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What do we make of this then, fellow Lifers!



  • [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]

    What's all this 'real man' stuff about?

    AND - yes
    I could bloody laugh it off actually.

    So why pick up on the "real man" stuff and then say you can laugh it off.
  • "Let me give you a little example. You're a house husband and a baby carer. So you don't fulfil the "natural" man's role of bread winner outside the home and are doing "female" work."

    blimey what is this, the Third Reich?
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]

    What's all this 'real man' stuff about?

    AND - yes
    I could bloody laugh it off actually.

    So why pick up on the "real man" stuff and then say you can laugh it off.

    Sorry but normally you talk sense Henry. But you've completely lost me here. What's your point again?
  • [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]NWA, I knew someone would bring them up. Well they only call themselves NWA these days, not the full name. Offended a lot of people and rightly so.
    Four Poofs and a Piano, not FPAAP.

    I do not have any gay friends.

    You probably do but don't know it.
  • Thought I'd post this up. It's a statement written by one of the guy's who got charged with singing "indecent chants" at Sol Campbell...

    "9 months to the day, the CCTV images of 16 Spurs supporters were distributed by the police to all national media, and these images were placed in all papers, and on front page of Crimestoppers next to the likes of murderers and drug dealers.

    For the first time in the 9 months since I woke up in a hotel in Germany and saw my face and that of my 13 year old son on the TV screen we can now hold our heads up high, having been proved innocent of all charges.

    I cannot go into full detail, as we will be bringing civil acton (certainly on behalf of Lewis, as I can get all costs covered under Legal Aid) against the police / CPS for the damages their total negligence and lack of due care caused.

    In summary though

    In December 11 of the 16 people identifed themselves to the police (including a 13 and 2 15 year old boys), and were all charged with engaging in racist or indecent chanting.

    In February 4 of these people pleaded guilty the other 7 not guilty. The difference is the 4 were singing the Sol Sol song which certainly is indecent. The other 7 were singing songs such as "We've got Ledley at the back".

    These 7 people were then banned by Tottenham under the premise that we had been arrested and that contravened the terms of our season ticket (the fact that we had not been found guilty was irrelevant).

    Early May all 7 people were offered cautions, as they had not been singing indecent songs, 5 took what I would call the easy route out and accepted the caution, I decided to uphold my principles and decided I have done nothing wrong so why should me and my son admit any form of guilt (which in effect is what a caution does). The police then offered to drop all charges against me if I would get my son to accept a reprimand (they were obviously scared of future repercussions by my son) I rejected this out of principal as well.

    Middle of May, the 2 of us went to trial at Portsmouth Magistrates Court and despite there being no evidence to support the charge brought against us we were found guilty basically by association of singing indecent songs, i.e. we can prove bad songs were sung, we can prove you were at the ground, therefore we assume you were singing these songs.
    My legal counsel advised me afterwards that this was always going to be the case, it was purely a show trial, in front of national media (invited by the Police). We were given a 3 year Football Banning Order.

    Yesterday we had a full re-trial at Portsmouth Crown Court in front of the most senior judge in Hampshire, but I was quite surprised no media was present. The prosecution showed their evidence, to which the judge said "Is that it". We asked for immediate dismissal of the case (before we even had the chance to put our defence case) and after 2 minutes of deliberation the judge that came back and said, "Not guilty, no case to answer and that is totally unanimous of us all and you can tell by the time it it took it was not a hard decision". The judge then ripped into the CPS that this had been brought into his courtroom, and even been tried in the first case.

    All costs have been awarded to me, football banning orders lifted etc.

    I have been in touch with the club and expect to hear early next week that the season tickets will be returned.

    I would like to thank my family, friends, fellow supporters who have supported me in this, and also the Tottenham Trust who gave some invaluable advise and have been in contact with Spurs during the whole scenario.

    I am writing this with a sore head (as you can imagine I celebrated hard last night) and with a big :) on my face. I will be going into Tottenham for a few (or maybe more than a few) drinks today, as I am now allowed back into the borough of Harringey on matchdays, although I do not have ticket for match.

    Thanks for the support
    Ian Trow"

    So there we go. No fuss. No drama. Not guilty. Funny there was no press there at the retrial yesterday. Good to see the legal system work for a change.
    Yet two weeks ago, the West Ham fans felt it was ok to hiss at us from the Chicken Run yet there was nothing about that in the press either. Then a hundred of more West Ham supporters invade the pitch against Millwall and they get their mug shots up on their club website and nothing more. Absolute joke.

    Good luck today chaps, you're in my accumulator so need you to put one over Big Nose Pardew. Hopefully we'll both be top of the league again tonight.
  • very interesting...thanks for posting it...

    fair play to the guy for not just taking the caution when offered...

    hope this gets 'a bit of a mention' in the mass media
  • Interesting post JB. It's funny how the media weren't interested in this aspect of the story isn't it?

    Fair play to the bloke. Good on him.
  • What do I make of this?

    Brilliant outcome.
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