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Darren Bent



  • I very much doubt it's actually Darren Bent. He seems like a decent enough bloke. His records better than 1 in 2 there for games he actually started, plus he was their top scorer last year! again!
  • if he was to call them all a bunch of cnuts, he'd have my support for one.

    top scorer for them, yet gets treated like dirt.
  • Good luck to him, he'll be a good buy for Sunderland. Don't thionk he was ever given a real chance at Spurs. Because they paid a big fee to a little club for him the fans always thought he was over priced, the manager because he was bought by the board resented him and yet he ahs been one of the top two or three english born strikers in the country since he joined us. Maybe not quite international class but never really been given the opportunity to prove it, with a couple of cameo appearances for england and his confidence could not have been done much giood when a kid the England manger had never seen play was chosen over him for the last world cup when england effectively ran out of strikers.
  • Although I can't believe for one minute he'd talk like that.........Darren, they don't and have never deserved you.

    I hope you end up at a club that finally appreciates you.

    Top bloke, top player.............imho.
  • edited July 2009
    there's not many players who leave a club when they're at the top of their game and are still as popular as benty is with us, even when it's for big money. Says a lot about Bent as a player and as a bloke.
  • Have to agree with the last two posts..... and if I had been 'twittering' that would be very mild .

    As others have posted the guy alway's seemed second choice at best, so is better off out of it!

    Good luck son!
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]A compilation of some of the goals he scored for us:

    Note that he only scored when the ball was played to his feet by Danny Murphy...

    No he doesn't
  • [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]Although I can't believe for one minute he'd talk like that.........Darren, they don't and have never deserved you.

    I hope you end up at a club that finally appreciates you.

    Top bloke, top player.............imho.
    [cite]Posted By: BBClaus[/cite]there's not many players who leave a club when they're at the top of their game and are still as popular as benty is with us, even when it's for big money. Says a lot about Bent as a player and as a bloke.

    I 100% agree. One of the best people to wear our shirt in the 40 odd years I've been watching; skill, commitment and all round decent behaviour. I remember the TV close ups of his face before he took penalties, you always knew he'd put it away. I still wonder what might have been if he hadn't got injured in the relegation season.
  • it was sarcasm at another poster i think...
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: McLovin[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]if it was who could blame him ? Wasn't long ago Redknapp was saying his wife was better than Benty and now he's worth 16m. Why doesn't Redknapp sell Sandra to Sunderland then ? Hate Spurs as much as I do Palarse and Millwall. Go Benty I say.

    Large, I really don't think Redknapp - twitching twat that he is, said that. I think he made an offhand comment about a missed chance. I don't agree with the approach, but let's stick to what actually happened.

    sorry but that really is nitpicking. I suppose I should have said that when Darren Bent esq of Tottenham Hotspur missed an easy chance against 'whoever it was' from a cross by 'whoever that was' on 'whatever date it was' his manager, Mr H Redknapp esq of said Tottenham Hotspur remarked, maybe jokingly, 'my wife Sandra could have scored that'. Saying that implies that his wife is better than Benty, what I said originally. Jesus.
    If you can't see the difference between Arry saying "my missus could score that" that in a jokey fashion and him saying, "my wife is a better footballer that Darren Bent", then that's a fair point.
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  • This may be a turn up for the books. My normal reliable source has told me this evening that the main holding point of the Darren Bent transfer to Sunderland is that Harry Redknapp wants to bring Andy Reid back to Spurs.

    If that really is the case, it could mean more cash for you lot if you negotiated a sell on clause...
  • no it won't because if he is included as part of the deal sunderland will claim he is valued as less than what they paid like your lot did to Peterborough with Etherington when he went to west ham
  • [cite]Posted By: buckshee[/cite]no it won't because if he is included as part of the deal sunderland will claim he is valued as less than what they paid like your lot did to Peterborough with Etherington when he went to west ham

    as rafa benitez would say "eeeeezzz fax"
  • edited August 2009
    You're all missing the point in the Bent transfer saga. Good Old Loveable Harry has to keep shipping players in and out (even if they have have been their most successful striker of that the last couple of years and at a loss) otherwise where's he gonna get his next bung payday from? Allegedly.

    I don't say this very often but that bloke is a complete an utter c##t of the highest order and in a week when we've lost Sir Bobby the contrast between 'Arry and a 'proper' football man couldn't be greater.
  • having medical at sol
  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]You're all missing the point in the Bent transfer saga. Good Old Loveable Harry has to keep shipping players in and out (even if they have have been their most successful striker of that the last couple of yearsandat a loss) otherwise where's he gonna get his next[strike]bung[/strike]payday from? Allegedly.

    I don't say this very often but that bloke is a complete an utter c##t of the highest order and in a week when we've lost Sir Bobby the contrast between 'Arry and a 'proper' football man couldn't be greater.
    I cannot disagree with a word of this.
  • Deal complete and could be worth up to £16.5 mill.
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  • Hears hoping he tears it up at Sunderland and scores the goal that relegates those tossers at Spurs.
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: JohnBoyUK[/cite]This may be a turn up for the books. My normal reliable source has told me this evening that the main holding point of the Darren Bent transfer to Sunderland is that Harry Redknapp wants to bring Andy Reid back to Spurs.

    If that really is the case, it could mean more cash for you lot if you negotiated a sell on clause...

    I hope he does well of course.

    I'm interested in what your thoughts on this are JohnBoy?
  • Good Luck Darren!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sky Sports showed a great caption last night of the top english scorers based over the past 4 years.

    Rooney was top with 62 goals, then Darren and Fat Frank were second with 54 I think then it was Gerrard, Defoe and Crouch about 10-15 goals behind.

    Just shows.
  • Darren Bent
    Having recently left Tottenham Hotspur for Sunderland, Darren Bent has thus far been atypically restrained in his comments about his time under Harry Redknapp's management.

    Now, however, the England striker has spelt out just how dissatisfying his stint at Spurs truly was, albeit in more articulate fashion than his infamous Twitter tantrum.

    "It was the worst two years of my career," Bent said, according to The Sun.

    "Even last year, when I was the club's top scorer, I never actually felt wanted. I didn't feel Redknapp wanted me there.

    "It's massive to have the support of your manager and that's not been the case for the last two years.

    "My career stood still at Tottenham. There's a lot of politics going on there.

    "I scored a lot of goals but it was the hardest two years of my life and it's a weight off my shoulders that I'm finally here."

    The tense relationship between player and gaffer came to a head when the latter declared that his wife, Sandra, could have converted the point-blank chance the hitman missed against Portsmouth in January.

    Redknapp later snapped to the press that the upset Bent shouldn't be so "precious", and the former Charlton Athletic star believes this was indicative of how he was treated by the Lilywhites boss.

    "No-one goes out to deliberately miss," he said.

    "When you miss a chance and your manager comes out and supports you rather than criticises you, it's a big help.

    "Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of meeting Sandra!"

    And Bent revealed that he wasn't the only one who thought he got a raw deal at White Hart Lane:

    "The amount of positive messages I've had from Tottenham fans saying I was being treated like rubbish is amazing."
  • [cite]Posted By: valleyman[/cite]Hears hoping he tears it up at Sunderland and scores the goal that relegates those tossers at Spurs.

    No, then we'll have to play them next year! ;)
  • The worst place for a young striker to go. If you have a couple of poor games their pathetic "support" is on your back. Now they've got their hopes hung on Defoe, Keane and Crotch. Silly.

    We were really short termist with the deal though.
  • redknapp is a two faced tosser whose "cheeky cockney sparrow" act was wearing thin 10 years ago.

    Unlike the great Billy Bonds, who I had the great pleasure of talking to for a few minutes at Charing Cross late last year. Absolutely no ego or conceit, just happy to reminisce for a few minutes about his time at Charlton with me. And then saying "Good luck mate" when he had to leave and catch his train.

    Great man.
  • [cite]Posted By: Mortimerician[/cite]We were really short termist with the deal though.
    we got a very good deal and sell-on clauses only apply to profit
  • [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Mortimerician[/cite]We were really short termist with the deal though.
    we got a very good deal and sell-on clauses only apply to profit

    I'd much more prefer the deal we got than say £10m but a 20% sell on clause. It's one of the deals we've done really well on, even if we didn't have a sell on clause as part of it.
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