Did anybody else have any incidents with the Stockport stewards today?
As soon as I set foot in the ground, a steward accused me of not having a ticket. After I produced it, he signalled to two of his mates and had them make the same accusation as I passed them.
There were only a few of us in the ground at this point. I was walking around having a look, while others were taking pictures, or got out of their seats to go the toilets.
The stewards were straight on all of us telling us that we had to remain in our seats and couldn't leave them until the game was over.
I left and waited in the refreshments area, then returned shortly before kick off. I found my seat taken and went looking for another seat. As soon as I sat down, one of the stewards who had been giving me aggro earlier was straight on me and told me to sit in my assigned seat.
I told him that somebody was sat there and was told to sort it out myself as I would be removed from the stadium if I didn't sit there. Naturally, the guy wouldn't move as he was with his family, so I had to move to the other end where nobody was sat in their assigned seats.
It seems that they were enforcing fixed seating for some fans, but not others, which made little sense.
I assume others had it worse than I did?
It was on here in the last couple of weeks.
I tend to find it gets worse the lower down the leagues the team usually are, and the further north you get up the country.
Best stewards I've experienced were at Bournemouth, worst were Blackpool away one year, absolutely horrendous
I spoke to the police outside after the game and was told that they have received several complaints about stewards at literally every home game this season.
I was given an email address for the police officer in control of stewarding at Stockport. I will also be emailing Stockport County FC and the company that employs the stewards (Capricorn Security Group).
Even County's own fans want them gone. The club must be tied down to a contract with them that's difficult to get out of.
this is from last weekend
At Exeter this season i was told they were on sale inside the ground. When i got there, they weren't. But i asked a steward about this and he went off and try and get one for me. He must have been away for about 5 mins before he returned with one.
I was supposed to be sat around those stewards but when I sat near my occupied seat, I was threatened with removal from the ground if I didn't physically remove the man who was sat in my allocated seat (he had already refused to move), so I moved to the other end away from the stewards causing the problems.