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JonJo's last tweet!



  • [cite]Posted By: PL54[/cite]His mate posting it on Twitter could be considered funny.

    The fact the Liverpool Star has a picture of it on his phone in the first place is a little concerning.


    You might want to try and find out some facts before you start perving anyone
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: PL54[/cite]His mate posting it on Twitter could be considered funny.

    The fact the Liverpool Star has a picture of it on his phone in the first place is a little concerning.


    You might want to try and find out some facts before you start perving anyone[/quote]

    Well he is a perv either way it was his account,, what mates would do that seriously ,, that has made my opinion of Shelvey pretty poor .
  • [cite]Posted By: AdTheAddicK[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: PL54[/cite]His mate posting it on Twitter could be considered funny.

    The fact the Liverpool Star has a picture of it on his phone in the first place is a little concerning.


    You might want to try and find out some facts before you start perving anyone

    Well he is a perv either way it was his account,, what mates would do that seriously ,, that has made my opinion of Shelvey pretty poor .

    And your a prick...Like i said find out facts before you start shouting your mouth off. I'm guessing your opinion of him will matter very little.
  • Whatever the facts he let someone post a pic on his twitter. And he's a bit of a muppet for not being more careful.

    Still it isn't a massive deal, life moves on and no-one has been hurt....
  • edited March 2011
    The lesson here is bloody have a pin on your phone so if you leave your phone or even your computer alone, you can be safe in knowledge that no ejit can get on and embarrass you.

    Feel sorry for Jonjo.
  • Does anyone realise its just a picture of a cock on twitter, f**kin relax guys, who cares.

    Mates do it to eachother all the time, why is Jonjo anything different.
  • A harsh lesson to learn...he must be embarassed, but it will pass.

    I'm sure you are only joking, but as far as having the photo on his phone goes, hasn't it ocurred to you that the tool that took it probably did so then posted it straight away before Jonjo found out and deleted it?

    Stitched up and I feel sorry for him, but we need to put this into perspective because this is a small storm in a even smaller teacup.
  • [cite]Posted By: BigRedEvil[/cite]Whatever the facts he let someone post a pic on his twitter. And he's a bit of a muppet for not being more careful.

    Still it isn't a massive deal, life moves on and no-one has been hurt....
    Whatever the facts he let someone post on his twitter.....My good god the only muppet is you. SO whatever the facts even if that wasn't the case he is a muppet. Christ the same old gang coming out for this one. You sure it wasn't a picture of you cos your a prick.
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BigRedEvil[/cite]Whatever the facts he let someone post a pic on his twitter. And he's a bit of a muppet for not being more careful.

    Still it isn't a massive deal, life moves on and no-one has been hurt....
    Whatever the facts he let someone post on his twitter.....My good god the only muppet is you. SO whatever the facts even if that wasn't the case he is a muppet. Christ the same old gang coming out for this one. You sure it wasn't a picture of you cos your a prick.

    Deary me. I know you're his uncle but don't insult me please, it's embarassing.
  • edited March 2011
    [cite]Posted By: BigRedEvil[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BigRedEvil[/cite]Whatever the facts he let someone post a pic on his twitter. And he's a bit of a muppet for not being more careful.

    Still it isn't a massive deal, life moves on and no-one has been hurt....
    Whatever the facts he let someone post on his twitter.....My good god the only muppet is you. SO whatever the facts even if that wasn't the case he is a muppet. Christ the same old gang coming out for this one. You sure it wasn't a picture of you cos your a prick.

    Deary me. I know you're his uncle but don't insult me please, it's embarassing.

    If you can go on an internet forum and insult people i dont think you have the right to tell anyone they cant insult you. You are without any facts and just shouted your mouth off so i will do the same whether it embarrasses you or not.
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  • [cite]Posted By: AdTheAddicK[/cite]Well he is a perv either way it was his account,, what mates would do that seriously ,, that has made my opinion of Shelvey pretty poor .
    A pissed up mate with a crap sense of humour. I can remember some of the shit my mates got up to with other people's phones when we were his age in our mid 20s, and that was just when the most techie thing you could do on a phone was send a text.
    [cite]Posted By: BigRedEvil[/cite]Whatever the facts he let someone post a pic on his twitter.
    But if he's got an iphone or similar he doesn't need to "let someone post a pic". All they have to do is lift his phone, say while he's at the bar, take it to the gents, take the photo and upload it. Actually come to thnk of it, they don't even need to take the picture there and then, just send one from their own phone to his, and upload it.

    As Curb-It says, have a pin on your phone so your eejit mates can't do that to you. At least with a cheap crap one, the worst they can do is send dodgy texts to people pretending to be you, but the more the phone can do the more ways there are to stitch you up. As an ordinary mortal it's incredibly embarrassing, but if you're in the public eye it's a whole different story.
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BigRedEvil[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BigRedEvil[/cite]Whatever the facts he let someone post a pic on his twitter. And he's a bit of a muppet for not being more careful.

    Still it isn't a massive deal, life moves on and no-one has been hurt....
    Whatever the facts he let someone post on his twitter.....My good god the only muppet is you. SO whatever the facts even if that wasn't the case he is a muppet. Christ the same old gang coming out for this one. You sure it wasn't a picture of you cos your a prick.

    Deary me. I know you're his uncle but don't insult me please, it's embarassing.

    If you can go on an internet forum and insult people i dont think you have the right to tell anyone they cant insult you. You are without any facts and just shouted your mouth off so i will do the same whether it embarrasses you or not.

    I'm not insulting anyone!

    I was just saying he was a bit silly to leave his twitter open and someone to post a picture of a cock.

    Same if I left my facebook open and someone updated my status, I would be a muppet to leave it logged on as that is just asking for abuse.

    Jeez, calm down it's Friday night!
  • I'm very calm thanks and there you go again assuming he left his twitter account open. Like i said try to get some facts first. Do you not think its a bit strange this is not on the liverpool site? Dont go jumping to conclusions or beliving what you read on the internet. By the way i take calling someone a muppet an insult so yes you was.
  • I'm sure I saw him walking around Bluewater last night, then again I'm not too sure as he didn't have anything hanging out.
  • That did make me chuckle Guiness!

    Uncle - if it's such a nothing issue (which by the way I think it is, although very amusing) why the need to get so worked up on here. I know you're his uncle etc but anytime he is mentioned you go completely gunho and take anything said personally.
  • It's just bant tbh... Torres' tweet after was a classic
  • edited March 2011
    Agreed, you'd of thought the bulk on here had never been on the lash with their mates and acting like clowns before!
  • I'm not related to Jonjo in any way , but don't like the way some on here are calling him names. It seems he has a mate who played a practical joke on him maybe not realising it's consequences .

    Remember how he treated Charlton with respect and signed contracts which ensured that we received a proper fee when a top club came calling contrast this with the current situation with Jenkinson .
  • in a nutshell richard
  • Call me old fashioned, but back the days when people still had moral standards, Charlton once sacked a player (Paul Miller) simply for spitting at an opponent. I think it's a very serious matter and if I was Jonjo, the guy that that played this prank would be an ex friend. Quite apart from causing him great embarassment, if Jonjo wasn't such a terrific prospect, he could have seriously jeopordised his career. Some mate!
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  • [cite]Posted By: PalaceHater[/cite]That did make me chuckle Guiness!

    Uncle - if it's such a nothing issue (which by the way I think it is, although very amusing) why the need to get so worked up on here. I know you're his uncle etc but anytime he is mentioned you go completely gunho and take anything said personally.

    I dont go gunho on here when he is mentioned but i do take offence to someone calling a member of my family a perv, sorry if you think that is wrong but there you go.
  • Charlton fans...turning mole hills into Everest since 1905.
  • His mates fault, not his. Simple. He might have left his phone unattended but you'd expect your mate not to do something that stupid when you have a high profile and thousands of followers.
  • Night stalker guilty of 29 rapes on pensioners and two policemen get given advice. Jonjo is guilty of being a kid with crap friends and he gets crucicfied. Sick bloody society.
  • Its not just about a joke with his mates, he's a minor celebrity which brings a degree of responsibility but he's a pro footballer = airhead! Hopefully he'll learn from this. I remember standing in a pub once listening to Youds chat up a bird by explaining in great detail how magnificent his old boy was! It's a huge come down when you realise how fallible your 'heroes' actually are!
  • edited March 2011
    [cite]Posted By:AdTheAddicK[/cite]Well he is a perv either way it was his account,, what mates would do that seriously ,, that has made my opinion of Shelvey pretty poor .

    So even if it had nothing to do with him, he's a perv? Seems a little harsh.

    A bit of frape is nothing new.
    [cite]Posted By: Bobbin[/cite]he's a pro footballer = airhead!

    Another very, very harsh comment but I suppose you've NEVER left your phone/pc unattended?
  • Meant half in jest Stu, only half mind ;)
  • Adtheaddick. I've got a picture of a poo I did in Bangkok on my phone. It was bloody outrageous.

    Have I gone down in your estimation?

    Oh well. Boys will be boys.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]Adtheaddick. I've got a picture of a poo I did in Bangkok on my phone. It was bloody outrageous.

    Have I gone down in your estimation?

    Oh well. Boys will be boys.[/quote]

    Very much so, why did you poo on your phone?
  • Fcuk me. I'll never get back the two minutes of my life spent reading this shit.

    Rodney has called it right.
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