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  • hey only 98 till 3000
  • Am i right in thinking Leicester are about to be taken over? You would have thought we'd be at least as attractive as Leicester now that RM has restructured things wouldn't you? Seems there are buyers still out there but none of them ever seem interested in us. After the big 4 in London, i would put us as the next most attractive club - we've got a great stadium, have proven we can fill our ground in the prem - it's all in place, just need a manager and a team now.
  • The difference is BD, Leicester are in the waiting room for the promised land... we aren't even inside the building

    They were 90 mins away from the PL last season, the thinking will be that with some investment, in a league where anyone can force their way into the play-off mix (look at Blackpool last season, Burnley the year before), you're never too far away from the big bucks.

    Anyone in the Championship without crippling debts, with an OK stadium and in a sizeable city is miles ahead of us in terms of attracting investors.
  • Already done, I think Dan. Though they havent sent full financial details as required
    Thai businessmen.
    May have influenced Erikson's decision after his time associated with Taksin
  • So it only seems right to bump this seeing what's happening on that other thread....
  • You'll never be the takeover thread!
  • Im Glad that this, the only official, real and completley authorative take over thread, is back on page No 1 .
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]it aint really summer till this thread is back at the top of the board

    now get gossiping,

    i have heard that a texan billionare is going to buy us out and build casino hotels on each corner of the ground and that we will have a rollercoaster running around the top of the stands.

    is it summer yet ?

    before every game Tom Jones and bryan admams will be dueting on the centre circle
  • Ah that is better, keep all the usual rubbish here folks, you know it makes sense and steer clear of the F5 button while you are on here, Qatari superstitionss about the bad fortune attached to the alpha numeric F5 may lead to them pulling the plug on the imminent deal.
  • 90 posts to go till it happens!
  • Sponsored links:

  • That's better.
  • takeover thread war, only on CL, where's HI? I'll get me popcorn
  • We have the takeover thread and the official takeover thread, but which ones better......... FIGHT!!!!!
  • What's going on here then?
  • I support this thread - let the news break here, if there is any, please...!
  • Ah bless your back missed you takeover thread.
  • Floater! This is the thread that could never be sunk!
  • Interesting that Dan Roan is now saying the deal should have happened on Wednesday. May be more truth in this than we originally thought. Though it will be more likely to be a takeover by a small consortium, not in a much heathier financial position than RM, but enough that would guarantee the short/medium term solvency of the club.
  • [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Interesting that Dan Roan is now saying the deal should have happened on Wednesday. May be more truth in this than we originally thought. Though it will be more likely to be a takeover by a small consortium, not in a much heathier financial position than RM, but enough that would guarantee the short/medium term solvency of the club.

    He's just confused like me - we're playing Sheffield Wednesday... on Saturday!
  • *nd he is going to be there after his weekly Sainsbury's shop?
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited October 2010
    Charlton (are playing Sheffield) Wednesday (on Saturday - who are subject to a) take over bid?

    too much of a coincedence?
  • will admin please kill this thread and put it out of its misery?

  • No, this is the official one, and when it gets to 3000 the takeover will happen. Do you think it is mere coincidence that the 'other' (un)official thread is started by someone with a username that has ONLY letters contained in the name Simon Jordan?
  • The true takeover thread. Why is it that people have been worshiping a false takeover thread?
  • The real takeover thread, accept no substitute

    PS Why doesn't Dan Roan reply to my tweets
  • This is where it's at. The oldest, the real, the undisputed King of Takeover Treads.

    Don't forget to post it here first folks, then admin can sink that darned imposter like the bunch of knock off pirates they are.
  • Shall I push F5 again ?
  • theres only one takeover thread, no admin can kill it before it reaches 3000
  • Good work boys, I think we will soon see the imposter sliding down the league like we used to in the second half of a prem season, or the second half of a championship season, or the second half of last season.

    Anyone remember why we were here in the first place?
  • Is Dan Roan out of the pub yet?
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