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    Apparently one in three Britons are conceived in an IKEA bed which is mad because those places are really well lit
    Ffs, is, not are. 
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    Is, in this instance would be singular, therefore ‘are’ is surely correct as he is indicating more than one i.e. ‘places’.
    It’s what I would have written anyway.
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    I think he is referring to ... Britons are...
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    shouldn't it be on???
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    I liked the original.
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    It's the one that is the subject of the verb, so 'is' is correct. You could just as well write "one Briton in three is..." which would eliminate any confusion. But we all know what he meant, so who cares?
    Although I do enjoy a bit of grammar pedantry.

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    Who led the Pedants Revolt?

    Which Tyler!
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    edited April 2022

    Reminds of the old joke, If Ty-phoo buts the T in BriTain who put the c*** in Scunthorpe.

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    edited April 2022

    Reminds of the old joke, If Ty-phoo buts the T in BriTain who put the c*** in Scunthorpe.

    puts NOT buts.🥺🥺🥺
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    edited April 2022

    Reminds of the old joke, If Ty-phoo buts the T in BriTain who put the c*** in Scunthorpe.

    puts NOT buts.🥺🥺🥺

    Oh sorry sir! Freudian slip of the buts there.

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    pretty sure I saw him tell that joke at Circus Tavern
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    MrOneLung said:
    pretty sure I saw him tell that joke at Circus Tavern
    Excellent delivery and timing, saw him at Lakeside...
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    Is, in this instance would be singular, therefore ‘are’ is surely correct as he is indicating more than one i.e. ‘places’.
    It’s what I would have written anyway.
    One is singular, therefore “is”. 
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    Years ago everyone owned horses, and only the rich owned cars. Now everyone owns cars, and only the rich own horses.. oh how the stables have turned. 
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    I’m on the island of San Andres where the pirate Captain Morgan stashed his goodies. I couldn’t help thinking of the spanners defeat by Morts in the snow burying capt morgans lot 

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    _MrDick said:

    Whatever works I suppose. It was Sauchiehall Street and Hope Street last time I heard it.
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