The phrase, "as a goodwill gesture" when a shop manager has reluctantly agreed to give a refund. Don't make out like you're doing me a favour, you sold me a sub-standard product it's only right that I should have my money back. In fact what I'd also like is a grovelling apology for wasting my time, energy and petrol rather than a smug comment as if I am getting something for nothing.
people who don't bother saving numbers on their phone
every time I phone one of my staff I start talking and about 10 seconds later I get 'who is this' and have to explain who I am. every bloody time. even though I now start by telling him it's me, just save my number on your bloody phone
Salt of the earth mate, the footsoldiers of the NHS, shame they gotta work for such an out of date service for relatively shit reward. Tube drivers take note
People who can't work out photo chromatic windows on long haul flights, leaving them with light flooding in at dawn. It's a button for goodness sake. Press it so the rest of us can grab some kip and avoid Adam bloody Sandler in The Cobbler or that Huge bloody Grant in Rewrite - yet another of his formulaic flicks.
Having to pay 2.50 at Luton and Stansted airports (might be a pound at stansted) to drop people off or pick them up from the express bit. There was already very keen wardens patrolling these zones like hawks. Now we have wardens and a queue for no reason other than greed
Having to show your boarding pass for every airport purchase just so the retailer can get an extra 20% VAT refund rather than pass it in to customers. Arses. Edit I see it's all over the UK press this morning.
The packaging that shirts come in! Takes 5 mins to get into the bloody thing and then you still miss a bit of random cardboard somewhere!! It's on 10 seconds and you realise it doesn't fit!!
Having to pay 2.50 at Luton and Stansted airports (might be a pound at stansted) to drop people off or pick them up from the express bit. There was already very keen wardens patrolling these zones like hawks. Now we have wardens and a queue for no reason other than greed
You don't get that at the Heathrow Hilton "meet and Greet" valet parking
The packaging that shirts come in! Takes 5 mins to get into the bloody thing and then you still miss a bit of random cardboard somewhere!! It's on 10 seconds and you realise it doesn't fit!!
At least it's not as bad as the old days, when you would get a pin you missed jabbing you in the tit...
The government/police making a big song and dance about cracking down on middle lane hoggers.
Then doing sweet fack all about it.
It's actually more dangerous to drive properly on a motorway and has been for years. There must be 2 generations now who have no idea (generally not all) of lane discipline.
Also he fact we have to have signs that say things like 'red X means lane closed' I mean, if you don't know what to do when you see a fucking great big red 'X' on a motorway gantry then, well, the world must be just a very scary place with with colours and sounds and the occasional bollocking.
And how many Costa Coffee outlets does one service station need? I counted 5 all within 20 feet of each other at pease pottage a while ago. And two Starbucks bang opposite each other at Oxford services.
We are a planet of stupid, meandering, mumbling lemmings
Every type of creature you could imagine in there. The Doc was a lovely fella though, dunno how they put up with it.
It's a button for goodness sake.
Press it so the rest of us can grab some kip and avoid Adam bloody Sandler in The Cobbler or that Huge bloody Grant in Rewrite - yet another of his formulaic flicks.
Edit I see it's all over the UK press this morning.
Bloody sick of having to turn each slice upside down halfway through so the whole lot gets toasted.
Then doing sweet fack all about it.
It's actually more dangerous to drive properly on a motorway and has been for years. There must be 2 generations now who have no idea (generally not all) of lane discipline.
Also he fact we have to have signs that say things like 'red X means lane closed' I mean, if you don't know what to do when you see a fucking great big red 'X' on a motorway gantry then, well, the world must be just a very scary place with with colours and sounds and the occasional bollocking.
And how many Costa Coffee outlets does one service station need? I counted 5 all within 20 feet of each other at pease pottage a while ago. And two Starbucks bang opposite each other at Oxford services.
We are a planet of stupid, meandering, mumbling lemmings
Lynne "Whose upset you now Alan?"
Alan "just people, I just hate the general public"