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Tranmere Away



  • [cite]Posted By: Mike[/cite]My brother just called the Ticket office and the women said we've done well with the tickets and we are very busy at the moment.

    Are you going?
  • Yeahhh mate

    Wasn't having a go at peopel off here for not going btw DA9, Large etc...

    Just thought we could reach 500 or more when we are top the league! it is a hrad one to get too though!
  • [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Not going, beano in Southend starting Friday afternoon until Sunday.

    Mind you, reading Anorak Addick on Saturday, Rock Spectacle brought back some memories of the Lord Nelson Hotel, shame it was the 4-1 deafeat at Everton :-(, good weekend had by all otherwise, one of our group got so drunk before the game, he went back to the hotel and we could not stir him for either the game or the night out, travelled all that way to drink in a Wetherspoons and go to bed.

    Used to stay there for the merseyside games as well.
    All right as long as you got a room with an en suite - the shared showers were not too smart.
  • Really fancy this one. Been a few times and for some reason I like the place. Alas can't go as am going away on Monday and need to save money for that.

    Spent my 18th birthday in a traffic jam on the M6 for a Friday night game many moons ago. Got there at half-time 0-0!!!

    Probably my best memory of a trip there was driving into Birkenhead with Oakster, Big Jeff, Romford Addick & Rothko - Mexican Marachi music blazing from all four open windows whilst shouting Mexican "phrases" at the say they didn't get it would be an understatement!.
  • I have found a solution to our lack of numbers to create atmosphere.

    If we all take up the middle part of the stand from the back then more atmosphere should be created as people arent too spread out all over the place, an example of this was at Derby away last season.

    Could work, you never know
  • [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite]I cant believe that this is being discussed again, and that I am commenting. However, let's be honest, we have never been well supported away from home. In the 80s - when I went to most away games - for Northern matches we tended to have between 200-300, sometimes less. Remember doing some games when there was less than a hundred (Boro, Blackburn, Oldham and Shrewsbury). There were some notable exceptions - Port Vale midweek comes to mind when I was genuinely surprised at the numbers who travelled.

    Late equaliser by Stevie Gritt...I was there but by no means a prolific away traveller. of course you want as many charlton away as you can get, but the rhythms of away support varies as ones life moves along, not least because of finance, time constraints, and family responsibilities. If we only take 50 somewhere they are fantastic in my eyes because they show incredible loyalty. I saw a knot of Accrington fans at QPR on the telly, brilliant fans in my view, and occasionally it pays off, the devotion, as it did for the Barnsley fans last night at reading.
  • Can't believe we've only sold 278 tickets for this game. Seems bad, even for us!
  • [cite]Posted By: Telnotinoz[/cite]It wont be like this at Tranmere then......

    great vid....
  • Put this in perspective. I remember Notts County on a Saturday morning in January 1985 - there were about 60 of us.
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]Put this in perspective. I remember Notts County on a Saturday morning in January 1985 - there were about 60 of us.
    Was that in the snow?
    The only time I went there it were reet bloooody cold!
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  • Im tempted to go to this but not on my own so if anyone out in the Kent area (im in rochester) is still undecided and would be willing to split petrol costs let me know and I'd be willing to drive up there.
  • I'm sorted. Mate lives in Liverpool putting me up for the night.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: wickford[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]Put this in perspective. I remember Notts County on a Saturday morning in January 1985 - there were about 60 of us.[/quote]
    Was that in the snow?
    The only time I went there it were reet bloooody cold![/quote]

    I seem to remember it being very cold, but then it was January . . .

    Anyone at Middlesbrough when the police served the refreshments?
  • I've booked my coach ticket this morning, apparently there's only a couple of seats left for the coach but if theres enough interest they can book another one. Never been there before but I'm looking forward to it!!
  • That was earlier in the week. We wouldn't put another coach on at this stage, because it wouldn't make any sense financially.
  • Yeah I think I read it in Saturdays programme. Is it just 2 coaches going then? x
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Suzysue[/cite]Yeah I think I read it in Saturdays programme. Is it just 2 coaches going then? x

    Yes. From experience you don't get many late bookings for long trips anyway.
  • Do coaches pick up form Bromley and other places then last pick up is cafc? I usually get the train as you can tell :P

    They're expecting a long joruney ain't they, 8am leave!?
  • Just got my 2, so probably sold out.
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Mike[/cite]

    Do coaches pick up form Bromley and other places then last pick up is cafc? I usually get the train as you can tell :P

    They're expecting a long joruney ain't they, 8am leave!?

    It's a long journey. We aim to get there for 2pm with up to an hour's stop, to allow for reasonable traffic delays, and on Saturday both coaches will run via Charlton timed to depart at 8.30am. It's about four and half hours on the road in a coach.

    The more coaches there are, the fewer pick-ups.
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  • Remember being at Roker Park for a midweek in November 1994, when we equalised late on - Kim Grant. There were only a handful of us that day.

    Same as Boro away 4 years earlier when there were so few of us that they sang "did you come in a taxi ?" - until the late great Tommy Caton scored a 90min pen for a 2-1 win !

    See you Saturday at Prenton Park, if the boys are trying - then they deserve our support.
  • I remember that one at PV, Seth ( sorry , can't quote quotes )

    It was either an early season match or a late season one as myself & young (then) daughter were shivering uncontrollably by the final whistle - obviously not dressed for the unseasonal conditions !
  • You can't compare this to Wallsall coming down to Charlton.
  • What, exactly have Tranmere got against 17-22 year olds, I wonder?

    You can buy tickets for under 16's and over 22 year olds on the day, but not those pesky 17-22ers. WTF?
  • They just dont trust their turnstile operators to be able to recognise IDs
  • I want a stop off at a KFC or Burger King service station
  • **snigger**
  • And one of them is my Scouse mate.

    And what FOD said
  • edited August 2009
    Hello and Greetings from Tranmere.

    With regards to ticket prices you can get 17-22 tickets from our ticket office on the day of the game, the price is £9.50, you have to provide proof of age when you buy them.

    Ticket information -

    Hope for a good game, it's fair to say we're in transistion and we were lucky to get nil in the 3-0 defeat at Leeds last week.

    That said we are slightly better at home but have a toothless attack and a defence that likes to give out chances.

    Have a safe trip and visit us at for more info.
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