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CL Shirt Sponsorship ***Update*** Now Paid



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    can't seem to whisper-

    Henners, I'll pop my £10 through your letter box next time I pop into see my parents. should be within the next two weeks-

    If thats not quick enough give me a shout
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    h,if YOU want to send me your address by whisper ill put a cheque through your door on friday as i will be visiting my mums @ widmore green.
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    edited September 2009
    Thanks to all the people who paid. got five cheques Sat money and a lot more cash in the lib.

    Good to meet so many new Lifers as well.

    Flash sod award goes to MOG for paying with a £50. Some much for the recession!
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    Nice to meet you & mog ( and Mrs mog) yesterday, sir Henry
    Who was the other chap with you?
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    my brother. Ex valley party candidate but not a lifer.
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    oh ok mate.
    nice to meet you all anyway.
    see you again soon no doubt.....
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    you too.

    Always loads of lifers in the lib so see you in there.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Thanks to all the people who paid. got five cheques Sat money and a lot more cash in the lib.

    Good to meet so many new Lifers as well.

    Flash sod award goes to MOG for paying with a £50. Some much for the recession!

    Ah, but i didn't let you keep the change !
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    assume you ticked me off the list even tho AFKA paid on my behalf? Well he said he did.
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    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]assume you ticked me off the list even tho AFKA paid on my behalf? Well he said he did.

    No, he just gave me a £20 from himself.

    Only joking he paid for you and about three other people. All noted down on the spreadsheet, thanks
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    cheque is in the post.
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    am I too late for this Ben

    not being an office dweller anymore I missed the original post.

    If I am c'est la vie
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    [cite]Posted By: Ledge[/cite]am I too late for this Ben

    not being an office dweller anymore I missed the original post.

    If I am c'est la vie

    I don't think so. We've got enough but any extras will go on extra prizes.

    I'm fine with it unless anyone else has a problem. Please say if you have.

    What I'll say to anyone else is deadline is end of this week (Friday) otherwise it will never end and I'll lose track of where we are.

    So if you want to join in then pledge.

    How much mate?
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    [cite]Posted By: Ledge[/cite]
    Call it £100

    Blimey Ledge, that's VERY generous of you.
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    I don't seem to be able to whisper - can you let me know payable details and address please
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    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Ledge[/cite]
    Call it £100

    Blimey Ledge, that's VERY generous of you.

    Just one of his normal tips.
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    [cite]Posted By: PL54[/cite]I don't seem to be able to whisper - can you let me know payable details and address please

    I have the same problem - would it be possible to send those details to me aswell please.
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    Thanks for all the cheques that are arriving in every post.

    Thanks KB for the cash that popped through the door as well.

    There is now only just over £500 outstanding andI know plenty of you have sent cheques.

    If you've sent a cheque and aren't sure if it has arrived ask me. With the postal strike there may be delays.

    If you've not got the details yet whisper me or we can do something at Barnet or Oldham.
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    thanks Large, kimbo, weegie and quintus boss. Letters arrived today.

    Anyone who's not paid yet let me know how you want to do it.
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    Ben, I whispered you a while back but I've had no response - I've not whispered before, so maybe it didn't work? I don't know.
    Anyway, could you let me know the details please? I'll send a cheque.

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    Lord Romford, I've whispered you.

    Let me know if you've got it OK.

    Wilma, many thanks for the cheque that arrived today.
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    edited October 2009
    I'll be at Barnet tonight in the West Stand and Oldham on Saturday in the Lib and then the East.

    Most of you have already paid and most others have said the "cheque is in the post" although with the postal strike I know they may be delayed.

    If you haven't been in touch at all yet can you whisper me and tell me how you are going to pay.

    Only about 4 people in that category so don't be the last left and first to be named and shamed.
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    No excuses - I've been away & completely forgot to send the cheque. My bad.

    Can't make it tonight, so I'll find you somewhere on Saturday & give you the cash. What time do you leave the Lib?
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    Thanks F,

    Normally leave the Lib about 2.35/40
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    Henry, can't seem to whisper but did you receive my chq ?
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    [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]Henry, can't seem to whisper but did you receive my chq ?

    Yes, thanks. I have a few I've not yet paid in but will do this week.
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    Belatedly in the post today
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    Charlton fans, when properly organised, are a formidable force.

    Well done H.I. and everyone for getting this sorted so efficiently.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I'll be at Barnet tonight in the West Stand and Oldham on Saturday .

    I think you'll get a bit more of your dosh if you get down The Valley mate.
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    Thanks Jaire and College Park (who wins the largest envelope award) the cheques arrived today.

    Will be paying them and all the others that arrived this week in tomorrow as Friday is Admin day.

    Only a few no payers left and you don't want to be in hall of shame to be published on Monday : - )

    I'll be in the Lib or in the East Stand.

    Otherwise contact someone you know who will be in the Lib or the East and ask them to pay for you.

    I know there are some "cheques in the post".
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