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Ian Tomlinson



  • [cite]Posted By: Heath Hero[/cite]While we're in the mood for bumping old threads, my turn!

    I saw on the news last night that there's now another enquiry because of that copper giving the crustyette a whack with his truncheon. Broadly, it seemed to me that what happened was as follows:

    Crusty is in the copper's face shouting. He tells her to move away.
    Crusty carries on shouting in the copper's face. He gives her a backhander.
    Crusty carries on shouting in the copper's face. So he gives her a whack with the truncheon.

    I know this will drive the PC brigade bonkers but I can't really see what's wrong here... when is there going to be a public enquiry (complete with comments from lawyers enjoying 5 minutes of fame on the TV) about them putting graffitti everywhere - walls, monuments etc?!

    So the police are now allowed to carry out assaults? Sure she might have been more than a bit gobby, but given the sensitivity of the situation and that he was surrounded by people with cameras you'd think that policeman would have more sense than to hand out some punishment. He did have the power to arrest her for using abusive language.
  • yes but the backhander and the truncehon were much more effective than a slap on the wrists and a 50 quid fine.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]yes but the backhander and the truncehon were much more effective than a slap on the wrists and a 50 quid fine.

    And prolly more satisfying...but wrong to do it when he had loads of cameras trained on him.
  • Don't police officers get to retire on their pensions at about 50 because of all the stress they have, and the demanding physical nature of the job? They work shifts too which is a drag for them, but they also get decent pay don't they? They are all human, but I have always assumed they are paid well because they often have to show restraint in the face of nasty situations.
    If they wallop a 'crusty' (whatever that means), or cause the death of somebody, they have to accept the consequences just as they accept their pay and conditions.
  • [cite]Posted By: Heath Hero[/cite]While we're in the mood for bumping old threads, my turn!

    I saw on the news last night that there's now another enquiry because of that copper giving the crustyette a whack with his truncheon. Broadly, it seemed to me that what happened was as follows:

    Crusty is in the copper's face shouting. He tells her to move away.
    Crusty carries on shouting in the copper's face. He gives her a backhander.
    Crusty carries on shouting in the copper's face. So he gives her a whack with the truncheon.

    I know this will drive the PC brigade bonkers but I can't really see what's wrong here... when is there going to be a public enquiry (complete with comments from lawyers enjoying 5 minutes of fame on the TV) about them putting graffitti everywhere - walls, monuments etc?!

    Yeh! spot on Heathy..................

    As long as it wasn't my wife, daughter, sister, aunty, granny, next door neighbour or even worse.. me.
  • [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Heath Hero[/cite]While we're in the mood for bumping old threads, my turn!

    I saw on the news last night that there's now another enquiry because of that copper giving the crustyette a whack with his truncheon. Broadly, it seemed to me that what happened was as follows:

    Crusty is in the copper's face shouting. He tells her to move away.
    Crusty carries on shouting in the copper's face. He gives her a backhander.
    Crusty carries on shouting in the copper's face. So he gives her a whack with the truncheon.

    I know this will drive the PC brigade bonkers but I can't really see what's wrong here... when is there going to be a public enquiry (complete with comments from lawyers enjoying 5 minutes of fame on the TV) about them putting graffitti everywhere - walls, monuments etc?!

    Yeh! spot on Heathy..................

    As long as it wasn't my wife, daughter, sister, aunty, granny, next door neighbour or even worse.. me.

    I remember a few years back when the Countryside Alliance (ie the Daily Mail & Daily Torygraph readership) ran a march in Central London. Their anger at receiving some heavy-handed police treatment was amusing.
  • Yer wasn't that a laugh all those posh nobs herded together for hours with no access to food, water or (gulp) toilets
    That'll teach 'em for being wealthy country folk!

    The protesters were behaving much worse than the police. Lets hope that the thug with with the large pole is briought to justice and that the police officer makes a speedy recovery.
  • [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Don't police officers get to retire on their pensions at about 50 because of all the stress they have, and the demanding physical nature of the job? They work shifts too which is a drag for them, but they also get decent pay don't they? They are all human, but I have always assumed they are paid well because they often have to show restraint in the face of nasty situations.
    If they wallop a 'crusty' (whatever that means), or cause the death of somebody, they have to accept the consequences just as they accept their pay and conditions.

    On the pension thing I think its service related rather than age. A mate did his 30 years and got a pension (2/3rds salary) under the age of 50 and then they asked him to go back and he is receiving both salary and pension. Top bloke dealt with some horrible situations (murders) and cant stand the hierarchy in the Police itself but is actually very skilled in what he does. I wouldnt want to do what he has to do.
  • It was my Dad who took the police on many years ago over the stress issue. He became the first policeman to be awarded early retirement on full pension due to stress. it started the changes within the police. I'd rather have had a Dad to be honest, the things he had to do and see crippled an entire family and it's fair to say that Joe public has little idea of what can be involved. But it does not mean that we should accept the kind of behaviour we have seen. On the contrary, given that society unfortunately needs the police, in order to have an effective police force, public trust is essential. Overwhelmingly, protestors are peaceful and not hostile to the police. Police forces up and down the country groan about the Met. It's actions for all too long now have made the jobs of ordinary police men and women more difficult and changes are needed. Not wearing numbers for example has been happening for many years, it was known about and encouraged but at long last it's under the spotlight. I hope that good may yet come out of these incidents.
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  • When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. - Thomas Jefferson
  • Cowardly actions compounded by cowardly testimony condoned by cowardly colleagues and abbetted by cowardly superiors (allegedly!)
  • edited April 2011
    no charges for this piece of shit,biggest criminal firm in england.
  • edited April 2011
    Always going to be a stitch up.

    The Establishment never likes to be seen as in the wrong.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]no charges for this piece of shit,biggest criminal firm in england.
  • If anyone has been following the Guardian blog on this over the past couple of days it'll leave a sick taste in your mouth.

    The lies from Harwood and the way things are twisted to suit the plod are disgusting. Many of us from football know what the plod are like, many have been involved in incidents, some brought on by ourselves, some instigated by over zealous bully coppers who want nothing more than to lash out and cause some grief.

    This Hardwood wanted trouble and he went about dishing it all evening. He was the driver of the van yet got kitted up in riot helmet and balaclava and went out to get involved. The lies and complete lack of huge public outcry is amazing.

    The public will carry on thinking this a rogue cop behaving badly when he has himself said Met Police instructions allow the use of a baton even when someone isn't showing no signs of aggression. They get away with it as they always bloody do.
  • Update on this case...

    ....I would love to see the copper get done for what he did to Tomlinson but we all know that's its not going to happen.

    He'll get a slap on the wrist and probably get his job back too.
  • Some years ago my wife and I got caught up in the Poll Tax Riot we stupidly didn't look at the news and happily went off to London as we were going to the pictures (ironically to see The War of the Roses) anyway we got caught in a full scale police charge at the back of Leicester Square I maanged to man handle my now totally panicked wife into a shop doorway and stood in front of her to protect her. At that point a fully tooled up police officer appeared asked us if we were OK and then made sure we were escorted to safety and that was right in the middle of a pitch battle with all sorts being thrown by the protestors. So my first hand experience was totally different and still to this day have that offier to thank otherwise I dread to think what would have happened.
  • Posted By: se9addick
    Was he a Millwall supporter or are they just angry (and looking for an excuse to riot)
    He was wearing a Millwall rain jacket/wind cheater type top at the time.

    Ian Tomlinson was a Millwall Supporter

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  • The Tomlinson family have had to wait 3 years for this a few months ago I saw other footage of this paid thug before he got involved with Ian Tomlinson where he was wading into other people.

    If what had happened had been around the other way ie Tomlinson had struck the cop in exactly the same way and the copper died , 2 thingse would have happened either Tomlinson would be sitting in prison on remand awaiting trial or by now the trial would have been held he would have found guilty of either Murder or Manslaughter.

    The truth is that the old bill think they can do what they want and get away with it, the facts are that the copper is no more than a paid thug and I am hoping he is found guilty and does time in Belmarsh then lets see how hard the thug is
  • Posted By: se9addick
    Was he a Millwall supporter or are they just angry (and looking for an excuse to riot)
    He was wearing a Millwall rain jacket/wind cheater type top at the time.
    Ian Tomlinson was a Millwall Supporter

    A Millwall supporter, but not in denial, unlike your good self. Apologies if I'm wrong.
  • The jury is currently out on this case.

  • The video footage says all that needs to be said in this sorry case. If outcome is not guilty..... well it can't possibly be can it?
  • lacking much media of late this trial
  • edited July 2012
    lacking much media of late this trial
    Shed load of cameras been outside the court mate every day.

    Doubt they will be reporting it on Babestation or Boxnation so p'raps broaden your viewing ;-)
  • Plenty of cameras I know but the papers and news are not keeping it as the big news it should be no where near . Hardly much on the internet earlier when the jury went in . I have feeling justice won't be done but I hope I'm wrong
  • Plenty of cameras I know but the papers and news are not keeping it as the big news it should be no where near . Hardly much on the internet earlier when the jury went in . I have feeling justice won't be done but I hope I'm wrong
    I have a feeling you're right.
  • The jury (made up of ordinary members of the public - just like on CL) have sat through a long and complex trial and, unlike anyone on this site, have heard all the evidence. I am sure that the members of the jury will now deliver a verdict in accordance with that evidence and the oath each took. Whatever verdict the jury reaches, that is 'justice', regardless of posters personal views.
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