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Life's little irritations



  • edited June 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]
    You called...........................?

    Okay, start again, especially for you MoG:

    "The Grumpy Old-ish Man Thread (& Curb_It)

  • rich snobbish people

  • [cite]Posted By: eastbourne addick[/cite]rich snobbish people


    Me rich and snobbish ...... ?

    That's rich ....(!)


    PS: If only ...... lol
  • People sniffing on the train, when I'm trying to read
    People talking on the train, when I'm trying to read
    People opening the window on the train and then sitting down with their backs to the engine, when I'm trying to read.


    People cruising in the middle lane of the A2
  • Did someone say grumpy old men?

    1. People (unfortunately, mostly women; maybe its got something to do with spatial awareness issues) who crap themselves at stuff coming the other way even though there is adequate space and start braking. Yesterday a young girl in front of me shat herself at the sight of a bus and virtually did an emergency stop in the fast lane. There is no way it would have got within a mile of her. Why do they do that?

    2. People with 'baby on board' signs. No-one has EVER managed to tell me what they are for and what they are trying to say. Do they mean "if you are going to crash into someone, don't choose my car as I have an infant"? Why do I frequently see people with said signs speeding along the motorway faster than anybody else - should they not have removable ones that can be put in when a baby is present and removed when one is not?

    3. People who will go into the outside lane of a duel carriageway at traffic lights when everybody else is in the slow lane. When the lights go green, they then proceed to amble down the road at half the speed of the traffic in the slow lane. Why do it then?

    P.S I think some of the above habits are far more common amongst dozy northerners than down south - you would not believe some of the semi-conscious morons behind the wheel up here...
  • Woolwich job centre
  • edited June 2009
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]People who indicate only at the exact moment they are turning or changing lanes(my g/f)
    People who dont indicate when turning or changing lanes at all (my g/f)
    people who dont indicate correctly on roundabouts (my g/f)

    People who moan at drivers not doing any of the above when their behind them (my g/f)

    Hypocrites (my g/f)


    Is your girlfriend Portuguese DA9?

    For me it's people with kids getting priority boarding on planes, and then sitting near the back. I don't want to hear their offspring's lap top DVD of "The little princess", or listen to their two week old baby screaming because it's ears hurt, or have their toddler kicking the back of my seat for three hours. They should all sit at the front and then they can annoy the hell out of each other, while those of us without kids can sit in peace at the back.
  • people driving on motorways who touch their breaks when just easing off the accelerator will suffice

    every c**t who has to rubber neck driving real slow past an accident on the motorway causing hours of traffic jams
  • Had to endure a flight to Oz a few months back with people who had decided to treat their babies to the experience. Of course, the poor little blighters kicked off non stop (they must be in a world of pain and don't even understand why) and no-one got any sleep. For over 24 hours.

    I was not in a good mood.
  • People who chuck litter from car windows
    Car drivers who don't give way when there is parked traffic on their side of the road
    Cyclist's who come up fast behind you on pavements
    People who walk 3 abreast on pavements and don't show any intention to move in when you want to pass them
    Neighbours who think it's okay to play music loudly til 3 in the morning when my kids have school the next day
  • Sponsored links:

  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]pull your jeans up you look stupid.[/quote]

    big time that annoys the feck out of me
  • Silly I know but ever since I acquired my first tax disc in 1963, I've never been able to detach one from the little perforations without tearing or nicking it somehow. Every time it becomes more of a challenge! Nearer to home, people at football matches who seem never to have seen a ticket before. They bumble about looking for the seat, determined not to ask anybody and invariably end up in the wrong one and having a set-to with the rightful owner! Give 'em til one minute after K.O then chuck 'em out!
  • This thread is tailor made for our resident 'Mr Angry' Leroy Ambrose to let rip...strangely there's been no sign of him...I'm amazed!
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]pull your jeans up you look stupid.

    It's called fashion ....
  • Thats not fashion its called not buying the right size jeans.
  • [cite]Posted By: March51[/cite]Silly I know but ever since I acquired my first tax disc in 1963, I've never been able to detach one from the little perforations without tearing or nicking it somehow. Every time it becomes more of a challenge! Nearer to home, people at football matches who seem never to have seen a ticket before. They bumble about looking for the seat, determined not to ask anybody and invariably end up in the wrong one and having a set-to with the rightful owner! Give 'em til one minute after K.O then chuck 'em out!

    modern packaging is rubbish - i detest those plastic cases that things seem to come in - you need a Samurai sword to get into most of them

  • People who slow down when they see the speedcam sign meaning there is a gatso camera ahead. Fair enough if you are driving over the speed limit for that stretch of road, but if you aren't and have a few MPH in hand, why slow down?
  • And what about the ones that slow down when the camera's facing the other way?
  • Pikies that cellotape directions to their dashboard
    Alright Dazzler :-)
    Beats satnav anyday doesn't tell you off either! lol ;o)
  • People who moan about kids on planes
  • Sponsored links:

  • people at cinemas, concerts , football matches or anywhere with allocated seats on their ticket who don't sit in their seat when the arena is busy and then when asked to move cos they're in your seat look at you as if you've done something wrong ffs ...
    people people people
  • those very small pieces of soap that you get in some hotels
  • Packets of sugar in restaurants etc that contain about a quarter of a tea spoon!
    If you have a sweet tooth like myself you end up with having to open about a dozen or so packets resulting in a pile of litter on your table.
  • The stretch of M20 between Ashford & Maidstone. Seems to never end
  • Where to start?

    Skinny jeans
    Shoes with no socks
    Anybody that kicks the back of my plane seat, ignorant scum
    Tangled cables
    People at bars who order one effing drink at a time, so the barperson goes off and gets it, rings it up and they then drip feed them another. In my world that would be illegal. You'd forfeit your already ordered drinks and they would be distributed to the poor and you'd be kicked out of the bar.
    Beggars, especially with mobiles
    People bumping into you when walking at a normal pace - how do you clowns manage to drive??
    White headphones
    Ticket touts - if they were eradicate there'd probably be enough tickets for everyone
    Any attempt to cancel a gym membership is worse than a stay in a turkish jail
  • Blokes in suits wearing trainers between the station and the office. Women, do this because they want to wear uncomfortable spiky shoes in the office in order to climb the corporate ladder, but what the hell are these blokes up to.

    I do this! It saves me ruining several pairs of leather soled shoes per year. Also leather soles in the wet are like bl00dy ice skates.
  • [cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]People who moan about kids on planes

    Ah, so you are the one then shag...

    Clacton 'til they are sixteen. Should be the law. :-D
  • im with you algarve. there shoudl be a kids section for the under 5s at least on the front of theplane.
  • People in the queue at takeaways who don't consider what they are going to buy until they are at the front of the queue even though the menus been above their heads for ten minutes.

    People who queue up in super makets just to buy a newspaper when there is a tobacconist next door. They are always surprised at the price of the paper even though its printed in big bloody print on the front and then they either spend ages looking for change or pay for it using a bloody card.

    Jesus it gets my goat !
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]im with you algarve. there shoudl be a kids section for the under 5s at least on the front of theplane.

    You cant go around putting football hooligans in their own sections on planes B. (only some of you will get that reference)
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