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General things that Annoy you



  • this  - you can't say they have equaled the record as played by different people
    They have extended their own record for women's internationals

    Does Flo Jo not have 100m world record then, as a second slower than Usain Bolt ?

    Australia women have equalled the world record 21-game winning run in one-day internationals after beating New Zealand by 232 runs in Brisbane.

    Looking to match the record set by Ricky Ponting's Australia side in 2003, the hosts totalled 325-5 after stand-in captain Rachel Haynes hit 96.

  • Customer popping round to me with this and wondering why I want to go and measure up myself, before putting in an official quote on a solid oak door -

    Tell him 4k and hope his reading is as bad as his writing.
  • Customer popping round to me with this and wondering why I want to go and measure up myself, before putting in an official quote on a solid oak door -

    When you are back in the UK, let me know. I need a new front door that fits properly, and the companies I have approached so far are crap. 
  • Ant Mcpartlin, I have a strong urge to punch him in the mouth.
  • stonemuse said:
    Customer popping round to me with this and wondering why I want to go and measure up myself, before putting in an official quote on a solid oak door -

    When you are back in the UK, let me know. I need a new front door that fits properly, and the companies I have approached so far are crap. 
    Will do mate. Cheers
  • When you change channel on Freeview (Not BBC) it's always on a fucking advert. How does it know you've just changed channel.???

  • PopIcon said:
    Ant Mcpartlin, I have a strong urge to punch him in the mouth.

    Which one is he?

  • Just read on the German Shepherd rescue page I volunteer for.............................

    "Had to drive rather rapidly to collect a 9 year old boy (German Shepherd) in perfect health that had been taken to the vet to be euthanised because they now had a new puppy and didn't want the old one anymore"

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  • Bloody idiots, surely that's worth £500 cash in anybody's money.
  • MrWalker said:
    The bloke in the Asda ad. 
    I'm worried how he is going to get his basket full of shopping back home on his bicycle. 
    I'd be amazed he can ride a bicycle.
    Precisely what demographic do Asda think they are appealing to with this spluttering numpty?  And why would they want his ilk cluttering up their stores?
  • ross1 said:
    For my sins, I watch Tipping Point every evening, and it amazes me the number of contestants that think it does not matter when you drop the counter in the machine. They drop it at the wrong time, keep getting riders and then moan that the machine do not like them, or they are being you dope, watch and you will see, it is important to drop the counter at the right time and you will rarely get a rider.
    I remember as a kid i loved the arcade...especially the machines with the coin drops. It was 2ps i think back then.
    Cant believe they made a TV show out of it.
    ITV nuff said
  • MrWalker said:
    Watching modern films at home, dialogue usually so quiet that volume has to be right up just to be able to follow it, but any hint of action and it goes so loud all the windows in the house rattle......
    I hear double glazing is the latest craze....
    you might find the 'default' sound setting on your telly is contributing to the mumblecore auditory mess
    our last 3 tellies 'standard' sound has a preponderance of bass and attendant muffling of spoken word when the action starts - worst of all was the ValleyPass match commentary
    If there's a vocal or speech or similar option that might redress the imbalance somewhat - depending on how swanky your TV and or AV setup you could venture down the rabbit hole of a graphic equaliser thingy 
  • MrLargo said:,as%20their%20main%20television%20set. 

    On 3 November 2010, almost exactly a decade ago, the BBC launched BBC 1 HD. According to the above link, 80% of UK households in 2019 owned a high definition television set. Apparently quite a few tellys were sold during lockdown, so that figure's probably even higher now.

    With that in mind, why the f*%k, when watching the news on BBC 1HD, am I still not able to watch the regional news on HD? What's the point in having regional news if hardly anyone's watching it? I can't be the only person who, for various reasons (if I'm cooking, doing the washing up etc) doesn't ever change over to BBC1 non-HD.

    Furthermore, if it's still that complicated/expensive/impossible, after 10 years, to broadcast regional news on HD then can you please, please, please find something better to show me than a bloodshot screen of some people tangoing/waltzing to the sound of steel drums! Silence and a black screen would be far less irritating than what you're showing at the moment. You could replay the last 5 minutes of the '66 World Cup Final, the Queen's coronation, the moon landings, Scott and Charlene's wedding from Neighours, Den handing Angie the divorce papers, anything, just use a tiny bit of imagination!

    After 7 months working from home, this is becoming a major source of irritation!
    Yeah it's baffling innit?  With the same bit of the 6 o'clock news we get a crop of trailers and clips of current BBC stuff - dunno why that's not on in the 10 o'clock version.

    Better yet they could plumb in the Sportsday segment shown around that time on BBC News Channel, it's not like it's live at time of broadcast
  • Stig said:
    Regional news, full stop. Fine if you live in a big city, an atrocious waste of time and resources if you live in one of the BBC's cobbled together 'regions'.  I live 30 miles away from London, have an affinity with the city and a great many friends who commute there on a daily basis (as I have done in the past). I would love to get London news instead of the meaningless 'Look East' abomination that gives me mind-numbingly trivial stories about places that I rarely, if ever, go to. Some of the highlights this week:
    • Some people in Cromer, 100 miles away, won't be going swimming on Boxing Day. As if I care, I just hope that the good people of Norfolk get a news bulletin telling them that I won't be going swimming on Boxing Day either.
    • Some students in Colchester had a party.
    • Meanwhile students at EUA will have to do what everyone else does and pay for their own food whilst self-isolating. The scandal of it all.
    • The Uttlesford district has the highest covid levels in Essex. So what? Pick any county and one particular district will have the highest covid levels in it. Surely that doesn't count as news.
    • A man who runs a bookshop gets his customers to use hand sanitiser before browsing in his shop.
    • A charity in Suffolk is struggling.

    On the other hand I live in Chelmsford and get London news for some reason. Would much prefer Look East, and their reassuringly trivial stories. My favourite was when George Bush Jr was visiting the UK and the my had a whole episode devoted to how he might have landed at a regional airport but in the end wasn't. I miss Kim Riley, Susan Fowler Watt, Mike Liggins... Instead all I hear about is people being murdered
  • McBobbin said:
    Stig said:
    Regional news, full stop. Fine if you live in a big city, an atrocious waste of time and resources if you live in one of the BBC's cobbled together 'regions'.  I live 30 miles away from London, have an affinity with the city and a great many friends who commute there on a daily basis (as I have done in the past). I would love to get London news instead of the meaningless 'Look East' abomination that gives me mind-numbingly trivial stories about places that I rarely, if ever, go to. Some of the highlights this week:
    • Some people in Cromer, 100 miles away, won't be going swimming on Boxing Day. As if I care, I just hope that the good people of Norfolk get a news bulletin telling them that I won't be going swimming on Boxing Day either.
    • Some students in Colchester had a party.
    • Meanwhile students at EUA will have to do what everyone else does and pay for their own food whilst self-isolating. The scandal of it all.
    • The Uttlesford district has the highest covid levels in Essex. So what? Pick any county and one particular district will have the highest covid levels in it. Surely that doesn't count as news.
    • A man who runs a bookshop gets his customers to use hand sanitiser before browsing in his shop.
    • A charity in Suffolk is struggling.

    On the other hand I live in Chelmsford and get London news for some reason. Would much prefer Look East, and their reassuringly trivial stories. My favourite was when George Bush Jr was visiting the UK and the my had a whole episode devoted to how he might have landed at a regional airport but in the end wasn't. I miss Kim Riley, Susan Fowler Watt, Mike Liggins... Instead all I hear about is people being murdered
    You should be able to change the region on your tv.
  • edited October 2020
    Channels 952 to 967 cover all the regions on a Sky planner if that helps?
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  • I probably moaned about this on this thread this time last year but it's still bloody irritating

    My car tax reminder turned up in the post yesterday so I went to pay it online straight away so I don't forget at the end of the month. However, as my MOT also expires on the last day of the month I can't do it as the system can't find a valid MOT for 1st November

    So now I have to wait until I have the car tested in 2 weeks and hope I haven't forgotten about the tax by then
  • Stig said:
    Regional news, full stop. Fine if you live in a big city, an atrocious waste of time and resources if you live in one of the BBC's cobbled together 'regions'.  I live 30 miles away from London, have an affinity with the city and a great many friends who commute there on a daily basis (as I have done in the past). I would love to get London news instead of the meaningless 'Look East' abomination that gives me mind-numbingly trivial stories about places that I rarely, if ever, go to. Some of the highlights this week:
    • Some people in Cromer, 100 miles away, won't be going swimming on Boxing Day. As if I care, I just hope that the good people of Norfolk get a news bulletin telling them that I won't be going swimming on Boxing Day either.
    • Some students in Colchester had a party.
    • Meanwhile students at EUA will have to do what everyone else does and pay for their own food whilst self-isolating. The scandal of it all.
    • The Uttlesford district has the highest covid levels in Essex. So what? Pick any county and one particular district will have the highest covid levels in it. Surely that doesn't count as news.
    • A man who runs a bookshop gets his customers to use hand sanitiser before browsing in his shop.
    • A charity in Suffolk is struggling.

    Having lived in a London news area for the vast majority of my years I love the twee-ness and mundanity of local regional news.

    Got sick of hearing about stabbings, socialites and Arsenal and now like occasionally catching wind of a tiddleywinks tournament in Lewes or a village bazaar in Tenterden
  • Stig said:
    Regional news, full stop. Fine if you live in a big city, an atrocious waste of time and resources if you live in one of the BBC's cobbled together 'regions'.  I live 30 miles away from London, have an affinity with the city and a great many friends who commute there on a daily basis (as I have done in the past). I would love to get London news instead of the meaningless 'Look East' abomination that gives me mind-numbingly trivial stories about places that I rarely, if ever, go to. Some of the highlights this week:
    • Some people in Cromer, 100 miles away, won't be going swimming on Boxing Day. As if I care, I just hope that the good people of Norfolk get a news bulletin telling them that I won't be going swimming on Boxing Day either.
    • Some students in Colchester had a party.
    • Meanwhile students at EUA will have to do what everyone else does and pay for their own food whilst self-isolating. The scandal of it all.
    • The Uttlesford district has the highest covid levels in Essex. So what? Pick any county and one particular district will have the highest covid levels in it. Surely that doesn't count as news.
    • A man who runs a bookshop gets his customers to use hand sanitiser before browsing in his shop.
    • A charity in Suffolk is struggling.

    I have the pleasure of "Looks West", generally stories about Bristol and how everyone there should be self flagellating given the cities historic links to slavery, and Geoff Twentyman telling me how shit Bristol Rovers and Yeovil Town are.

    Still, where I live (some way from Bristol), this is the main headline in the local press:-

    6th October

    Wiltshire man denies stealing four chickens

    A man denies stealing four chickens and a tractor from his ex in Tisbury last month.

    Prosecutors allege Stuart Penny, 36, of no fixed address, was seen later that day driving around with the birds. It was claimed he said: “If you want these chickens back you know what to do.”

    It is said he harassed an ex-partner and her new boyfriend between September 1 and October 1, 2020, by making unwanted phone calls, sending texts and going to their home. He is also accused of harassing a more recent former girlfriend on September 5.

    Appearing before Swindon Magistrates’ Court via telephone from Melksham police station, Penny pleaded not guilty to three harassment charges, theft, and two allegations of criminal damage.

    Richard Williams, defending, said his client vehemently denied any wrongdoing.,,,

    He'll do bird for that.
  • I appreciate that news of Arsenal may not be that appealing, but I think at least if I had that I'd occasionally pick up a snippet of info that would help me converse with some of the many people in my area who support them. In contrast I get news reports about Peterborough United. My 27th nearest club and one that, outside of match days, I have never met a supporter of. 
  • rina said:
    I probably moaned about this on this thread this time last year but it's still bloody irritating

    My car tax reminder turned up in the post yesterday so I went to pay it online straight away so I don't forget at the end of the month. However, as my MOT also expires on the last day of the month I can't do it as the system can't find a valid MOT for 1st November

    So now I have to wait until I have the car tested in 2 weeks and hope I haven't forgotten about the tax by then
    You can get an MOT up to a month before expiry and still keep the same date, you don't have to wait until it expires
  • Wilma said:
    rina said:
    I probably moaned about this on this thread this time last year but it's still bloody irritating

    My car tax reminder turned up in the post yesterday so I went to pay it online straight away so I don't forget at the end of the month. However, as my MOT also expires on the last day of the month I can't do it as the system can't find a valid MOT for 1st November

    So now I have to wait until I have the car tested in 2 weeks and hope I haven't forgotten about the tax by then
    You can get an MOT up to a month before expiry and still keep the same date, you don't have to wait until it expires
    yep, I know and will be getting it done 10 days before it's due. Despite that I can't tax the car when my reminder comes through, it's bonkers
  • Stig said:
    Regional news, full stop. Fine if you live in a big city, an atrocious waste of time and resources if you live in one of the BBC's cobbled together 'regions'.  I live 30 miles away from London, have an affinity with the city and a great many friends who commute there on a daily basis (as I have done in the past). I would love to get London news instead of the meaningless 'Look East' abomination that gives me mind-numbingly trivial stories about places that I rarely, if ever, go to. Some of the highlights this week:
    • Some people in Cromer, 100 miles away, won't be going swimming on Boxing Day. As if I care, I just hope that the good people of Norfolk get a news bulletin telling them that I won't be going swimming on Boxing Day either.
    • Some students in Colchester had a party.
    • Meanwhile students at EUA will have to do what everyone else does and pay for their own food whilst self-isolating. The scandal of it all.
    • The Uttlesford district has the highest covid levels in Essex. So what? Pick any county and one particular district will have the highest covid levels in it. Surely that doesn't count as news.
    • A man who runs a bookshop gets his customers to use hand sanitiser before browsing in his shop.
    • A charity in Suffolk is struggling.

    I have the pleasure of "Looks West", generally stories about Bristol and how everyone there should be self flagellating given the cities historic links to slavery, and Geoff Twentyman telling me how shit Bristol Rovers and Yeovil Town are.

    Still, where I live (some way from Bristol), this is the main headline in the local press:-

    6th October

    Wiltshire man denies stealing four chickens

    A man denies stealing four chickens and a tractor from his ex in Tisbury last month.

    Prosecutors allege Stuart Penny, 36, of no fixed address, was seen later that day driving around with the birds. It was claimed he said: “If you want these chickens back you know what to do.”

    It is said he harassed an ex-partner and her new boyfriend between September 1 and October 1, 2020, by making unwanted phone calls, sending texts and going to their home. He is also accused of harassing a more recent former girlfriend on September 5.

    Appearing before Swindon Magistrates’ Court via telephone from Melksham police station, Penny pleaded not guilty to three harassment charges, theft, and two allegations of criminal damage.

    Richard Williams, defending, said his client vehemently denied any wrongdoing.,,,

    He'll do bird for that.
    Fowl play suspected.
  • Stig said:
    Regional news, full stop. Fine if you live in a big city, an atrocious waste of time and resources if you live in one of the BBC's cobbled together 'regions'.  I live 30 miles away from London, have an affinity with the city and a great many friends who commute there on a daily basis (as I have done in the past). I would love to get London news instead of the meaningless 'Look East' abomination that gives me mind-numbingly trivial stories about places that I rarely, if ever, go to. Some of the highlights this week:
    • Some people in Cromer, 100 miles away, won't be going swimming on Boxing Day. As if I care, I just hope that the good people of Norfolk get a news bulletin telling them that I won't be going swimming on Boxing Day either.
    • Some students in Colchester had a party.
    • Meanwhile students at UEA will have to do what everyone else does and pay for their own food whilst self-isolating. The scandal of it all.
    • The Uttlesford district has the highest covid levels in Essex. So what? Pick any county and one particular district will have the highest covid levels in it. Surely that doesn't count as news.
    • A man who runs a bookshop gets his customers to use hand sanitiser before browsing in his shop.
    • A charity in Suffolk is struggling.

    Yep, on side note, and I don't know if there's another flavour of this story somewhere, but BBC South East no longer show coverage of Charlton (I think Airman picked up on this in the latest VOTV).  BBC South East, predominantly Kent which covers an  area where many Addicks live.  But, they do show the goals from Crawley and Brighton games in both of whom are based in Sussex.

    Where's that remote control?

  • IdleHans said:
    PopIcon said:
    Ant Mcpartlin, I have a strong urge to punch him in the mouth.

    Which one is he?

    Doesnt matter, punch them both just to be sure

    Sounds like a plan.
This discussion has been closed.

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