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Everyday things from back in the day that seem really weird now



  • Putting money in the meter for the leccy.
    50p pocket money/week.
    A child’s bus fare costing 2p. 
    Bus conductors.
    Toasting bread under the grill on top of the stove.

  • Having to nail the timing on pressing play/record to tape a song off the radio.
    I'm surprised you're old enough to have done that,
    Just, but I appreciate the compliment haha 
  • edited May 2023
    Pedro45 said:
    Green Shield Stamps.
    Green Shield Stamps in cigarette packets. I *think* these came without perforations? (Got caught out when my mum found them in my pocket once).

    Turning on the b&w TV to watch the test card, waiting for the live cricket to come on, often presented by Peter West.

    'Drawing' a fire by lighting it in the grate and sticking a sheet of (broadsheet) newspaper over the open fireplace, to get it going.

    Ice on the inside of windows (before the fires were lit).

    More recently, the sound of dial up broadband dialling up.
  • Doorstep milk deliveries. Glass pint milk bottles.

    Oh and mum washing up the empty bottles to leave out overnight to be collected.

    Pound notes.
    Still happens in our street.
  • Working in an office with others smoking all day. 
    This is a good one. Even being around someone, especially indoors, that has a fag is absolute rancid.
  • Genuine question, before kebab shops etc became popular, was it fish and chips or nothing on the way back from the pub?
    They've had Indian and Chinese takeaways in London for many decades. Certainly since before WW2.
  • Weird campaigns about fictional soap storylines.

    Free Deidre etc.
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  • A man on a bike screaming 'Toffee apples, Monkey nuts'

    However I wouldn't find that weird today and would happily go out and make a purchase if it still happened.
  • People called Reg.
    Assume you don’t have kids in school now? Weirdly it’s become very popular again. Each to their own.
  • School now seems alien. Warm milk given out at break time, singing Christian hymns in assembly. Weird.
  • Meat raffles down the pub. Such a weird prize.
    By coincidence I saw an advert for one of those today, in The Dolphin, Hastings. Haven't seen such a thing in years. Thought it was weird back then, perhaps even weirder now.
  • Early closing
  • Going to the phone box to call your girlfriend.
    In metalwork lessons we all made handy gadgets that would push the bar down in the old-fashioned coin slot so you could get free calls. The metalwork teacher knew exactly what we were up to but he didn't care.
  • I never saw it in action, but I have at home a government issue candle holder. These were issued to all civil servants during the winter of discontent so that they could carry on working when the lights went out. Naked flames in offices that were crammed full of paper. Madness.
  • The family would stand for the National Anthem before the Monarch’s Christmas Day address to the nation.  I can recall listening to a radio broadcast of Charlton games on Christmas Day (we didn’t stand for those).

    Does anyone these days admit to enjoying The Rolf Harris show?  We certainly did.  The very thought.
  • edited May 2023
    Coming home for dinner from primary school every day -10 min walk each way.

    Saturday morning pictures at the Granada, Dartford.

    Getting the train to Lewisham to exchange multiple books of Green Shield Stamps for a set of towels.

    " Listen with Mother " each afternoon via a large wireless. 
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  • We had a knife sharpening bloke come round who'd operate from his van - knives, scissors, shears, tools - he was quite popular.

    Also the French onion man on his bike.  
  • We had a knife sharpening bloke come round who'd operate from his van - knives, scissors, shears, tools - he was quite popular.
    There's a food/craft market near us once a month and there's a knife sharpener guy and his van parked up who always seems to do a roaring trade.
  • We had a knife sharpening bloke come round who'd operate from his van - knives, scissors, shears, tools - he was quite popular.

    Also the French onion man on his bike.  

    Gordon, or Mr Kaye as we used to have to call him, used to shop in my shop.  In his later years he was, let's just say, difficult.  But that's for another thread.
  • My Dad's car having a bench seat at the front - which was brilliant for a family of three. Then it had something done (new engine?) and for ages we were on a go slow with our 'running in, please pass' sticker in the back.
  • Renting the telly and buying the Evening classified after watching Charlton.
  • Carrying the Lino down to Lewisham to break dance,
    Getting told to get up to change the TV channel for my dad, just BBC1, 2 & 3.
    Seeing my dad on the kitchen chair after having our first automatic washing machine installed, I'm convinced he sat there and watched the whole programme from start to finish.
    Loading up games on the spectrum
    TV going off with the card, what about 11pm?
    Some others have said taping the charts.
    Going out on a weekend and just saying to your mum, I'll be back for tea.
    Crook log under 16's disco.
    Medicine cupboard consisting of aspirin, disprin, calamine lotion, vic and a benelyn.
    Vosene shampoo, a bar of soap!
    Rubber tap attachments to shower your hair
    Buying 20 B&H and a box of matches for £1.20 and selling 12 for 10p each.
    Rag and bone man
    Pools collector
    Milkman with his big black book
    Dialling on the old phones with the circular dial
    Running downstairs in the morning in winter to get into the lounge where my dad had turned on the fire 5 minutes before (the only heater in the house).
    Getting tortoises as a present (might just be me)
    One Friday a month having the choice of fish and chips or laterly McDonalds
    When we eventually got a car it was an old fruit and veg van, me and my sister just sitting on the floor in the back all the way to Cliftonville with the one suitcase we owned (not sure that was legal even then).
    Freemans catalogue

  • My dad turning the handle to turn over the car engine on a cold day
    edited May 2023
    Meat raffles down the pub. Such a weird prize.

    Happens here all over Australia every week in the RSL's 
  • The Insurance Man coming around every year and taking an age to renew whatever policies we had by writing stuff on bits of paper.
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