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Surely the best tree/cricket ground. Latest Cricket scores; 2009/2010.



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    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]This time next week will be in Birmingham awaiting the mighty SuperKent............

    Me too!
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    V. young team V Middlesex today in the Pro40 inc: Blake,Ferley,Coles,Edwards & Lee.

    Kent scored 258-4,

    Middlesex 80-2 off 15.1.
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    Who's going next Saturday ?

    We're in the Eric Hollies (who he ?) stand
    Block 25
    Row GG
    Seats 15 & 16.
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    Middlesex 106-3

    off 21overs
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    M'sex need 151 off 114 balls
    (18 overs).
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    150-6 off 30 overs.

    Need 109 off 60 balls or 10.9 per over.
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    190-6 off 33 overs

    Shah *100

    69 needed off 42 balls.

    Why can't (super) Kent do anything the easy way ?
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    edited August 2009

    Shah out for 130 off 93 balls.

    19 off 18 balls..........
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    17 off 13
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    Bowled Him !!

    Kent win by 12.
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    good win by a young team
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    Thanks for the score updates P.
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    what pisses me off is commentators saying this game isn't important.The sunday league is and always has been a important competition and a very big crowd puller.If Kent don't give it the respect is deserves,people wont turn up and they will lose valuable income.
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    BBCRadioKent (online) were right behind it, & really supporting the young 'uns.
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    i listened to that mate and it was them saying this game wasn't important,whether they were getting behind the players or not, I think for the crowds it pulls the pro 40 should be treated with a bit more respect.
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    Sorry Steve, I'm abit biased as I know Pete who does the commentary.
    I don't think they were disrespecting the game, just the fact that even if we win this League 2 trophy it doesn't matter as its the last season of this competition. Thats why they were talking about what will replace it next year.
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    What does replace it??
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    Talking about another 20/20.
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    Saturday: Eric Hollies (who he ?) Stand.
    Block 25
    Row GG
    Seat 15.

    Where you at Soundas,Fanny,et al. ?
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    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Saturday: Eric Hollies (who he ?) Stand.
    Block 25
    Row GG
    Seat 15.

    Where you at Soundas,Fanny,et al. ?

    Eric Hollies was a long serving Warwickshire spin bowler (leggy I think) whose main claim to fame was bowling Don Bradman out for 0 in his final test innings thus depriving him of the 4 runs he needed to retire from test cricket with an average of 100.
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    Can't say at the minute, MOG as Sir Bob has the tickets but will post as soon as I find out.
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    Fanny - if you got yr tkts through Kent CCC, you and Sir Bob should be seated very near me and Mr & Mrs MOG as the entire Kent allocation is in two blocks of the Eric Hollies stand (unlike the past two years at finals day when the Kent fans were dotted all around the ground)...
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    Not sure 'exactly' but row C I you can throw peanut shells etc at me to pass the time.
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    Sir Bob apparently bought our tickets from " another source" as we decided to go after all the Kent AND Warwicks allocations were sold out.Paid a bit over the odds but, hey, just pleased to be going.

    Might have to wave to you from the " prawn sandwich " area in the ground !
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    [cite]Posted By: Fanny Fanackapan[/cite]Sir Bob apparently bought our tickets from " another source" as we decided to go after all the Kent AND Warwicks allocations were sold out.Paid a bit over the odds but, hey, just pleased to be going.

    Might have to wave to you from the " prawn sandwich " area in the ground !

    Ooooooo........................get you!
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    Yep...Eric Hollies was a leg spinner who played a handful of Tests for England either side of the war and another who lost the best years of his career to the war. As Len says above he's mostly remembered for bowling Don Bradman for a duck in his last Test innings in 1948. Bradman was cheered to the wicket, but missed a googly second ball and never played Test cricket again, despite attempts to persuade him to reconsider his retirement so he could score the few runs he needed to average 100.

    He is also remembered for being one of Warwickshire's highest ever wicket takers but despite his bowling ability he couldn't bat to save his life and his batting ability, or lack of it made him a hero. I think he took more wickets than he scored runs in his first class career, which is some achievement over a long career.
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    Kent won the toss and are having a bat.
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    11-0 off 4 overs (Away to Northants, 4 Dayer).
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    Denly gone for 15...

    30-1 off 10.
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    53-1 off 19

    Key* 28
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