Giggs - the ersatz Welsh version of Lawrenson - whimpering last night; Oooooh, look at Biscuits, he's just standing there, doing nowt. That's class that it is, right there. He knows he doesn't have to get involved with that because he's just standing there and that's class that is. Ooooooh, now look when someone from the other team score: he's just standing there, totally unruffled, it takes a world - class player to stand there and completely dominate play when the other team are scoring...
Er, Ryan... Biscuits... Ryan? Biscuits...and a nice cuppa.
Our friends getting robbed by a couple of cowards at gunpoint in their own home, 5 minutes after us leaving. Fuckers must've been watching us through the window, waiting for us to go......
People that don't understand cheese. Like how can you want a mild cheddar?! What are you!!???
There was a good Daily Mash article with the headline something like "Mild cheese, officially an abomination, say scientists".
CHEESE which is weaker than ‘medium’ is an abomination, experts have confirmed. Researchers at the Institute for Studies criticised the dairy industry for bestowing the ‘cheese’ label on products that had the flavour of insulating foam. Professor Henry Brubaker said: “Mild cheese is vile. We sampled things that were really just slices of milk, and skimmed milk at that, which is basically white water. ”As a rule of thumb, if you eat it with wine, and both taste better as a consequence, it’s probably cheese. If you eat it with corned beef in a sandwich, you’re in no position to say what is and what is not food.” Mild cheese fan Roy Hobbs said: “I tried some so-called mature cheese once. It smelled of garden mulch and tasted like soft, spreadable goat. “Dairylea Lunchables are superior to your workshy, fancy French and Italian cheeses, and they go beautifully with a vintage Ribena.”
People that don't understand cheese. Like how can you want a mild cheddar?! What are you!!???
There was a good Daily Mash article with the headline something like "Mild cheese, officially an abomination, say scientists".
CHEESE which is weaker than ‘medium’ is an abomination, experts have confirmed. Researchers at the Institute for Studies criticised the dairy industry for bestowing the ‘cheese’ label on products that had the flavour of insulating foam. Professor Henry Brubaker said: “Mild cheese is vile. We sampled things that were really just slices of milk, and skimmed milk at that, which is basically white water. ”As a rule of thumb, if you eat it with wine, and both taste better as a consequence, it’s probably cheese. If you eat it with corned beef in a sandwich, you’re in no position to say what is and what is not food.” Mild cheese fan Roy Hobbs said: “I tried some so-called mature cheese once. It smelled of garden mulch and tasted like soft, spreadable goat. “Dairylea Lunchables are superior to your workshy, fancy French and Italian cheeses, and they go beautifully with a vintage Ribena.”
Adverts banging on about 'Black Friday deals' that last for 2 weeks. The point of the fuckwit idea is that its 1 day. Next year they'll be calling it Black Friday month.
Adverts banging on about 'Black Friday deals' that last for 2 weeks. The point of the fuckwit idea is that its 1 day. Next year they'll be calling it Black Friday month.
Not to mention they're not actually great deals when you look into them!!
When you're planning to do a job (either at home or at work) that will earn you some brownie points for being proactive and thoughtful, just before you start the boss (either your employer or the real boss) asks you do to do that very same thing. Suddenly your good intent is thrown out of the window and any action you take is relegated from being far sighted and independent to merely following orders.
When you're planning to do a job (either at home or at work) that will earn you some brownie points for being proactive and thoughtful, just before you start the boss (either your employer or the real boss) asks you do to do that very same thing. Suddenly your good intent is thrown out of the window and any action you take is relegated from being far sighted and independent to merely following orders.
If anything they are left thinking that they shouldn't have to tell you to do it, you should be doing it anyway...
Adverts banging on about 'Black Friday deals' that last for 2 weeks. The point of the fuckwit idea is that its 1 day. Next year they'll be calling it Black Friday month.
Agreed. We need to get the society of black lawyers involved to sort this out.
When you're planning to do a job (either at home or at work) that will earn you some brownie points for being proactive and thoughtful, just before you start the boss (either your employer or the real boss) asks you do to do that very same thing. Suddenly your good intent is thrown out of the window and any action you take is relegated from being far sighted and independent to merely following orders.
When you have waited in the queue for the microwave at work and have your delicious lunch ready to go, start the walk back to your desk and someone starts chatting to you. You try not to make eye contact, grunt answers and keep taking half step shuffles away but they aren't taking the hint. The steaming pile of food in your hand doesn't phase them. You finally get away with your at best luke warm lunch. bastards.
Oooooh, look at Biscuits, he's just standing there, doing nowt. That's class that it is, right there. He knows he doesn't have to get involved with that because he's just standing there and that's class that is.
Ooooooh, now look when someone from the other team score: he's just standing there, totally unruffled, it takes a world - class player to stand there and completely dominate play when the other team are scoring...
Er, Ryan...
Biscuits...and a nice cuppa.
It seems to have crept in like a virus over the last few months or SO.
Interviewer - "So Tom (or Dick or whoever), that looked like a real battle out there today".
Interviewee - " Yeah, No, it's always tough to come here and get a result",
Make your mind up FFS. Mo Farah especially is guilty of this.
Probably best you weren't there. I hope your friends are getting through it.
Wish them well.
Hope they are ok
Hope your friends are all okay @i_b_b_o_r_g
Researchers at the Institute for Studies criticised the dairy industry for bestowing the ‘cheese’ label on products that had the flavour of insulating foam.
Professor Henry Brubaker said: “Mild cheese is vile. We sampled things that were really just slices of milk, and skimmed milk at that, which is basically white water.
”As a rule of thumb, if you eat it with wine, and both taste better as a consequence, it’s probably cheese. If you eat it with corned beef in a sandwich, you’re in no position to say what is and what is not food.”
Mild cheese fan Roy Hobbs said: “I tried some so-called mature cheese once. It smelled of garden mulch and tasted like soft, spreadable goat.
“Dairylea Lunchables are superior to your workshy, fancy French and Italian cheeses, and they go beautifully with a vintage Ribena.”
The point of the fuckwit idea is that its 1 day.
Next year they'll be calling it Black Friday month.
You try not to make eye contact, grunt answers and keep taking half step shuffles away but they aren't taking the hint. The steaming pile of food in your hand doesn't phase them.
You finally get away with your at best luke warm lunch. bastards.
She then says "well it's in a green bottle"