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Surely the best tree/cricket ground. Latest Cricket scores; 2009/2010.



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    We're def saving ourselves for Edgbaston
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    49-2 at the close.

    286 needed tomorrow.

    Denly 24* VJ 7*

    I wonder what Nigel w makes of it?
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    It's a tall order - but you never know with superkent......
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    54-3 Denly gone.

    281 to win.
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    Van man & Northeast batting...........
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    If Kent lose I don't think it'll be a big deal, with two to go up they have plenty of points in hand over the teams in third/fourth place. Besides Middlesex are bottom of the league and no threat to them.

    They just need to avoid choking over the last few games...
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    Well said BFR, you can't win them all. At least there is a decent partnership developing

    (Hope I haven't spoken too soon)
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    They only have to stay there and they win. Working 2 singles an over shouldn't be that much of an issue should it?
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    [cite]Posted By: Addick Addict[/cite]They only have to stay there and they win. Working 2 singles an over shouldn't be that much of an issue should it?

    You spoke too soon!

    128-4 Van Man out for 54 :-(
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    Currently the table is:
    Kent - played 10 - 134 points
    Derby - pl 10- 113 points (not playing in this round of matches)
    Gloucs - pl 11 - 107 points
    Northants - pl 9 - 104
    Surrey - pl 10 - 102 points.

    Kent have five games left after this. Assuming a couple of wins in there then they are home and dry as one of the two promoted teams, at the very least there's a fair amount of cock-up room before Northants or Gloucs can overtake them.

    MvJ just out...Kent 128/4, and need 207 runs.
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    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Addick Addict[/cite]They only have to stay there and they win. Working 2 singles an over shouldn't be that much of an issue should it?

    You spoke too soon!

    128-4 Van Man out for 54 :-(

    sorry typical kiss of death from me.
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    LUNCH 130-4

    205 needed
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    192 more
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    Stevens out for 4. Northeast 36*
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    Northeast no 36
    Kemp no 8
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    Northeast out for 37.

    It's all over now Baby Blue:-(
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    Make that 162-7

    Azhar out for a blob
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    Not the greatest day all round cricket wise for us............. is it!
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    Tredwell out
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    Death throes now :-(
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    Anjad 31 off 22

    4 4's, 1 6.

    100 to win........
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    66 runs to win...

    But only one wicket left.
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    287 all out.

    Middlesex won by 47 runs.

    Amjad 62*
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    edited August 2009
    Having bowled Middx out so cheaply there's no way we should have lost this one. Hope we learn from it.
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    Ufton Out.

    Director of Charlton - Relegated

    Committee member at Kent - Relegated.

    He has to go!
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    edited August 2009
    Ufton must stay ! At Canterbury, anyway. We're off to our fourth one-day cup final in three years next week ...

    Always suspected he was a better wicket-keeper than centre-half, even if not quite up there with such legendary Kent keepers as Ames, Evans, Knott and Geraint Jones (who took one of the best catches behind the stumps I've ever seen on Wednesday evening - although it wasn't exactly behind the stumps, as he ran round to take it diving at full-length where silly mid-off would have been standing. Breathtaking!)

    Seriously, it was a delight to see Derek at the 'old players' luncheon in the pavilion at the St Lawrence last Sunday, in the company of several of his first XI contemporaries of 50 years ago, including Bob Wilson, Alan Brown and John Pretlove. Sadly, most of the rest of them now dead.

    ps : don't worry about today's defeat. we're still top and it may even do us a favour in terms of not getting too complacent, as far too many of our batsmen failed to apply themselves properly in the game against Mediocresex...
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    edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]Ufton must stay ! At Canterbury, anyway. We're off to our fourth one-day cup final in three years next week ...

    Always suspected he was a better wicket-keeper than centre-half, even if not quite up there with such legendary Kent keepers as Ames, Evans, Knott and Geraint Jones (who took one of the best catches behind the stumps I've ever seen on Wednesday evening - although it wasn't exactly behind the stumps, as he ran round to take it diving at full-length where silly mid-off would have been standing. Breathtaking!

    Seriously, it was a delight to see Derek at the 'old players' luncheon in the pavilion at the St Lawrence last Sunday, in the company of several of his first XI contemporaries of 50 years ago, including Bob Wilson, Alan Brown and John Pretlove. Sadly, most of the rest of them now dead.

    Have to disagree Nigel that Derek was a better cricketer than footballer.

    Derek Ufton played first division football with Charlton for the best part of a decade and played for England against The Rest of Europe. His problem as a footballer was a troublesome shoulder which kept dislocating.

    As a keeper he shadowed the great Godfrey Evans for years so never really established himself.

    Glad to hear Bob Wilson and Alan Brown are well. I had a drink in the middle of nowhere on the North Downs with Bob and Steve Marsh some years back and both listened patiently to the ramblings of a starstruck fan. Alan Brown was my first "favourite" at kent as I (not very successfully) attempted to bowl quick myself when I played.
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    This time next week will be in Birmingham awaiting the mighty SuperKent............
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