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General things that Annoy you



  • Referee's that don't give red cards at the start of a game because it's "too early". Lloyd Kelly of Bournemouth should be taking an early bath.
  • edited October 2020
    Stig said:
    Carefully avoiding the Giro thread on here because I'm behind with my viewing, only to stumble into all the latest news on the Covid thread. 
    I'm still a week behind with this and have stoically avoided the 100 unread posts on the Giro thread. Typical that a bloody Brit would win it so it gets reported on the news. I have never in my life before seen the Giro reported by the BBC. Bloody unbelievable.
  • My three kids have long since left their uni days behind them, they have also long since left their mountains of books and papers in my loft.  

    In a rare spirit of energy and determination, I entered the loft to address this problem on Saturday.  I quickly assessed that this was no job for a weekend and left the loft almost as quickly as I entered it.  I did however grab one accountancy text book on the way down to use as a test case on a valuation site.  

    The book in question had a bargain sale price sticker of £29.99 on the cover.  I entered the ISBN number on said site and received the offer of 54 P.  At least I now know that I can fast track the books to a charity shop without wasting time on valuations.  :neutral:
  • Paul Elliot(t), Chris Farnell and Matt Mouthall.
  • Guy Mowbray. Shut up, prick.
  • My three kids have long since left their uni days behind them, they have also long since left their mountains of books and papers in my loft.  

    In a rare spirit of energy and determination, I entered the loft to address this problem on Saturday.  I quickly assessed that this was no job for a weekend and left the loft almost as quickly as I entered it.  I did however grab one accountancy text book on the way down to use as a test case on a valuation site.  

    The book in question had a bargain sale price sticker of £29.99 on the cover.  I entered the ISBN number on said site and received the offer of 54 P.  At least I now know that I can fast track the books to a charity shop without wasting time on valuations.  :neutral:
    Done this with my father in laws very very impressive collection of immaculate vinyl a while ago. He gave it large 'I never listen to em, they just might as well go down the charity shop' 

    This philanthropy stopped dead in its tracks when I ebayed his mint copy of an original issue copy still in its plastic sleeve, of the white album by the beatles. Once he realised he was sitting on a fortune in beatles LPs alone he snatched them back off me and decided they could stay in a box to gain value 
  • When lazy sodding supermarket staff stitch up all the trolley bays by interlocking a couple of trolleys together.  You want your pound back? You have to march all the way back to front of store.  They wouldn't stand for it in America I tell ya!

  • When lazy sodding supermarket staff stitch up all the trolley bays by interlocking a couple of trolleys together.  You want your pound back? You have to march all the way back to front of store.  They wouldn't stand for it in America I tell ya!

    You should get in touch with this guy!

  • muppetman said:
    When lazy sodding supermarket staff stitch up all the trolley bays by interlocking a couple of trolleys together.  You want your pound back? You have to march all the way back to front of store.  They wouldn't stand for it in America I tell ya!

    You should get in touch with this guy!

    I bet he makes sure all his trolley cart bays are available!  Couldn't accuse him of being lazy ... annoying maybe : :)
  • The vogue for 'mumbling' by actors in TV dramas.

    Don't they teach diction at Drama School anymore?
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  • I am led to believe that an attempt is made.
    However, the tutors have a tendency to mumble most of the syllabus, resulting in poor understanding among the students.
  • Maybe this should go on the face mask thread....but when someone buys an ‘exempt from wearing face mask’ lanyard online when they are not exempt at all.
  • Larger, more well known and better funded charities refusing to attend to this poor dog, but passing it on to to unfunded rescues run by volunteers who pay their own expenses. For no other reason other than it’s a German Shepherd. 
  • Contestants on game shows clapping themselves. Idiots. 
    You've reminded me that our fans do that after a rendition of Valley Floyd Road. Not sure when we started doing it or why it was deemed necessary to do so. 
  • Beat me to it. Was gonna say they’re congratulating themselves on managing to sing it at 100mph.
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  • The annoyingly loud, super sensitive alarm on a BMW that keeps being parked outside my flat. If I have to listen to it for much longer, I'll be out there smashing the windows to give it a reason for going off other than someone walking past it. 
  • edited October 2020
    Macronate said:
    When you take in a parcel for a neighbour (don’t know them at all) and they don’t come and get it. Almost as if they expect you to complete the delivery for them. They  can do one, the parcel stays here until they can be bothered to get off their lazy arses to get it.
    That’s why I generally refuse to take parcels for others anymore.
  • iainment said:
    Macronate said:
    When you take in a parcel for a neighbour (don’t know them at all) and they don’t come and get it. Almost as if they expect you to complete the delivery for them. They  can do one, the parcel stays here until they can be bothered to get off their lazy arses to get it.
    That’s why I generally refuse to take parcels for others anymore.
    It’s know great effort to take a parcel in or even pop round to the neighbours. My neighbours regularly do this for me and I for them, I always thought this is how things work.

    I rarely have parcels delivered and can’t remember when anyone had to accept my delivery.
    This week I’ve been asked 8 times to take a parcel.
    Why should I?
  • My neighbours took a parcel for me, then delivered it themselves, into my goddam wheelie bin. Only found out about that when I got the card and knocked on their door to collect it. Longest frozen silence I think I've encountered
  • Carter said:
    iainment said:
    Macronate said:
    When you take in a parcel for a neighbour (don’t know them at all) and they don’t come and get it. Almost as if they expect you to complete the delivery for them. They  can do one, the parcel stays here until they can be bothered to get off their lazy arses to get it.
    That’s why I generally refuse to take parcels for others anymore.
    It’s know great effort to take a parcel in or even pop round to the neighbours. My neighbours regularly do this for me and I for them, I always thought this is how things work.

    You have made the cardinal mistake of seeing things too literal on this particular thread 

    Made me chuckle about a year ago, bloke knocks on my door and in heavily accented English asked of I could take a parcel for next door. And of course I would we do that for one another. He had a fairly small brown amazon sleeve in his hand and handed it to me to put on the side. A minute or so later he was back with a fucking massive cylindrical object he was struggling to lift and gave that over to me 

    It was an immersion tank, weighed a ton as well! Blocked out all the natural light to the hallway, wouldn't have minded but my neighbours were off skiing in Bulgaria at the time!
    I don’t think I have taken it too literally judging by the reply. iainment said:
    iainment said:
    Macronate said:
    When you take in a parcel for a neighbour (don’t know them at all) and they don’t come and get it. Almost as if they expect you to complete the delivery for them. They  can do one, the parcel stays here until they can be bothered to get off their lazy arses to get it.
    That’s why I generally refuse to take parcels for others anymore.
    It’s know great effort to take a parcel in or even pop round to the neighbours. My neighbours regularly do this for me and I for them, I always thought this is how things work.

    I rarely have parcels delivered and can’t remember when anyone had to accept my delivery.
    This week I’ve been asked 8 times to take a parcel.
    Why should I?
    You don’t have to, it’s your choice. I just feel it’s not a big deal, you clearly do. 
  • This. This annoys me intensely. I know it's all recyclable but, seriously, was there not a smaller box in the entire warehouse!

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