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Alan Green



  • I hope all that's true and his star is well and truly on the wane. Long overdue if you ask me, the bloke's a grade A t0sser
  • The borderline racist comments by Green should not be forgotten either. I can't remember exact details but there was a commentary at Man City when he was struggling with an oriental player's name & made some kind of chinese takeaway gag. And another time a foreign player was protesting to the ref & Mr Potato Head made a crack along the lines of 'Me no speakee eenglish'. He was hauled up before his bosses for at least one of these incidents.
    Anyone remember the details?
  • I would rather have someone controversial and unpredictable than another PC clone on the BBC thanks.
  • Surely (like in ALL jobs) its best to have the bestman (or woman) doing that work.
    Alan Green isn't that man.
  • Darren:

    Green was censored by Ofcom in October 2004 after he made a comment deemed in breach of the regulator's Code on Standards live on-air about Manchester United's Cameroonian midfielder Eric Djemba-Djemba, implying he (a black player) may be speaking pidgin English with the referee[2][3].

    In commentary he had said “Me no cheat”, a reference to Manchester United’s Djemba-Djemba’s ability to speak English. Ofcom intervened saying, “”We considered that the suggestion that a black player was incapable of speaking grammatical English was inappropriate, particularly given the drive to eradicate racist attitudes in football”. The BBC’s response was that Mr Green’s comments were “ill judged”.

    He had previously described Manchester City's Chinese defender Sun Jihai as wearing shirt "Number 17 -- that'll be the Chicken Chow Mein, then" during a live radio broadcast.
  • Zheng Zhi - wherever you may be...
  • I think we've lost a sense of perspective here, Green makes two (admittedly shit) jokes and all of a sudden he's Adolf Eichman.

    What will we do when we have run out of things to be offended about?

    Some (emphasis on that) people from Africa speak pidgin english and it can sound funny. Remember, they will be taking the piss out of us and having a good laugh about it (do you know what Mzungu means?) so why is it a crime punishable by the thought police for us to do the same?

    That (insert comedian's name here) should hang; he once did a humurous impression of a foreign person....

    This country does my head in sometimes.
  • Thanks NL Neil! Superb answer, bettered my blurry recollections. I don't think Green is a racist at all, just an over-inflated balloon head who makes Graham Poll seem modest.
  • [cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]I think we've lost a sense of perspective here, Green makes two (admittedly shit) jokes and all of a sudden he's Adolf Eichman.

    What will we do when we have run out of things to be offended about?

    Some (emphasis on that) people from Africa speak pidgin english and it can sound funny. Remember, they will be taking the piss out of us and having a good laugh about it (do you know what Mzungu means?) so why is it a crime punishable by the thought police for us to do the same?

    That (insert comedian's name here) should hang; he once did a humurous impression of a foreign person....

    This country does my head in sometimes.

    Please speak for yourself not everyone.
    Green's attempts at humour do not bother me, indeed I agree that this country is far too sensitive on such matters.
    However this thread and it's re-bump is about his overblown ego.
    To me I want a commentator to describe and report what is going on. He does not do that. He just spouts off his opinon about the players, the crowd, the ref and linos, the ground, the country he's in and often about other people around him. He thinks all the real journalists he shares areas with should be quiet and sit stilll whilst he is preaching.
    He tries to controversial for the sake of it and the sooner he is sacked or signed up by Sultana Sports the better.
  • I'm split, to be honest, half of me thinks at least it's someone a bit different, not afraid to say what he thinks etc.

    But the other half of me hates the way he clearly plays favourites - Gerrard can do no wrong, compared to his insistance that every single action Rio Ferdinand took on a football pitch in the early Capello days 'proved' he was not England captain material, apparently.
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  • Listening to his commentary on saturday he made a big thing of Ashley Cole being booed, and maybe he made too much of it, but I recall a match a few years ago when Motty ignored and didn't condemn when Heskey was being racially abused a few years back. Overall he's a bit excitable but at least he's not boring.
  • I don't think Motty can see any further than his Stats sheet, he is a joke.
    Green is just too self opinionated for my liking.
    Listen to Mike Ingham, very good and informative.
    Sadly none of the current crop on radio live up to the likes of Peter Jones or the Brians Butler and Moore. Those guys painted a picture in your mind of what was going on and spared you their personal thoughts on anything else.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I don't think Motty can see any further than his Stats sheet, he is a joke.
    Green is just too self opinionated for my liking.
    Listen to Mike Ingham, very good and informative.
    Sadly none of the current crop on radio live up to the likes of Peter Jones or the Brians Butler and Moore. Those guys painted a picture in your mind of what was going on and spared you their personal thoughts on anything else.

    Great Post.
  • edited February 2012
    Anyone catch good old Greenie on 606 tonight? He got a hammering in the last half hour over Handshakegate. Not sure if he actually said anything wrong but got himself in a real lather as a sucession of callers had a go at him over Liverpool bias. Quite hilarious and he resorted to simply cutting people off who he couldn't handle more than once.
    I bet he a real go the production staff afterwards for giving him so many anit-Greenites.
  • The greatest commentator this country has ever seen.
  • Anyone catch good old Greenie on 606 tonight? He got a hammering in the last half hour over Handshakegate. Not sure if he actually said anything wrong but got himself in a real lather as a sucession of callers had a go at him over Liverpool bias. Quite hilarious and he resorted to simply cutting people off who he couldn't handle more than once.
    I bet he a real go the production staff afterwards for giving him so many anit-Greenites.
    Is this not what he does pretty much every week when someone disagrees with him? He's a terrible commentator (actually, that's unfair when he sticks to descibing the play and not slagging anyone ane everyone off he's a good commentator) but because he's so unrecptive any opinion that doesn't match is own, he is a particularly terrible host for a phone in.

    Brian Moore however will always have a place in my heart for that immortal line "And it becomes the perfect start!". Makes me all emotional just thinking of it.
  • Green has just signed off from his last ever 606. Let's hope he gets sacked from commentating too!
  • edited April 2013
    I just hope that we don't get Savage, Roberts, Bright, Chapman, Fletcher or any other of the usual suspects ..... and oh .......... PLEASE not a woman
  • Savage and Chapman/Fletcher are very decent in my book compare to Alan "lets talk about me" Green

    Every week he gives it the big one about some major decision in a game, and then says that he hasn't bloody seen it!

    He says "I" and "me" more than any other commentator going.
  • thank goodness he has gone. he was awful, any fan phoned from a club outside the Prem and he got rid quickly as he had no knowledge of what they were talking about. Should bring back Danny BAker or give the job to Colin Warnock but will end up with some other bore instead
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  • For somebody probably well paid to do a job many football fans might love to do he didn't half sound fed up most of the time!

    He sounded much better doing the rowing for the Olympics than moaning away about this and that each week.
  • He is a sour faced misery and the sooner he retires the better.
  • edited April 2013
    <blockquote class="Quote" rel="Lincsaddick">I just hope that we don't get Savage, Roberts, Bright, Chapman, Fletcher or any other of the usual suspects ..... and oh .......... PLEASE not a woman </blockquote>

    I like Mark Chapman and Darren Fletcher. Chappers is off to do MOTD2 next season so it won't be him. Hopefully not bloody Colin Murray!
    I'd rather a journo than an ex-player like Savage or Roberts etc. Ray Stubbs was best at it but he's on ESPN now I think.

    As for Baker, he should stick to music as he knows simply nothinig about football as his efforts on 606, original presenter or not, have shown in the past.
  • Riviera said:

    I like Mark Chapman and Darren Fletcher. Chappers is off to do MOTD2 next season so it won't be him. Hopefully not bloody Colin Murray!
    I'd rather a journo than an ex-player like Savage or Roberts etc. Ray Stubbs was best at it but he's on ESPN now I think.

    As for Baker, he should stick to music as he knows simply nothinig about football as his efforts on 606, original presenter or not, have shown in the past.
    Baker knows a lot about football, but approaches it from a different angle, which if often very refreshing
  • How about Mike Parry?
  • cafctom said:

    Savage and Chapman/Fletcher are very decent in my book compare to Alan "lets talk about me" Green

    Every week he gives it the big one about some major decision in a game, and then says that he hasn't bloody seen it!

    He says "I" and "me" more than any other commentator going.

    I forgot to add .. PLEASE no Colin Murray .. noooooooooooooooo
  • It is about time they changed football broadcasting anyway. It seems that every club has a fan/commentator (witness player), so they should always be the commentator when their team is playing home or away, a bit of bias for once, with a reason behind it. An extension of the sky experiment, but with semi-pros rather than simply random fans.
    As for pundits and punditry, all becoming boring and predictable utter sheet. They get paid silly money for doing what exactly? Travelling around on expenses getting to the glam gigs?
    When these broadcasters occasionally slum it at a place such as Yeovil, they could not be more patronising and cliche ridden if they tried. Yes the odd novelty trip to a Mansfield or somewhere for a cup game is tolerated by the broadcasters...provided it is only a novelty.
    If Alan Green wants credibility he should be the commentator on the Bury player for a couple of seasons...but no, he thinks he is a 'personality' and therefore should only cover Liverpool.
    What is more the commentators should practice speaking clearly.
  • According to the Radio5Live 606 website, on Sunday 14th April (next Sunday), 606 will be presented by Alan Green. Did he jump prematurely or was he pushed ?
  • It was strange, at the end of 606 he announced it was his last show. Odd that he didn't leave it in a month's time at the end of the season!
  • Baker knows a lot about football, but approaches it from a different angle, which if often very refreshing
    If you mean knowing about football is knowing how many matches have been stopped by an animal on the pitch, or which team played with an escaped prisoner or which ground serves the biggest range of pies or which club fielded an entire brass band in the starting XI then yes hes knows a lot.
    But actually about football? Nah.

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