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Charlton Takeover



  • edited May 2009
    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite][cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]What our main concern at present should be if it remains a live issue without completion for too much longer, ie. towards the end of June. Then it becomes complex because budget decisions, player movement etc becomes imperative.

    if it creeps on for even another two weeks we are f**ked in my opinion.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]LATEST RUMOUR,
    Apparantly the big money buying Sunderland, now they have secured premiership status, will leave their heretofore Irish investors seeking to put the money raised into Charlton. There is a crisis in the Irish economy, and interest rates being low means that an investment in Charlton, currently punching below their weight, is likely to yield some return, or at least parallel the adventure the irish investors had with the Mackems. The Charlton profile is high with the Irish investors who were big movers in the purchase of Andy Reid, and well aware of our (capital city) presence due to Kins and Holland and lately younger Irish representative players. The current silence is entirely due to the wait for the Sunderland deal to finalise. The biggest suprise of all is the intention to install Brian Kerr as our new manager with Kins as assistant.

    does this mean the irish lot are the only ones in for us? or are their two groups and the club are waiting to see who offers the most?
  • rubbish me and PV are taking over the world nailed on FACT
  • I'm surprised you are still talking to him NLA!
  • we are on very amicable terms it is you lot he hates starting all these rumours ;-)
  • Who thinks this thread will reach 1000 posts before we get any proper takeover news?
  • Can i just ask - have the seagulls and Pigeons finished off mr Brown
  • I always thought it Started with Interest, Contact, Due Dilligence, first offer (shareholder informed), Vote, Acceptance / Refusal...... etc

    Shareholders will be informed when there is an actual offer and not just if there is some kind of interest. Why would the club release information to all shareholders when there is no actual deal/offer and just interest.
  • oh nooooooo.....

    not this again.... ive been reading, and reading... and its now up to 500 plus posts....

    I will not start getting my hopes up.... I will not start getting my hopes up...
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    if it creeps on for even another two weeks we are f**ked in my opinion.

    Oi! Golfie, stop using Large's log in : - )

    The longer what seems like an interregnum goes on the harder it's going to be to recruit and mould the squad for next season (the players come back to training on 25th June) but F**ked?

    IF there is a takeover I hope they have a five, ten or preferably 20 year plan not a five week one.
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  • IF there is a takeover I hope they have a five, ten or preferably 20 year plan not a five week one.


    Come on Henners, this is CL, get a sense of perspective...if the new owners haven't invested millions in the likes of Kaka and if we don't win promotion by the end of the transfer window then clearly they don't know what they are doing, have no real ambition and so consequently we are screwed.
  • Sorry WSS it cant be Brian Kerr`s brother Wayne as he has already been manager once here ----- some say his still here .
  • (more than once..)
  • As a regular on CAFC Babes I can say that the poster in question is being given credence because his gossip has proved to be accurate in the past.
    Apart from other stuff he was the first to report the previous Zabeel interest and the first to report (sniff, sniff) that the deal was off.

    Of course that means nothing in factual terms and as others say we would be wise to not get excited.

    The trouble is I am bloody excited; how can you not be when the means to our renaissance is being dangled in front of our eyes.
    I foresee the mother of all depressions if this doesn't come off!
  • The silence from all parts of the club is strange. It could be however that with the redunancies and the restructuring of work loads things are taking alot longer to be done ? I wouldnt have thought that the peeps made redundant had left yet ??

    I just cant see areason why the Managers position has not be cnfirmed one way or anther.
  • I'm bored of this already and we have another 10 weeks till the season starts!!
  • edited May 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite] I wouldnt have thought that the peeps made redundant had left yet ??

    I believe they have
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]I just cant see areason why the Managers position has not be cnfirmed one way or anther.

    unless RM hasn't got the balls to do it and is going to let the new owner do it for him.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]The silence from all parts of the club is strange. It could be however that with the redunancies and the restructuring of work loads things are taking alot longer to be done ? I wouldnt have thought that the peeps made redundant had left yet ??

    They all left that day - apart from me cos I'm doing a handover (I'm off Friday - I think). Although there are other areas that are being looked at ie. staff under contracts etc etc so thats all going on. plus there are less people here doing other peoples jobs so everyone is really busy.

    Although if a takeover was on the cards - wasn't it announced on sky sports news and on the website the day before the shareholders were informed which isn't really the right thing but it did happen. can't remember if it was before or after due dilligence or if it all happened at the same time?!?!

    I think that those at the club are doing the club stuff, and if there are takeover things going on, they'll be being done by those not based at the club on a day to day basis anyway in the first instance. but what do i know! :-)
  • "Ding, dong"

    Who's that at the door Suze?
  • what did the poster on cafc babes say?
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  • [cite]Posted By: J BLOCK joe[/cite]what did the poster on cafc babes say?

    As AFKA said posted earlier: -
    this is the post in question 'So...offer accepted, DD in progress. Club rate it as 80% likely still to happen. If it doesn't then God knows where that leaves the morale of Murray etc.'
  • AFKA wrote : ''What we can confidently ascertain is that while it is now widely accepted that something is being investigated / in the pipeline, the longer the silence the more we know it is still a live issue / advancing. The reason for the silence i would have thought would have come under Lesson 1 from the Zabeel episode.

    I'm sure if things fall through, the word will get around pretty quickly.''

    Exactly. That has been the position for some weeks and the fact that it has gone on for this long is not a cause for despair but a source of cautious optimism. Which is why I'm just concentrating on cricket - with fingers crossed - until the negotiations have run their course and the new owners are unveiled or we are told that the deal has hit an insurmoutable snag.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]"Ding, dong"

    Who's that at the door Suze?

    Grotbags! :-)
  • Must be patient, must be patient..........

    Arse it!

    I'm not very bloody good at being patient!

    P.S Thanks for the informative posts on here. As Nigel said, I think 'cautiously optimistic' is definitely the order of the day, as the present silence from SE7 is frankly deafening....

    P.P.S A very good point made about the fact that a well located club brought low by relegation(s) may be a good place to lob your cash during a financial downturn where decent returns on an investment are very, very hard to find right now. Or maybe that's just my cautious optimism getting the better of me?
  • you're right if your gonna invest in us now is the time to do it
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]"Ding, dong"

    Who's that at the door Suze?

    Grotbags! :-)

    Lol - At last an "in joke" I understand!!
  • [cite]Posted By: J BLOCK joe[/cite]you're right if your gonna invest in us now is the time to do it

    Are we going to have a style reverse auction for the club?

    Or maybe trigger a crazy price war

    Strange that we are all excited over potentially nothing. Could just be rumours and nothing doing at all. Could just be quiet because everyone has gone on holiday.

    Until I see Henry on Sky Sports News I will remain optimistically sceptical
  • I am not excited

  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]

    Until I see Henry on Sky Sports News I will remain optimistically sceptical

    You'll have a long wait then : - )
  • Would now be a good time to say that I have heard that a Japanese internet company are showing some interest in Charlton?
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