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USA Election - Anyone Interested?



  • [cite]Posted By: vancouveraddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Yes and all those oooooooooooooooooooo so hard line comedy people really had a go at Obama didnt they .

    Alternative comedy doooooooooooooooooooooooooo f**k off.

    That's because she's an easy target GH and imo out of her depth
    Nope. Its quite clearly because she's a thick as pigshit - and 'out of her depth' is like saying a kid with a peashooter would be 'out of his depth' wandering around Darfur at two in the morning
  • edited November 2008
    True fella and thats also a point about McCains judgement in picking her. Point is tho the media have not let up 1 second on her have they ? total bias mate.

    also being as thick as pig shit didnt stop bush Jnr geting voted in !!
  • [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite][li id=Comment_335459 class=Alternate][div class=CommentBody id=CommentBody_335459]Nope. Its quite clearly because she's a thick as pigshit - and 'out of her depth' is like saying a kid with a peashooter would be 'out of his depth' wandering around Darfur at two in the morning[/div][/li][li id=Comment_335460][url][/url][div class=CommentHeader][ul][/ul][/div][/li]

    Let me know what time you're about then mate
  • edited November 2008
    Obama's message is ''change''. Is there a hint there, do you think ???

    I give you new Charlton, new football, new manager, new hope in a new Valley...

    Oh, that was Blair... And look what happened to him.

    Actually, I think Dowie was the Blair figure (promising the world and delivering nothing). Which makes Les Reed our Gordon Brown (decent man out of his depth) and Mr Pardew our Lord Mandelson (in his third job , after controversially departing office twice before ).

    Where is the Obama of SE7?
  • I'm surprised that there are so many on here who have no interest in today's election. I accept that it's being going on way too long when you consider the Clinton v Obama contest as well but it really does matter doesn't it? Surely today is not only going to be historic in terms of a black man or a woman being elected to the highest office ever in the US but isn't going to impact hugely on our own ecomomic, environmental, foreign and defence policies for the next 5-10 years at least?

    BTW as I'm an hour ahead of most of you I'll let you know the result before everyone else in the UK finds out........
  • Funiest report I've seen so far was on people who haven't yet decided who to vote for (on CNN I think, but I have been channel hopping). After their roving reporter had interviewed several such people they went back to the studio. "Just who are these people...?" asks the studio link, "... research suggests that they are less intelligent..."
  • The US election affects us whether we like it or not.

    Just imagine if Bush Jr hadn't been elected - the world would have been a different place without question.
  • [cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]Just imagine if Bush Jr hadn't been elected - the world would have been a different place without question.

    Really? Don't get me wrong, not a fan of Bush Jr but:

    Would the 9/11 attacks still have taken place - probably yes.
    Would the American's, and us, still have gone into Afghanistan - probably yes. Ditto Iraq.
  • I'd vote for Ralph Nader :)
  • [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]I'd vote for Ralph Nader :)

    Do you know, it wasn't until this morning that I even realised he was standing. Either the reportatge is too focussed on the main parties or I've been sleeping my way through too many news bulletins. Should have guessed he'd be in it though, it's not exactly his first crack at it, is it.
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  • Yes, 11/9 would have happened anyway. I don't think we would have invaded Iraq, Afghanistan probably, but not Iraq.

    Remember, most Americans (encouraged by Bush) thought that Saddam was somehow behind 9/11. Shocking but true.

    I suppose he went to get his revenge on Saudi Arabia and missed.
  • [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]I'd vote for Ralph Nader :)
    I'd vote for Ralph Milne
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]Comedy videos likethis oneyou mean?

    WHAT a f**king moron

    Checkthisout for a comparison - on an intellectual par with each other I think.

    It's difficult to know which of those two interviews/answers is worse. The difference is that one is a typical know-nothing yank airhead, and the is a beauty queen.

    Still, I know which one I'd rather bang.
  • Up to individuals if they want to ignore the election. But personally I think with what is going on in the world - global financial credit crunch, energy alternatives, Iraq, immigration - this is probably the first ever global election.

    I've followed Obama since 2004. Wish I was with 500,000 others in Grant Park, Chicago tonight. Historic moment in world history.
  • Well done America and good luck Barack.
  • Oh jeez! Does that mean all the Republicans will now be heading north to conservative Canada!!!

    What a turn around........
  • A sweep I think is the baseball term. The US political map has a very different look to it tonight. Confederate white and religious nuts - Red, the rest - Blue!

    Lets hope Obama can unite the country and make a better impression on the world than the previous numpty. Problem is Bush still has 77 days left!

    Great scenes in Chicago tonight (wish I was there), monumental moment in history.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite]Oh jeez! Does that mean all the Republicans will now be heading north to conservative Canada!!!

    What a turn around........

    To join you dodgy conservative (still with a relatively small c) Albertans I hope Oakster, they can stay away from Vancouver ;o)
  • edited November 2008
    I only think Harper got in, cos Dion was so effin useless - sadly doesn't appear to be any Obama types on this side of the border does ther?
  • [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]Obama's message is ''change''. Is there a hint there, do you think ???

    I give you new Charlton, new football, new manager, new hope in a new Valley...

    Oh, that was Blair... And look what happened to him.

    Actually, I think Dowie was the Blair figure (promising the world and delivering nothing). Which makes Les Reed our Gordon Brown (decent man out of his depth) and Mr Pardew our Lord Mandelson (in his third job , after controversially departing office twice before ).

    Where is the Obama of SE7?

    Like it, Nigel! And I would guess the answer to your last point might have to be Chrissy Powell...?
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  • In Lewes in Sussex tonite there is the usual firworks procession etc. This year tho they are going to burn an effigy of Sarah Palain ???? Turn it round say 8 years -- when the USA are still as they are today and still in Iraq will the proud people of Lewis burn an effigy of Obama ??

    Still maybe her great great great grand dad was Guy Fawkes.
  • Probably not, because Obama isn't odious like Palin. Now there is someone worth spending your energy "hating" GH, rather than TV stars or comedians... ;-)
  • edited November 2008
    cant see anyone wuld hate her ? she might be a daft as a brush red neck ------------ but sticking her as the centre piece of "guy fawkes" nite is total kak.

    as for me "hating" Algarve said before on the "Hate" thread othe than Red Ken--- The Blairs --- or Gooners (which i do admite to) most is healthy dislike !!

    Parts of Potugal are ok ------------------------------------------------- except the algarve !
  • I don't know about hating the hockey mom, but I would guess all those mooses running around Aalaska trying to escape her gun aren't great fans...

    Before I fell asleep in front of the tv last night just as the first results were coming in from Kentucky and Vermont, I saw a hapless Republican spokeswoman trying to insist that their exit polls suggested the gap had narrowed dramatically and it was going to be much tighter than anybody thought.

    Reminded me fo someone a bit closer to home, actually. So here's some advice for the Republican Party all the way from SE7 : having given everyone a go, perhaps it's time to start playing your best team now !!!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]cant see anyone wuld hate her ? she might be a daft as a brush red neck
    but sticking her as the centre piece of "guy fawkes" nite is total kak.

    as for me "hating2 Algarve said before on the "Hate" thread othe than Red Ken--- The Blairs --- or Gooners (which i do admite to) most is healthy dislike !!

    Parts of Potugal are ok
    except the algarve !

    She sacked a bloke because he dumped her sister (or something like that) she considers shooting wolves from helicopters a sport, and she believes she should be able to control the lives of other women who want to have a choice over abortion. Agree that it does not have much to do with Sussex though.

    You may not hate anyone other than the above, but you do come accross that way quite often GH...
  • She charged raped women for access to rape examination kits, because the kits contained the morning after pill which she objected to.
  • I think it's time to stop this anti-Palin witch hunt. She has been exorcised after all ;¬)
  • Think we will see a lot more of her.
  • My only worry on this is white and black, especially, people across America have come out in their droves to vote for Obama just because of his skin colour and not in fact for his policies and politics - hope I am wrong.

    Good luck to him I say he can't be any worse than the redneck in there now.
  • edited November 2008
    I hope we dont !

    strange algarve in two weeks i have been blasted for having a go at someone when i clearly said the opposite, been accused of threatening people , (both i received apologies from the people) been moaned at re a thread i didnt even get involved in -------------------- there are times i really should be as nasty as my press and just say bollox to everyone ---------- oh sh*it i do !

    Maybe ill run for this Forum thingy. " Goonerhater --- reading Silence of The Lambs and representing The Dark side , i eat Vegans and shoot cyclists"".
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