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Quick survey: Ever been arrested???



  • Goonerhater got arrested once for breaking into a £5 note
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]yes several

    defended myself once did well but lost.

    got a not guilty once, mind you when they said i wasnt known to OB at last one i nearly laughed out loud ![/quote]

    So...for all the hang and flog 'em rhetoric you come out with for criminals you are a criminal yourself.

    I bet you were mighty glad that flogging criminals wasn't around when you were in court...
  • Nope - Pure as the driven Snow

    Have accumulated 12 driving points in 10 years of driving though
  • Yep
  • edited 2008 26
    BFR you really are jealous of GH aint u . Dont worry im sure u really have a life in ur cyber bubble. Just for u tho BFr i defended myself re a motoring offence but be warned was once in court for the shooting of a cyber geek.

    DA9 i was let off re the £5 as it was a first offence.
  • Yes including once in Charlton after we beat liverpool 2-0 - I actually ended up get an apology from OB for wrongful arrest so it was worth it
  • [cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]Yep

    What for, impersonating a worker?
  • Yes but not since turning 18.
  • Yes several times but the same as above not since i turned 18 lots of yoof activities
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  • I'm starting to wonder about the company I keep on this board!

  • Sorry Weegie - another yes
  • Nope. Six points on my licence is my limit.
  • edited 2008 26
    Its like Bad Lads Army on here !!

    Everyone has done things in the past they're aren't proud of, or regretted. The secret, whether you got punished or not, is learning from them.

    If i ever from now going forward ever got arrested for something, i'd be very disappointed with myself.
  • edited 2008 26
    So that's another YES then.
  • Nope and in my previous profession I've asked for the arrest of a suspect on more than one occassion. Does being on the other side of the coin count double?
  • yep
    drunk and disorderly just lobbed in a cell near covent garden
    threadkiller tried to bail me out lol
  • No.

    Thinking back I can't believe I've never been arrested.
  • Yep.

    Away games, and also abroad.
    Been a good boy recently ;-)
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  • Thrice yes. Released without charge twice.
  • NO.
  • No but failed a breath test after an accident when I was 19, got taken to the station but passed the test at the station
  • yes but many many years ago.
  • yes, in my much younger years
  • Years ago, my old flat mate once got arrested for being in posession of milk powder ......(!)

    He'd been out of work for a while, skint and used to walk miles to his Mum's in Welling on a Sunday for his weekly meal.
    She used to give him a little doggy bag of goodies to take back with him, to keep him going.

    Bored OB stopped him on sus as he was walking back alone at midnight, searched him and found a clear poly bag containing white powder.

    I was woken up by the OB shining a torch in my face at 2am, having 'let' themselves into my house while they searched for drugs. Needless to say they didn't find any, but they carted me off to the Cop shop anyway and I found my mate slammed up - but drinking tea and eating their digestive biscuits.

    That made two meals in one day for him ....... he probably lived off that for the rest of the week.
  • No.

    Although i was once picked up by the police at 4am in Australia. I was walking to the casino to watch Charlton v Wimbledon as it was the only place showing it. As i was dressed in black the police wouldn't believe it when i told then what i was doing so put me in the back of their van and drove me to the casino and watched me go in before they left!
  • yep, all related to decorating cruise missiles , they did need a bit of cheering up :)
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