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  • edited December 2013

    Gangster Squad

    This didn't get great reviews when released and it does have a lot more style than substance but i really enjoyed it.

    8 out of 10

    great film ... I also really enjoyed it 8.5/10
  • edited December 2013
    I have two free tickets for following films if anyone wants them:
    The secret life of Walter Mitty (Thurs 12th Dec Bluewater 6.30pm)
    Paranormal Activity The Marked one (Fri 13th Dec Greenwich Odeon 11.30pm)
    The Railway man (Tues 17th Dec Cineworld o2 6.30pm)
  • stonemuse said:

    Gangster Squad

    This didn't get great reviews when released and it does have a lot more style than substance but i really enjoyed it.

    8 out of 10

    great film ... I also really enjoyed it 8.5/10
    Never, ever a great film!! Greatly disappointing maybe... a great waste of talent.... a colossally rubbish script ("Who's the tomato?!")... but great!? Never! By the end it's laughable. That impromptu boxing match? Awful!!

    Also, This Is The End is nowhere near as bed as implied. Self indulgent, certainly, but the cast send themselves up pretty well and it's way, way funnier than Simon Pegg's effort. It's worth it just for the Danny McBride ("I hear...everything!") or Craig Robinson moments.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    stonemuse said:

    Gangster Squad

    This didn't get great reviews when released and it does have a lot more style than substance but i really enjoyed it.

    8 out of 10

    great film ... I also really enjoyed it 8.5/10
    Never, ever a great film!! Greatly disappointing maybe... a great waste of talent.... a colossally rubbish script ("Who's the tomato?!")... but great!? Never! By the end it's laughable. That impromptu boxing match? Awful!!
    Lol...The film was rated very poorly so I lowered my expectations before watching.I have to say the ending was pretty bad but I still enjoyed it overall.It's just another standard Hollywood gangster film which you can't expect too much from and won't last long in your memory.The only two things I can remember now are Ryan Gosling's extremely annoying voice and Emma Stone's stunning looks.

    Another film I watched around the same time was Lawless which I think was similar but a lot better.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    stonemuse said:

    Gangster Squad

    This didn't get great reviews when released and it does have a lot more style than substance but i really enjoyed it.

    8 out of 10

    great film ... I also really enjoyed it 8.5/10
    Never, ever a great film!! Greatly disappointing maybe... a great waste of talent.... a colossally rubbish script ("Who's the tomato?!")... but great!? Never! By the end it's laughable. That impromptu boxing match? Awful!!

    Also, This Is The End is nowhere near as bed as implied. Self indulgent, certainly, but the cast send themselves up pretty well and it's way, way funnier than Simon Pegg's effort. It's worth it just for the Danny McBride ("I hear...everything!") or Craig Robinson moments.
    This is the end is so unbelievable self indulgent and is a total mess at times. The ending with the guest appearance band ( i wont say who they are) is about the most memorable thing about it. I do agree with you The world's end is very disappointing. In my opinon
  • I liked The Worlds End … pure escapist fun … good for a laugh
  • Nebraska - 8/10

    really good slow paced film.
    another great from director Alexander Payne. (about schimidt, Election, Sideways and The descendants)
  • edited December 2013

    JiMMy 85 said:

    stonemuse said:

    Gangster Squad

    This didn't get great reviews when released and it does have a lot more style than substance but i really enjoyed it.

    8 out of 10

    great film ... I also really enjoyed it 8.5/10
    Never, ever a great film!! Greatly disappointing maybe... a great waste of talent.... a colossally rubbish script ("Who's the tomato?!")... but great!? Never! By the end it's laughable. That impromptu boxing match? Awful!!
    Lol...The film was rated very poorly so I lowered my expectations before watching.I have to say the ending was pretty bad but I still enjoyed it overall.It's just another standard Hollywood gangster film which you can't expect too much from and won't last long in your memory.The only two things I can remember now are Ryan Gosling's extremely annoying voice and Emma Stone's stunning looks.

    Another film I watched around the same time was Lawless which I think was similar but a lot better.
    Lawless really was good. It didn't bring anything particularly new to the table, but was a perfect representation of that sub genre. I thought director John Hillcoat nailed that hot and humid atmosphere. The guy took cut scenes from Red Dead and turned it into a compelling short film once. I like Hillcoat.

    Also agree on Nebraska. It's a delight. Woody is not too dissimilar from March51 from this very board!

    Beds - I think Kermode's yard stick for comedy is spot on: Did you laugh four times or more? And I think I laughed way more than that, at admittedly stupid jokes.
  • Gravity was hands down the best movie I've seen in 3D. The effects and CGI were pretty immense to say the least.

    Script was a little bit weak but seeing Sandra Bullock wriggle out of her spacesuit was pretty awesome ;)
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    JiMMy 85 said:

    stonemuse said:

    Gangster Squad

    This didn't get great reviews when released and it does have a lot more style than substance but i really enjoyed it.

    8 out of 10

    great film ... I also really enjoyed it 8.5/10
    Never, ever a great film!! Greatly disappointing maybe... a great waste of talent.... a colossally rubbish script ("Who's the tomato?!")... but great!? Never! By the end it's laughable. That impromptu boxing match? Awful!!
    Lol...The film was rated very poorly so I lowered my expectations before watching.I have to say the ending was pretty bad but I still enjoyed it overall.It's just another standard Hollywood gangster film which you can't expect too much from and won't last long in your memory.The only two things I can remember now are Ryan Gosling's extremely annoying voice and Emma Stone's stunning looks.

    Another film I watched around the same time was Lawless which I think was similar but a lot better.
    Lawless really was good. It didn't bring anything particularly new to the table, but was a perfect representation of that sub genre. I thought director John Hillcoat nailed that hot and humid atmosphere. The guy took cut scenes from Red Dead and turned it into a compelling short film once. I like Hillcoat.

    Also agree on Nebraska. It's a delight. Woody is not too dissimilar from March51 from this very board!

    Beds - I think Kermode's yard stick for comedy is spot on: Did you laugh four times or more? And I think I laughed way more than that, at admittedly stupid jokes.

    Yes i'm a big fan of Mark Kermode and his 5Live podcast and the film failed his laugh test with me. I probably laughed two or three times at most.
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  • Dirty Wars

    The film title says it all. There are no good or bad guys in the so called war against terror - Just bad guys.
    A depressing look at how the US , lawlessly kills innocent women and children. ( or collateral damage as they call it ) . Brave film making from Americans Jeremy Scahill & Rick Rowley.

    7 out of 10
  • Bit slow on this one I know, but I saw 'Now You See Me' today, although it was alright for a group of hungover university students you really have to disengage your brain a bit. The '4 horsemen' had 0 character development, when the younger kid is told to "act like the adult you always want to be treated like" later in the film I was like 'Does he?!' Because I have no idea what his character is meant to be like. The plot was alright but a little predictable, even for this motley group watching it. I felt like this could've been an interesting film but it ended up just being a disengage your brain and gorm out job as there's a lot of unnecessary running around and the film in its entirety felt a little up itself to me, like it thought it was really clever and thought provoking when really it was just all flair and little substance.
  • They did a lot of filming of the new Christopher Nolan movie, Interstellar around my town a few weeks ago - the mountains were lit up & glowing in the dark as they shot various scenes - really spectacular. Not sure when the film comes out, Mathew McConaghuey, Casey Affleck, Michael Caine & other assorted luvvies star. Probably be a load of old tosh - I never watched Nolan's Inception but loved The Dark Knight - we do get a lot of good films shot in these parts due to the photogenic surroundings....
  • edited December 2013
    Opinions are like arse holes. We all have one. It would be dull if we all liked the same stuff .
  • Opinions are like arse holes. We all have one. It would be dull if we all liked the same stuff .

    Some have bigger ones that is Beds , opinions that is...
  • Gangster Squad

    This didn't get great reviews when released and it does have a lot more style than substance but i really enjoyed it.

    8 out of 10

    Watched this the other night...could have been great but lost its way about mid way through and rapidly went down hill...Id give it a 5/10 distinctly average...and normally I agree with 99% of your reviews :-)
  • Enders Game has just been released here...didnt knw if I wanted to see it or not to be frank, but I generally like SciFi films and thought, what the hell...
    Was an interesting film, plenty of action and after a while I tended to forget it was kids playing the major roles, which I think was my main issue before entering. I havent read the books but did like the plot, and it wasnt until the fairly hasty ending that it got a little corny and the kids became kids again....overall I enjoyed it for the filming and cgi as much as anything...the lead kid was pretty good, Harrison played Harrison which was no surprise really so Im going to say 6.5/10
  • Captain Phillips

    One of the best directors around ( Paul Greengrass) pairs up with one of the best actors ( Tom Hanks )and outcome is as good as you could expect.
    It's a long time since is saw a film as gripping as this. The tension in the last half hour is incredible.
    Definitely Oscar material.

    9 out of 10
  • Just watched Madras Cafe, well worth watching.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Captain Phillips

    One of the best directors around ( Paul Greengrass) pairs up with one of the best actors ( Tom Hanks )and outcome is as good as you could expect.
    It's a long time since is saw a film as gripping as this. The tension in the last half hour is incredible.
    Definitely Oscar material.

    9 out of 10

    I thought it was an entertaining and watchable film but also totally empty. Perhaps it was too true to its original source.

    I also don’t think they could’ve made that film with anyone other than Tom Hanks. He carried it.
  • Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

    An interesting film about Ai Weiwei , a Chinese artist who is brave enough to challenge the Chinese government.

    7 out of 10
  • Went to see the latest instalment of Lord Of the Rings, a big improvement on the last one , back to its best, and Legoless is back!

    9 out of 10 from me.
  • Lord of the Rings 4 ? ;-)
  • Went to see the latest instalment of Lord Of the Rings, a big improvement on the last one , back to its best, and Legoless is back!

    9 out of 10 from me.

    The events in the Hobbit, whilst related to what happens later in the LOTR trilogy, take place decades before, and so - although they are part of the Middle Earth mythology, are not part of the LOTR.
  • Oakster said:

    I never watched Nolan's Inception but loved The Dark Knight -

    What are you waiting for????? This is a great film and needs to be seen at least twice!

  • 1StevieG said:

    Oakster said:

    I never watched Nolan's Inception but loved The Dark Knight -

    What are you waiting for????? This is a great film and needs to be seen at least twice!

  • Gravity

    It might not be too articulate but the best way i can describe Gravity is that it's an audio and visual mind fuck.

    9 out of 10
  • Went to see the latest instalment of Lord Of the Rings, a big improvement on the last one , back to its best, and Legoless is back!

    9 out of 10 from me.

    The events in the Hobbit, whilst related to what happens later in the LOTR trilogy, take place decades before, and so - although they are part of the Middle Earth mythology, are not part of the LOTR.
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