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Register here for meeting of fans on December 12th

What's next for our club ?

We have a long history of fan engagement and activism at Charlton. CAST will host an online meeting on Monday at 7pm with the goal of bringing the fanbase together to agree how we proceed from here.


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  • registered with thanks
  • Registered, Cheers
  • Registered. 
    Like so many of us, I actively protested against Duchatelet (as well as protesting against Michael Gliksten back in the day) and really thought those days were over. Sadly, they are not, and I have the sinking feeling that this time it may be even more important than those previous occasions. 
    I really hope I’m wrong.
  • How is the online meeting supposed to work?

    It's bad enough trying to keep order with 20 people on a work call, so with potentially hundreds at this meeting I'm struggling to understand how it can work.
  • Registered
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  • Registered & loins girded ! ( Be warned !)
  • Off_it said:
    How is the online meeting supposed to work?

    It's bad enough trying to keep order with 20 people on a work call, so with potentially hundreds at this meeting I'm struggling to understand how it can work.
    Louis Mendez and Richard Cawley had a chit chat about Garner being sacked on Twitter Spaces on Monday night. All required was a twitter account to listen and away you go. At one stage there was over  600 people on the call and bar the odd Sunday night RTM issue, was all ok. 
  • shirty5 said:
    Off_it said:
    How is the online meeting supposed to work?

    It's bad enough trying to keep order with 20 people on a work call, so with potentially hundreds at this meeting I'm struggling to understand how it can work.
    Louis Mendez and Richard Cawley had a chit chat about Garner being sacked on Twitter Spaces on Monday night. All required was a twitter account to listen and away you go. At one stage there was over  600 people on the call and bar the odd Sunday night RTM issue, was all ok. 
    Thanks. But there's a difference between a "meeting" and just listening in, isn't there? Who is able to speak at the meeting?

    (Not directed at you specifically shirty5, am just curious how it will work)
  • Off_it said:
    shirty5 said:
    Off_it said:
    How is the online meeting supposed to work?

    It's bad enough trying to keep order with 20 people on a work call, so with potentially hundreds at this meeting I'm struggling to understand how it can work.
    Louis Mendez and Richard Cawley had a chit chat about Garner being sacked on Twitter Spaces on Monday night. All required was a twitter account to listen and away you go. At one stage there was over  600 people on the call and bar the odd Sunday night RTM issue, was all ok. 
    Thanks. But there's a difference between a "meeting" and just listening in, isn't there? Who is able to speak at the meeting?

    (Not directed at you specifically shirty5, am just curious how it will work)
    You could (If allowed by the host) to have a chat on that as well. 
  • With tonight's rumour regarding a done deal apart from EFL approval, we could all wear party hats & pop party poppers !!
  • Registered & loins girded ! ( Be warned !)

  • Sponsored links:

  • Registered, Trust events like this are well run, and hopefully  there can be some constructive proposals to take forward for the fans forum meeting. 
  • ken from bexley said:
    Registered, Trust events like this are well run, and hopefully there can be some constructive proposals to take forward for the fans forum meeting. 

  • So have I...fully agree.
  • With tonight's rumour regarding a done deal apart from EFL approval, we could all wear party hats & pop party poppers !!
    Really ? The rumour part not the party hats
  • aliwibble said:
    Off_it said:
    shirty5 said:
    Off_it said:
    How is the online meeting supposed to work?

    It's bad enough trying to keep order with 20 people on a work call, so with potentially hundreds at this meeting I'm struggling to understand how it can work.
    Louis Mendez and Richard Cawley had a chit chat about Garner being sacked on Twitter Spaces on Monday night. All required was a twitter account to listen and away you go. At one stage there was over  600 people on the call and bar the odd Sunday night RTM issue, was all ok. 
    Thanks. But there's a difference between a "meeting" and just listening in, isn't there? Who is able to speak at the meeting?

    (Not directed at you specifically shirty5, am just curious how it will work)
    The way CAST have usually done their Zoom meetings is that people enter questions in the Q&A box as we're all muted, and the upvoted ones get raised by the Committee members first, and they occasionally run polls. But these have usually been AGMs or Q&As so I don't know if that's an appropriate format here. Bromley's zoom meetings have generally been a bit less rigidly structured, and we could mute and unmute ourselves to contribute, but that has certain pitfalls (remembering here one specific meeting where one attendee forgot to mute themselves, so we were treated to overhearing the discussion of the second meeting he was attending at the same time. I think someone had to phone him to tell him what he was doing wrong)
    Thanks. And what you describe is exactly the type of problem that frequently occurs when there's 20 people, let alone hundreds! Good luck to whoever is going to attempt to marshal that one!
  • Registered
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