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Biggest age difference



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    bobmunro said:

    Who else thinks @paulie8290 needs to come clean and reveal just how big the age difference was?

    I'm going with a Wayne Rooney-esque 30 year gap.

    It was over 30 years haha
    40? 50?
    Just under 40

    I was 21 she was 57
    Nice one Paulie!
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    At 20 my then gf was 24 and the age gap seemed significant - the kudos earned from my mates was rather eroded by their juvenile behaviour.
    At 26 met a 19yo at work and we got on like a house on fire - few differences in the cultural references but everything else was great, bar her boss and a few others of my parents' generation clear disapproval.
    At 36 I enjoyed the company of a woman blessed of the finest figure with which I have yet been acquainted. I knew she was significantly older than me but of course never asked directly. She admitted to something like 56, but I was sure that was a "show biz age". The numbers were never any sort of issue, we had what we had in common. A couple of years in, she took early retirement from work and then decided I should be seeing people 'your own age'.
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    My first wife was 6 years older than me, it didn't last that long , about 3 years. My second wife is 6 years younger, as we enter our 16th year of marriage , with 2 lovely children. She says you're only as old the women you feel !
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    Having said that, I have always lusted over the more mature lady.

    Mature or dead?
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    Having said that, I have always lusted over the more mature lady.

    Mature or dead?
    Not to be answered on a public forum.
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    When I was a young man of twenty I had a brief fling with a forty two year old hairdresser who was the spitting image of Brigitte Nielsen minus the boob job. I still see her around though nowadays she looks more like Denis Nilsen (pre-death but only just).

    Hairdresser? Up North?

    Was she from Blackpool by chance?!
    That is my favourite part of the internet ever - please someone find the thread and post it here. So many new members will not have experienced the joy.
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    EastStand said:

    When I was a young man of twenty I had a brief fling with a forty two year old hairdresser who was the spitting image of Brigitte Nielsen minus the boob job. I still see her around though nowadays she looks more like Denis Nilsen (pre-death but only just).

    Hairdresser? Up North?

    Was she from Blackpool by chance?!
    That is my favourite part of the internet ever - please someone find the thread and post it here. So many new members will not have experienced the joy.
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    Oh god. What have I started.
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    I’m 44 and my missus is 35 (36 next month) perfect age gap in my opinion
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    lolwray said:

    I feel a Bobby Goldsboro song coming on

    Didn't he play centre half for us in the 70s?
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    bobmunro said:

    Who else thinks @paulie8290 needs to come clean and reveal just how big the age difference was?

    I'm going with a Wayne Rooney-esque 30 year gap.

    It was over 30 years haha
    40? 50?
    Just under 40

    I was 21 she was 57
    Winner right here folks roll roll up and see the winner right here name in lights

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    edited November 2018
    My Aunt is with someone who is my cousins mates from when he was younger, used to be his best friend. They have just got engaged recently

    Auntie is 47 (not 100% but around this) he was 30 this year, they have been together now for 6-7 years, we all work together too. Kind of awkward at first when he used to go on holiday with them as my cousins mate. At first it was frowned upon by most of the family and they thought maybe a phase after her previous break up, gradually people have been won over and they are very happy together.

    My cousin for first few years obviously wouldn't have anything to do with his mate, but gradually they are ok now, they wont ever be as close which is understandable but we do all go golf occasionally now. It does look a bit odd if you think about the age and the fact it was his close friend but as long as they are happy.....

    For me , when i was 20 i definately pulled people probably towards the late 40s. Only pull not actually slept with.

    I would say ideal age for me 25-35 (however that might depend on how they are, there is a 23 year old i would get with if single as she is mature but others i wouldn't just because they are hot)
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    I was always told your age limit should be
    Twice your age minus 7
    Half your age plus 7(as long as its legal)
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    I was always told your age limit should be
    Twice your age minus 7
    Half your age plus 7(as long as its legal)

    I was 20 and my nan was 60

    Damn. 27 years out.
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    I was always told your age limit should be
    Twice your age minus 7
    Half your age plus 7(as long as its legal)

    Doesn’t work that well as you get older mate.

    Not sure I can see me getting hold of a 75 year old!
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    Sexually I was a late starter (not for lack of trying on my behalf, I must add), but I lost my virginity at 18 and half to a colleague who was 29 and had a 12 year old son! I was completely overwhelmed as she was extremely adventurous. Sex outdoors being the most mild of the fun we had.
    Now I’m 56 and my wife is 44.
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    Me 51, other half 38
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    I was always told your age limit should be
    Twice your age minus 7
    Half your age plus 7(as long as its legal)

    Derives from the fact that the age of consent is 16 and you ‘shouldn’t’ be with anyone not also of school age ie 18.
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    I was always told your age limit should be
    Twice your age minus 7
    Half your age plus 7(as long as its legal)

    Anyone know where I can find a beauty that is 139 years old but looks like 39
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    edited November 2018

    I was always told your age limit should be
    Twice your age minus 7
    Half your age plus 7(as long as its legal)

    Surely it should be minus 7 then twice that, not twice your age plus 7?

    Otherwise a 30 year old with a 21 year old would be wrong, but a 21 year old would be fine with a 35 year old?
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    When I was 22 I had a fling with a married lady of 39, why are they always hairdressers?, anyway met her at a family wedding and we started an affair that lasted 6 months we used to meet at the flat above her shop. At first it was amazing as she was obviously very experienced and enthusiastic but to be honest that's all we did and towards the end it became a bit joyless. Looking back it was more about the excitement of doing something that was furtive more than the actual sex. After the affair ended I didn't see her for about 5 years but when we did eventually meet up her frostiness could have iced the Sahara over, lucky escape.
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    When I was 22 I had a fling with a married lady of 39, why are they always hairdressers?, anyway met her at a family wedding and we started an affair that lasted 6 months we used to meet at the flat above her shop. At first it was amazing as she was obviously very experienced and enthusiastic but to be honest that's all we did and towards the end it became a bit joyless. Looking back it was more about the excitement of doing something that was furtive more than the actual sex. After the affair ended I didn't see her for about 5 years but when we did eventually meet up her frostiness could have iced the Sahara over, lucky escape.

    You always got a good blow dry I take It!
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