stupid. Like I wonder who it was who decided it would be a good idea to make an atomic bomb.
    A politician?
  • Jams, I have a second cousin, actually a Charlton fan, who was born without legs due to the Thalidomide drug that was supposed to make it easier for women to have a more comfortable pregnancy. I am not condemning scientists out of hand - just saying stop treating them as if they are demi-gods. They make mistakes and are sometimes stupid. Like I wonder who it was who decided it would be a good idea to make an atomic bomb.
    A politician?
    Or the military. 
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