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What will it take? - Your views on renewing next season



  • I'm going to renew, maybe a move to the east stand...
  • [cite]Posted By: Pan Yan Man[/cite] Not sure if Northampton at home on a Tuesday in November is that appealing

    That's the sort of match I can't wait for!

    The idea of free home games for ALL the cup competitions may also swing the ''maybes'' into actually puchasing. I mean three extra home games has got to be worth it :-)
  • We're both renewing regardless. Charlton is our club and it needs our money now more than ever, as I feel we are fighting for our very survival.
  • I've gone from absent fan- (selhurst days) to Buying ticket for every game- first few seasons back- Season Ticket until this season- intending to buy on match by match but now i'm just not going...

    In this time all i wanted to see was a team who put in at least 95%. For nearly all the above time i saw it. When i see it again, i'll get another one..

    Sorry- not the company line, but, in answer to the original post, that i suspect is exactly what it's about and i suspect, as football is an emotive subject, the finacial aspects/ detail really wont make much of a difference to whether people go/ buy season tickets etc- possibly the only suggestion i have wuld be to include fa cup games..
  • i go with my family and we discussed it at the weekend. if prices stay the same or are lower than we will more than likely renew. if parkinson leaves aswell then we will definitely renew.
  • the only way I would never renew would be because I am dead. Even then I might still buy one just to haunt the miserable gits around me.

    I can't believe that people think we can hang on to Bailey. It's been strongly rumoured that he has a get out clause in his contract and surely someone will trigger that. I wouldn't blame him for going either. He joined us from a League 1 club as he wanted to play at a higher level and is now back in League 1. As one of the very few players you can't point a finger at this season he would go with my blessing. As for Racon it may well prove difficult to hang on to him too. However, two from Spring, Shelvey, Wright, Holland, Semedo would surely form the best midfield duo in League One.
  • I'll definitely be renewing, would be disappointed if there wasn't a significant reduction in price though.

    Would there be any mileage in basing the season ticket price on the amount of people who renew. For example, in the Covered End, starting ST price would be £220. However, if more than 10,000 renew then the price drops to £190 (the club therefore returning the excess £30 to each supporter. If more than 14,000 renew then the price drops to £150. Might encourage a bit of community spirit in terms of pressurising friends and relatives to sign up for another year.
    To be honest, if Parkinson stays then I don't think any season ticket offer will encourage anyone other than the diehards to renew, bearing in mind the doom and gloom that surrounds us at the moment. The football has been so bad recently that we literally can't give tickets away, hence each home gate is announced as 20k+ when there are only 15k in the ground. However cheap you make something, people will not stump up the money unless they think there is a good chance of being entertained. If the Odeon cinema was giving out free tickets to see "Jaws 4 - The Revenge" or "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot" then you ain't gonna get people queueing round the block are you.
    We need a good season ticket promotion coupled with a new manager to give us some reason to be optimistic about next season, otherwise it'll be 4-figure gates all the way.
  • I will renew

    Money is a issue and would be nice if the price is dropped to help out
  • Seems to be a fairly positive response on here though you would probably expect that as the 'Lifers' are surely some of the club's most loyal/dedicated fans.

    Maybe if they are priced imaginatively enough the take-up will be better than some fear?
  • Really don't want to renew as I am so fed up with what has happened the last couple of seasons that I feel that I should protest in some way. Crap management, crap tactics, crap players and bloody loanees....Saturday was a new low point for me - never have I sat at a match before and thougth 'what on earth am I doing here?' someone else said, it was just like a pre-season game, just not as good....

    That said, I appreciate that it is at times like this that the club needs our financial support the most and so - whilst I am lucky that I can afford to - I will renew both my tkts (have a child's one which I upgrade on a per match basis for my old dad when he can make it).

    For the last few years I have missed up to ten or so home games each season as the demands on my life have changed but have paid the money for STs anyway to show my 100% support...if I feel that there isn't 100% given next season on the pitch, then that's it, I'm off.

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  • I'm in the unsure category mainly for financial reasons. I'm assuming that we'll have a few more evening games next season, given that we'll be starting in the earlier rounds of the cup, and I've been struggling to make it to night games since the kick-offs moved back to 7:45. Combine that with the fact that I'm away around August Bank holiday, and I'm guaranteed to miss at least one game over the winter with flu, then we're probably talking missing half a dozen home games. If season tickets are 460 quid say, that's effectively a 120quid premium to reserve my seat and save on the hassle of having to buy tickets on a match by match basis. Not sure I can justify that.

    If there was one other factor that would sway me to renew, it would be a guarantee of a better atmosphere next season. I didn't start supporting Charlton because we were any good, it was the buzz of the crowd, the songs, the banter and the gallows humour that got me hooked. If I just wanted to see quality football regularly, I'd get a sky subscription instead. The thing that struck me most about Saturday's game was how quiet the Covered End was, to the extent that on a couple of occasions they were being outsung by the kids in the Upper West and the Family Section. I quite like the idea of a dedicated singing section, but where you put it is a bit of a problem, especially if it means moving people out of their existing seats. I don't envy the board this one, to be honest.
  • TBH

    Whatever the board do some think its wrong

    No win for them as you say dont envy them
  • I'll renew my season-ticket and my partner's pretty much irrespective of the extent of the price reduction, but would expect there to be one. My boys (7 and 10) now only agree to come if bribery and corruption is brought to bear, so I might not renew their season tickets but just bring them on an ad-hoc basis.

    Free cup games would be a helpful gesture, even though that only amounts to two extra games...

    Another season like this one would be depressing in the extreme but I'd still renew.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]TBH

    Whatever the board do some think its wrong

    No win for them as you say dont envy them[/quote]

    Ask Curbs about their lack of ambition and consequent underfunding for a proper challenge in the Prem and you might change how you feel.
  • When discussing season tickets and prices remember that in div2 and div1 that the going price for tickets for turning up on the day is £20-£22, I have done a few lower div matches and that is what I have paid. So why should charlton charge less, at 23 matches for the season then £450 for a season ticket is good value if you intend to go to 20 or so matches.
    As you may guess I am renewing my season ticket, just wish they would let me know sooner than later what the price will be.
    edited March 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Nadou[/cite]Ask Curbs about their lack of ambition and consequent underfunding for a proper challenge in the Prem and you might change how you feel.
    A proper challenge for what? The title?!
  • edited March 2009
    [quote][cite]Posted By: somerton[/cite]When discussing season tickets and prices remember that in div2 and div1 that the going price for tickets for turning up on the day is £20-£22, I have done a few lower div matches and that is what I have paid. So why should charlton charge less, at 23 matches for the season then £450 for a season ticket is good value if you intend to go to 20 or so matches.
    As you may guess I am renewing my season ticket, just wish they would let me know sooner than later what the price will be.[/quote]

    a season ticket is a bulk purchase and therefore significantly less than an on the day price if you break it down.

    I still think a Carnet idea as I mentioned previously might work.
  • Charlton are usually pretty quick off the mark in informing the fans what next seasons season ticket prices will be. If the board accept Division 1 football is assured I can`t see the point in delaying unless they are not sure that a decision on the manager might have an impact. 7 games left now. When do we usually find out ?
  • Definate renew whatever. Wish the club would get the renewal process going.

    I think many will not renew immediately but as the season approaches will relent. My advice is to do it while any early bird offers are on.
  • I'll renew without a second thought regardless of what ever league we play in.
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  • Unsure at present because of credit crunch, living 60 miles away and having a beautiful baby girl.

    Have lost my mojo with the club of late and not sure I can justify the outlay tbh

    Sweeteners that might help......

    10 to 15£ per game maximum for ST prices
    Sexy football ( roberto Martinez / sean o'driscoll stylie)
    Players we own that appear to care for the club
  • March Jnr. and I talked about this as we walked the empty streets back to the motor on Saturday, the upshot being that between us we've got 82 years of supporting in and that two or three very disappointing years shouldn't effect the fact that we're Charlton and that's that! We're not going to wreck a family loyalty going back four generations just because those in charge have f****d up with some bloody awful decisions! Hopefully they've learnt from it and once they get rid of the present clown we can start again and look forward to some promotion celebrations starting next May! So yes, we'll be there with our STs . (Memo to self: must have a word with Jnr. about starting the 5th. generation).
  • I will definitely be renewing, in spite of the fact that like many others, i have found it a chore turning up for a lot of this season, and on saturday against preston and that tuesday against doncaster in particular, i really would rather have been pretty much anywhere else, and in spite of the fact ive just taken a big pay cut and my job is hanging by a thread. but the fact is we have had pretty much as bad a season as we possibly could have, we probably wont have a season as bad and unenjoyable as this season for 30 odd years, and next season will be better even if it is still sh it. like somebody said earlier, i still love charlton, i just dont love watching us lose and i dont love watching lazy not bothered tos sers wear the shirt - but the fact is if you dont turn up through this sh it then you wont appreciate the next mark kinsella, the next play off final win, the next time we win at arsenal, the next time we do the double over chelsea, the next time we play at wembley etc etc half as much.

    in terms of getting people to renew, i think only vastly, vastly reduced prices - especially in the current times - will make that much of a difference - e.g. 50%. even if we did get a vaguely exciting new manager in (and whats the most exciting we could hope for, jorge costa, di canio??) i still dont think it will make a massive difference as they wont be able to make massive changes to the playing squad and people know that they will be able to sit pretty much where they want next season for any game but still only buy a ticket on the day.
  • I wonder why Norwich have so little trouble selling 18,000 season tickets? Their position isn't much better than ours. And I don't suppose the recession is biting less deeply up there than it is down here.
  • Because there's not another league team in the same county let alone the same town?
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]Because there's not another league team in the same county let alone the same town?[/quote]

    Yeah, but they're holding on to the season ticket holders they've got - and from what I can gather we're losing a lot of ours and not, I assume, to go and watch other teams in London.
  • There are only 300,000 people in greater Norwich and 1M in Norfolk. Contrary to some posts there is lots to do here other than go to football too.
  • [cite]Posted By: Maglor[/cite]There are only 300,000 people in greater Norwich and 1M in Norfolk. Contrary to some posts there is lots to do here other than go to football too.

    And they are suffering more than most from the carrot crunch......:o)

    Seriously though, I am sure as a club we used to benchmark against what others do. Norwich also used to look to us as a role model. They have got their ST act together fast whilst we seem still to be in the conceptual stage. Have the target 40,000 team looked at what Norwich (and others) have done?

    On a personal front, I will be renewing my two. I may move to the West for a change, I may get a third and take my daughter who is now telling me she's missing out on the Dads and Lads trips!!!
  • I gave up my ST's a couple of seasons ago, however I may renew for next season. However if they continue to play midweek home games on a Tuesday then I wont, if we can have some midweek home games on a Wednesday then yes I'll have a couple, oh yes and keep the price down a bit Minty, there's a good chap.
    Other than that I'm looking forward to the Rise and Rise and Fall and Rise (again) of Charlton Athletic.
  • Depends on whether they keep the Valley Express service going - if not then I might just pick and choose which games to go to
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