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General things that Annoy you



  • Magnus has on his collar, snipped & chipped.
  • Magnus has on his collar, snipped & chipped.

    Good idea, might do that
  • Carter said:
    T_C_E said:
    IdleHans said:
    I'm not even London, much closer to Henley/Reading. Dog was pinched from a garden here a few weeks ago, lovely black German shepherd. Was found wandering about in Uxbridge, about 20 miles away, ten days after going missing so a rare happy ending that time.
    I'd very much like to track these thieving bastards down though.

    The larger breeds are normally stolen and bred to death, with posh crossbreeds fetching 2K its not hard to work out why the do it, once the realised the male has no nuts its launched out the door, obviously females it takes a bit longer to find out. Horribly smaller breeds or crossbreeds are often used as bait dogs by dog fighting syndicates, so the notion that people have that little scruffy would not interest them is very wide of the mark and often meets a painful death.
    I'll join the club and say I'd be prepared to beat to death anyone involved in dog fighting in any way 
    You can add me to that club. Scumbags doesn't adequately describe them.
  • edited October 2020
    T_C_E said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    I bought a robot jobby. Dog used to go nuts when the hoover came out. I now set it off with my phone when we’re out walking him. 

    I’m well pleased with it. 
    We have one of those to deal with daily duties and then the Shark comes out a couple of times a week to do a more intensive clean. Our dogs coat BLOWS BIG TIME. Especially in Spring, Summer Autumn and Winter, despite being told the breed sheds twice a year... for a couple of weeks at a time (More like 5 months each time!)
    Get yourself a dog blaster, nicer on their coats and really shifts the dead undercoat. (assuming your dog has two coats) Then in the winter it doubles its usefulness as you can dry them off in 10 minutes rather than have wet dogs laying around.
    Yeah he's a shiba inu so thick soft coat under a slightly more bristly longer coat on top. Will take a look at dog blasters. Pretty sure that was my mates nickname when we were 16. Very different reasons.
  • IdleHans said:

    Some people want stringing up. I'd gladly do that to them myself.

    On another dog related issue, there seem to be a lot of dog thefts locally. Suspicious looking blokes following dog walkers, groups dotted about popular dog walking spots and taking an unhealthy interest. Some of them carry leads but have no dog.
    Lot of warnings on local facebook groups but nobody ever seems to get a photo or a number plate.

    Not sure plod are that interested, seems to me a candidate for a bit of local vigilantism.
    When apparently sane grown ups cheerfully shell out north of £3000 for a pretty crossbreed puppy, I'm guessing there's plenty of money to be made from misappropriating any mutt who superficially looks good.
    Cockapoo, Labradoodle and all the currently fashionable crossbreeds are just that aren't they?  Crossbreeds.  Good looking?  Probably.  Slightly lower chances of the issues many "pedigree" breeds so often present? Maybe.  But 3 large? Mental. 
    Sadly with these new crossbreeds people forget things firstly, if you went into Battersea and asked for a Cockerwhatsit or a Labrawhatever there's a good chance they'll have something to suit (subject to checks) for around £250, secondly 95% of these crossbreeds are working breeds and they like to be doing exactly that and need mental stimulation as well as physical exercise. Thirdly every one person that goes to a backyard breeder and pays these crazy prices is encouraging the next person who see £ signs.
    Ive been offered money to buy my dogs on at least 6 occasions down here, one guy outside the local radio station as we left asked me to name my price, when I suggested he didn't have enough money suggested he'd pay up to 300 quid for Valli (300,000k and Id still tell him no) Trust me, he didn't want her because she's a pretty girl he saw her as a puppy machine.
    Ive said it before, if someone you'd never seen before in a pub said, "Ive a car here, its got no paperwork or service history but its nice and shiny and looks new" you'd tell him to feck off, but for some reason people will pay 2/3/4k or more for a puppy with no health checks, no sign of Mum/dad because it looks sweet, from someone they've never met and Ive heard "I bought it to get it away from that place" once, I've heard it a dozen times.

  • On the subject of Micro chipping your dog, we've seen Sheps come into rescue that have had the chips dug out of their necks by thieves who carry scanners, in recent years dogs would have a number tattooed in their ear (Bailey has one) no prizes for guessing how they were removed.
    My suggestion is Recall and practice it till your sick to death of it and when you are practice it again, teach your dog not to take food from anyone (another stunt they use) and don't tie them up outside fecking shops please.
  • The Labrador I had as a boy used to love being vacuumed. Using the upholstery attachment of course, not trundling over him with the hoover...  
    Our cat when I was a kid used to love being hoovered too. He was probably the most docile cat I’ve ever known. You never had to put him in a basket or box to take him to the vet, you could just pick him up put him in the car and he’d sit on your lap, looking out of the window. Same thing once you got or the vets, even if there were dogs in there. He used to sleep on my pillow and I’d wake up in the night as he was pushing my head off the pillow with his back legs.
    Are you absolutely sure that wasn't a wig? Or a Cossack's hat?
  • Dazzler21 said:k
    T_C_E said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    I bought a robot jobby. Dog used to go nuts when the hoover came out. I now set it off with my phone when we’re out walking him. 

    I’m well pleased with it. 
    We have one of those to deal with daily duties and then the Shark comes out a couple of times a week to do a more intensive clean. Our dogs coat BLOWS BIG TIME. Especially in Spring, Summer Autumn and Winter, despite being told the breed sheds twice a year... for a couple of weeks at a time (More like 5 months each time!)
    Get yourself a dog blaster, nicer on their coats and really shifts the dead undercoat. (assuming your dog has two coats) Then in the winter it doubles its usefulness as you can dry them off in 10 minutes rather than have wet dogs laying around.
    Yeah he's a shiba inu so thick soft coat under a slightly more bristly longer coat on top. Will take a look at dog blasters. Pretty sure that was my mates nickname when we were 16. Very different reasons.
    If you do invest, don’t go down the cheap route you’ll be there for hours burning the electric ours was £230 but I wouldn’t pay less than £100 you’ll be wasting money. 
  • edited October 2020
    People who have trophy dogs!

    At the moment in my local park Akita’s seem to be gaining ground.

    Unbelievably powerful and unpredictable dogs, one attacked my dog a few weeks ago, even though the owner said he’s a big softie, like fuck he was. Thankfully he did have him on a lead or the damage could have been severe.

    They are very good within the family they live but not outside of it and very often don’t show warning signs of aggression like this one didn’t.

    I fail to understand why anyone would want to own a dog that, not only can be problematic and needs to be kept on a lead all the time, it seems to be a status/badge of honour thing and it happens a lot. 

    Sadly these arseholes are allowed to keep dogs in the first place and honestly shouldn’t.
  • edited October 2020
    People who have trophy dogs!

    At the moment in my local park Akita’s seem to be gaining ground.

    Unbelievably powerful and unpredictable dogs, one attacked my dog a few weeks ago, even though the owner said he’s a big softie, like fuck he was. Thankfully he did have him on a lead or the damage could have been severe.

    They are very good within the family they live but not outside of it and very often don’t show warning signs of aggression like this one didn’t.

    I fail to understand why anyone would want to own a dog that, not only can be problematic and needs to be kept on a lead all the time, it seems to be a status/badge of honour thing and it happens a lot. 

    Sadly these arseholes are allowed to keep dogs in the first place and honestly shouldn’t.
    Akita are difficult to train, but to say they're no good outside of their family is true of most untrained or partially trained dogs.

    Unfortunately the common case is that it's the lazy humans that are shit and the dogs if successful in an attack will be the ones destroyed.
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  • Dazzler21 said:
    People who have trophy dogs!

    At the moment in my local park Akita’s seem to be gaining ground.

    Unbelievably powerful and unpredictable dogs, one attacked my dog a few weeks ago, even though the owner said he’s a big softie, like fuck he was. Thankfully he did have him on a lead or the damage could have been severe.

    They are very good within the family they live but not outside of it and very often don’t show warning signs of aggression like this one didn’t.

    I fail to understand why anyone would want to own a dog that, not only can be problematic and needs to be kept on a lead all the time, it seems to be a status/badge of honour thing and it happens a lot. 

    Sadly these arseholes are allowed to keep dogs in the first place and honestly shouldn’t.
    Akita are difficult to train, but to say they're no good outside of their family is true of most untrained or partially trained dogs.

    Unfortunately the common case is that it's the lazy humans that are shit and the dogs if successful in an attack will be the ones destroyed.
    I agree to some extent but there are certain breeds that have been bred for a particular trait, Akita’s being one of them.

    And your right it invariably is the human wanker, maybe the trend should be reversed and the human destroyed! 

    Now there’s an idea.
  • My mother-in-law, bless her soul, had her little terrier torn to bits by an Akita right in front of her. Lola couldn’t have weighed more than a couple of pounds and she stood no chance. By all accounts the Akita had history of being problematic. Definitely not a breed I’d ever consider bringing into my home.
  • Akita’s aren’t difficult to train I’ve worked with several some  of those Akita owners were a fecking nightmare, like the Husky they can run for miles, the guy up the road came up with a genius idea of tying them to his bike when he couldn’t even walk them up path, off he went 5 minutes later the bike and the dogs came back without him. 
    The biggest mistake make with any dog is introducing them nose to nose and on leads, if they don’t like each other you’ve just put 42 teeth face to face with 42 teeth. No one gets near my dogs when they are on a lead unless they’ve met before. Walk them nose to tail gradually parallel walking with the dog your left there will always be handler between them then you’ll have plenty of time to see if they will get on without them getting in each other’s faces.
  • edited October 2020
    T_C_E said:
    Akita’s aren’t difficult to train I’ve worked with several some  of those Akita owners were a fecking nightmare, like the Husky they can run for miles, the guy up the road came up with a genius idea of tying them to his bike when he couldn’t even walk them up path, off he went 5 minutes later the bike and the dogs came back without him. 
    The biggest mistake make with any dog is introducing them nose to nose and on leads, if they don’t like each other you’ve just put 42 teeth face to face with 42 teeth. No one gets near my dogs when they are on a lead unless they’ve met before. Walk them nose to tail gradually parallel walking with the dog your left there will always be handler between them then you’ll have plenty of time to see if they will get on without them getting in each other’s faces.
    Don’t totally agree with that @TCE. I appreciate you’re an experienced handler/trainer and that’s what Akita’s need but invariably end up in the hands of dickwads who haven’t got a clue.

    I think the issue is often those who breed and sell to anyone without considering the implications of unsuitable owners, simply looking at the cash coming in. I think with potential dangerous/problematic dogs there should be more stringent rules in place.

    Surely if you walk dogs nose to tail someone will be walking backwards?😸

    I agree about idiots who think it’s cool cycling while dragging their dogs behind. What is even more irresponsible is having the dogs on the side of the oncoming traffic as opposed to the kerb.

    There’s a guy in the park, admittedly not on a bike, running with the dogs lead tied to his waist and the dog dragging behind, honestly some people.

    And don’t get me starting on those who walk their dogs off lead on busy streets, Had a dog run across the road to get to mine, thankfully there was no traffic.

    I know it’s none of my business but some people need a good talking too but you know you’d only get a lot of grief but it’s so irresponsible and it’s sadly the dogs that suffer.
  • T_C_E said:
    Maybe I didn’t explain myself very well. 
    The Akita’s I have worked with while being high intensity training it’s not difficult in my opinion, the owners I have come across not so much. Training happens everyday, not an hour a week when you turn up to the class, it’s hardly a dogs fault if the owner cannot be arsed. 

    Again breeders that sell without running checks are a joke, Mrs @Redmidland along with my dogs breeders and several others I know have turned away people that in their opinion aren’t suitable owners and all suspended any potential matings during the lockdown even those that had waited months for studs to be available. 

    Sadly, I’m far from experienced in my own opinion. 
    Everyday is a lesson...

    Walking in single file, as in one behind the other I can assure you no one is walking backwards , dogs can be introduced via their scent trails so walking behind each other at distance is the perfect way of doing this.

    People choosing a particular breed of dog not suited to their lifestyles results in the dogs ending up in rescues or worse. That does not make that breed a bad dog, this week alone I’ve seen a German Shepherd half starved to death before being abandoned, another at 9 years old taken to the vets to be euthanised because it was 9 years old and now had a new puppy, 17 young Sheps taken in by welfare the very week the lockdown was lifted. 
    Sadly the common denominator is people, as the saying goes.....There’s no such thing as a bad dog, but there is a bad owner
    That was a joke by the way @T.C.E
  • T_C_E said:
    Maybe I didn’t explain myself very well. 
    The Akita’s I have worked with while being high intensity training it’s not difficult in my opinion, the owners I have come across not so much. Training happens everyday, not an hour a week when you turn up to the class, it’s hardly a dogs fault if the owner cannot be arsed. 

    Again breeders that sell without running checks are a joke, Mrs @Redmidland along with my dogs breeders and several others I know have turned away people that in their opinion aren’t suitable owners and all suspended any potential matings during the lockdown even those that had waited months for studs to be available. 

    Sadly, I’m far from experienced in my own opinion. 
    Everyday is a lesson...

    Walking in single file, as in one behind the other I can assure you no one is walking backwards , dogs can be introduced via their scent trails so walking behind each other at distance is the perfect way of doing this.

    People choosing a particular breed of dog not suited to their lifestyles results in the dogs ending up in rescues or worse. That does not make that breed a bad dog, this week alone I’ve seen a German Shepherd half starved to death before being abandoned, another at 9 years old taken to the vets to be euthanised because it was 9 years old and now had a new puppy, 17 young Sheps taken in by welfare the very week the lockdown was lifted. 
    Sadly the common denominator is people, as the saying goes.....There’s no such thing as a bad dog, but there is a bad owner
    That was a joke by the way @T.C.E
    So was my reply 😉👍
  • People who use the cafe as an office. Obviously no problem with laptops etc, as I do this myself on occasion. But those who have multiple ‘business’ calls at the top of there voice does become irritating after the 3rd or 4th call in succession. 
  • People who use the cafe as an office. Obviously no problem with laptops etc, as I do this myself on occasion. But those who have multiple ‘business’ calls at the top of there voice does become irritating after the 3rd or 4th call in succession. 
    And those who conduct meetings in a cafe. Either on zoom, or before Covid, in person.
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  • People who use the cafe as an office. Obviously no problem with laptops etc, as I do this myself on occasion. But those who have multiple ‘business’ calls at the top of there voice does become irritating after the 3rd or 4th call in succession. 
    So agree 
  • iainment said:
    People who use the cafe as an office. Obviously no problem with laptops etc, as I do this myself on occasion. But those who have multiple ‘business’ calls at the top of there voice does become irritating after the 3rd or 4th call in succession. 
    And those who conduct meetings in a cafe. Either on zoom, or before Covid, in person.
    Also agreed. 
  • More kitchen breeders taken out of circulation. 😡😡😡
  • T_C_E said:
    More kitchen breeders taken out of circulation. 😡😡😡
    I hope that 'a better place now' doesn't mean doggy heaven
  • That I can't stop myself clicking on the Lyle Taylor thread.
  • Chunes said:
    If I had a penny for every time someone said it was gonna be their last post
    Another two pennies earned yesterday
  • Fumbluff said:
    Pets taking over all the threads....
    Sorry pet
  • edited October 2020
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!