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USA Election - Anyone Interested?



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    True BFR, especially the last sentence. He's definitely got more chance of getting things done then many other democrat presidents. The only issue of course is whether they'll have any money to make any real change. I fear not but hope so.
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    [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]He won states which had very very small Black populations, like Ohio, North Carolina and Colarado, where Democrats rarely win, so while the black vote voted 95/5 Democrat rather then 90/10 Dem, it was young, white college educated people who won him the election.

    The US is moving to the left, the Dems have had the highest popular vote in 4 of the last 5 general elections, the shift is happening.

    Who amongst us ever thought a black man (even of mixed race) would ever win the US Presidential race?

    I am old enough to remember the race riots and the end to segregation in certain states; old enough to remember the assasination of Martin Luther King; old enough to have watched Jesse Jackson's attempts to secure the democratic nomination fall at the first hurdle.

    Yes race was an issue and it's possible to argue that as many voted positively for Obama as against him. What is clear is that he won a landslide victory amongst what traditionally are white middle class voters. He stirred many thousands, not just to vote, but also to campaign who have never done so before. It is a seismic political event. I just hope that he's able to tackle the current troubles with a deal of success.
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    edited September 2016
    Thought I'd revive an ancient thread for this...

    May be easier to track it all in one place, for those of us that want one location can all the Trump vs Clinton stuff be kept here?

    @i_b_b_o_r_g :wink: or @AFKABartram & Co can the title be updated to say Trump vs Clinton from Page 5?
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    Unfortunately Mainstream News is no longer independent and a bias can be created one way or the other & bought by the highest bidder. Twitter and Facebook too are controlled from above by people with money. What we are "fed" these days I take with a pinch of salt. I will say this though from looking at the above Poll for who won the debate that CNN is probably into this in a very big way !

    Solid point, I never realised just how corrupt the American media had become... It's so odd when a news channel is unbelievably biased either way.
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    Watched the debate last night but got bored, quickly.

    Was expecting this particular debate to be more like jerry springer to be honest.

    Little wording at the bottom.

    "Asshole wants to build a wall to block Mexicans"

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    Dazzler21 said:

    Thought I'd revive an ancient thread for this...

    May be easier to track it all in one place, for those of us that want one location can all the Trump vs Clinton stuff be kept here?

    @i_b_b_o_r_g :wink: or @AFKABartram & Co can the title be updated to say Trump vs Clinton from Page 5?

    I think there's a good debate about, er, the debate going on in the Can Trump Be President (or whatever it's called) thread. Maybe we should change the title of that thread because in spite of its name, there is a lot of discussion about the politics and mechanics of the election.
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