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    edited March 2022
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    ozaddick said:

    MISTER Spock was the half Vulcan half human character in Star Trek, Doctor Spock was an American Pediatrician who in fairness would probably have encouraged kids to play with glue to learn the downsides.

    I’ll get my coat.
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    cafcfan said:
    Remember when plastic surgery was a taboo subject? 
    Now you mention Botox and nobody raises an eyebrow.
    I gave this a lol.

    But it should surely say cosmetic surgery not plastic surgery?

    Without my plastic* surgeon, my face would be a mess of skin cancer lesions or I would be dead. He has done a lot of work in burns units and is currently in Bangladesh working pro bono for the Cleft charity of which he is Chairman. He is also a honorary consultant plastic surgeon for GOSH. (One in 700 children are born with a cleft palate.) So, no, I can't remember a time when plastic surgery was a taboo subject. 

    * Plastic in this context comes from the greek and means reshaping - not turning someone into a grotesque plastic parody of themselves.
    Gave this a like because, worthy as it is, I couldn’t see the joke.
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    MrOneLung said:
    seth plum said:
    Shouldn't the picture above be in the HoC section?
    It is clearly political, and opens the door for the many pictures I would like to post concerning mainly Tory politicians.
    No, because it is a joke and not a commentary on the politician. 
    No discussion of the various merits of the person or his policies. 
    Of course it’s a comment about a politician. 
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    Comedy genius.
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    seth plum said:
    Comedy genius.
    Not for me, but that's the beauty of comedy. I also find it hard to predict what people, that I know well, will like.
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    seth plum said:
    Comedy genius.
    Are your sides splitting Seth.  Mine aren’t.
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    seth plum said:
    Comedy genius.
    Maybe, just not in that clip…
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    Did you know Elton John takes his pet rabbit to the gym … it’s a little fit bunny
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    I got some petrol today. The guy at pump 3 put in £10 worth. Where was he driving to? Pump 4?
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    Take me home country road. And that has ….. what to do with Mr P?
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    First syllable of country.
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    Got it.  Thanks Seth
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    Take me home country road. And that has ….. what to do with Mr P?
    I can’t believe you didn’t get it @Blackheathen 🙄
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    Put it down to old age 😴
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    _MrDick said:
    Take me home country road. And that has ….. what to do with Mr P?
    I can’t believe you didn’t get it @Blackheathen 🙄
    _MrDick said:

    MsAA: Take me home, Putin Tree lane. Why is that funny?
    He wasn’t the only one. 
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    edited March 2022
    My Mrs claimed never to a have heard of the song, which is bollocks, she ripped the piss out of me when I welled up to Mark Strong singing it in Kingsmen 2.

    Weird thing is we go into a pub in Prague later that evening and the girl singing performs that very song. Then my Mrs gets a Facebook video come up the next morning of the same song again.
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