A reminder of one of the most neglected but best bands of their era, the late 60s/early 70s .. excuse the long track .. live, one of the best Brit Blues Bands .. Savoy Brown https://youtu.be/qlqqeobOJvg
Been in self isolation and working from home so taking the chance to have the Meet on The Ledge: An Island Records Folk Rock Anthology album on in the background.
Been in self isolation and working from home so taking the chance to have the Meet on The Ledge: An Island Records Folk Rock Anthology album on in the background.
Been in self isolation and working from home so taking the chance to have the Meet on The Ledge: An Island Records Folk Rock Anthology album on in the background.
some great stuff on there
Yeah bought it yonks ago and it’s one of those albums you just stick on and enjoy from beginning to end. Love Matty Groves and The Nutting Girl.