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  • [cite]Posted By: DaveMehmet[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: Macronate[/cite]Summer's comin'.

    so am I!

  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]file.php?id=3794&t=1.jpg

    First thing that came into my head was "doggy style".....please.
  • [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]the most viewed thread on CL?

    Nope, been viewed over 66,000 times, a mere blow in the wind compared to the 212,000 views the Takeover thread got for the same period
  • 66k is still ridiculous.
  • edited April 2011
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite][div class=CommentHeader][span]quote# 899[/span][/div][div id=CommentBody_908794 class=CommentBody]a095b62ba601cdf2e9b5ff3d0e9c8069_111rachel.jpga095b62ba601cdf2e9b5ff3d0e9c8069_111rachel2.jpga095b62ba601cdf2e9b5ff3d0e9c8069_111rachel5.jpg


  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]the most viewed thread on CL?

    Nope, been viewed over 66,000 times, a mere blow in the wind compared to the 212,000 views the Takeover thread got for the same period
    so who has clocked up the odd 2000? I think 64000 of those views are by me!
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]the most viewed thread on CL?

    Nope, been viewed over 66,000 times, a mere blow in the wind compared to the 212,000 views the Takeover thread got for the same period


    I am so glad I brought so much joy to so many people.

  • Fella on today has just asked young Rachel for "Four Large ones". He must have double vision!!
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  • todays number , I'm speechless. It's almost see through and I'm sure her knockers are getting bigger
  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011
    [cite]Posted By: buckshee[/cite]todays number , I'm speechless. It's almost see through and I'm sure her knockers are getting bigger

    Seconded. Lovely tight white number she has on today. JT, put that photo on here, and you will have people falling over!
  • JTJT
    edited April 2011

    Only thing could manage at mo. Tomorrow
  • erm Pics??? ;)
  • I fell over.... superb !
  • What you don't get from the picture is the outline of her aereole showing through, not that I was looking
  • Okay, wow.
  • I am starting to think only a real nerd, gay man or straight woman could win that show. If any man that thinks like me was on there I would only be concentrating on making sure it was not obvious I was perving
  • Sponsored links:

  • Todays outfit was another 'stonker'......hope JT can publish it!!!
  • that white outfit was 'unbelievable'

    JT you are a legend !
  • edited April 2011
    never ever had a women in high heels fetish before she came along. i am now a sick sick man.
  • The blue all in one number thought topped it, untill i scrolled down further. How about a top three and a voting thingy? Peehaps we could use that as a topic during end of season? The 2010-11 award perhaps?
  • Never seen this thread before, been missing out on so much. This is pure genius! Loving the work JT.
  • [cite]Posted By: cfgs[/cite]I am starting to think only a real nerd, gay man or straight woman could win that show. If any man that thinks like me was on there I would only be concentrating on making sure it was not obvious I was perving

  • How on earth have i managed to miss this thread? She is, as the person who tipped me off about her, 'an absolute piece'. Gonna sky plus it for a few weeks to make up for lost time.
  • Have taken a bit of time to fully get to grips with this thread now and i've got to say JT, 'Take a bow son, take a bow'.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bexley Dan[/cite]Have taken a bit of time to fully get to grips with this thread now and i've got to say JT, 'Take a bow son, take a bow'.

    that's cause it takes about 5 mins now to fully load every time you click on it...;o)
  • [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Bexley Dan[/cite]Have taken a bit of time to fully get to grips with this thread now and i've got to say JT, 'Take a bow son, take a bow'.

    that's cause it takes about 5 mins now to fully load every time you click on it...;o)

    If i wasn't at work it could have taken a lot longer....
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