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  • stonemuse said:

    Book Thief ... such a good film, solid casting especially Geoffrey Rush. The narrator is first class.

    If you loved the book, you will enjoy the film. If you haven't read the book you are in for a treat.

    Not read the book, thought the film was great, the best I have seen in a long time.
  • Not the latest but saw Kings of Summer recently and was quite impressed with it. Also caught up with World War Z and thought that the special effects were more interesting than the actual storyline and nothing like the book!
  • 1StevieG said:

    Not the latest but saw Kings of Summer recently and was quite impressed with it. Also caught up with World War Z and thought that the special effects were more interesting than the actual storyline and nothing like the book!

    Very hard to reproduce the book to be honest
  • Anybody got any views on The Councillor starring Cameron Diaz?

    I have....................what a load of shite!

    Have a scroll back a few pages.....

  • A bit behind with the times, saw Captain Philips tonight , really enjoyed it, 8 out of 10 for me.
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel

    Quite entertaining and amusing in parts - 7/10.
  • Nebraska

    Heart warming road movie that charms the pants off you. Bruce Dern is superb as are Will Forte and June Squibb.

    8 out of 10

  • Last Vegas.....didn't fancy it but by the time I arrived it was that or Robocop. What a surprise, a good old fashioned comedy which was really funny. Might not appealbto those under 40 but a really good laugh. 7/10
  • Nebraska

    Heart warming road movie that charms the pants off you. Bruce Dern is superb as are Will Forte and June Squibb.

    8 out of 10

  • 300: Rise of an Empire - the sequel nobody asked for.

    Looking forward to Grand Budapest Hotel - will keep an eye open for Ujpest players so I'll know what our team will look like next year.
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  • Rush

    Finally go around to seeing this and to be fair i wasn't expecting too much but i couldn't have been more wrong. This is a an adrenaline packed film that has you on the edge of your seat and i'm pleaded to say that doesn't play the sympathy card one little bit.
    Daniel Brühl got all the plaudits for his portrayal of Niki Lauda but i actually think Chris Hemsworth does the better job as James Hunt.
    Great Stuff.

    9 out of 10
  • Nebraska

    Heart warming road movie that charms the pants off you. Bruce Dern is superb as are Will Forte and June Squibb.

    8 out of 10

    Thirded. Best film I've seen this year so far.
  • grand hotel budapest - wes anderson. very good.
    I saw this on Wednesday evening with a bunch of friends as it was a mate's birthday and he chose it. I went with no prior knowledge of it. If I had been on my own I would have walked out after about 20 minutes. Sooooo poorly scripted, acted, clichéd, rubbish. Utter tosh.

    Did i get across that I didn't like the film?

    1 out 10
  • edited March 2014

    Prague, it's a bit of an adventure story - director is Wes Anderson, so everything is very vivid/ cartoon-esque. About the life of Concierge at the hotel, set in a fictional Eastern European country in the 1930s. Fantastic cast including Ralph Fiennes as the concierge, Willem Defoe as the baddy, Jude Law, Jeff Goldblum, Tilda Swinton, Bill Murray, Harvey Keitel etc. Get the feeling they had a lot of fun making it! Overall it is very lighthearted, though with a few darker undertones. Kind of Tea with Mussolini meets Brother Where Art Thou if that makes any sense at all?!

    Caught this one earlier this week. Fabulous looking film and loved it from start to finish. Terrific cast, funny script and Ralph Fiennes was a revelation in a comedy roll which I really didn't expect. Probably Wes Anderson's most accessible film too if you're not used to his work.

    O.2 out of 10.
  • edited March 2014
    American Hustle - 5/10. Looks very slick, reasonably well acted, and should have been an interesting story, but ultimately I found myself just not caring what happened to anyone in the film. No idea how this got anywhere near a best film oscar.

    Dallas Buyers Club - 7/10. Matthew McCantspellhisnamewithoutlookingitup is excellent and as are a number of the supporting actors. Enjoyed it but felt it sat on the fence a bit with regards to the morality of the story. It's a good film but it could have had a bit more depth.
  • Need for Speed

    For his birthday i took my 11 year old son and his friends to see Need for Speed and to be fair the film is probably aimed at boys his age. Needless to say they loved it. It's easy to be sniffy about this movie. Yes it's utterly ridiculous , yes it's far fetched and yes it has so many plot holes but do you know what? I've seen a lot worse recently.

    6 out of 10
  • White House down... Erm yeah... Better than the similar thing with Gerard butler.


    Channing Tatum is believable as a serviceman.
    His daughter is well acted.
    The president is Jamie Foxx and well acted.
    James woods is the baddy.
  • Need for Speed

    For his birthday i took my 11 year old son and his friends to see Need for Speed and to be fair the film is probably aimed at boys his age. Needless to say they loved it. It's easy to be sniffy about this movie. Yes it's utterly ridiculous , yes it's far fetched and yes it has so many plot holes but do you know what? I've seen a lot worse recently.

    6 out of 10

    I must admit that I don't see too many films at the cinema but I pity you if you have seen a lot worse recently and paid for them :-)

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  • Dazzler21 said:

    White House down... Erm yeah... Better than the similar thing with Gerard butler.


    Channing Tatum is believable as a serviceman.
    His daughter is well acted.
    The president is Jamie Foxx and well acted.
    James woods is the baddy.

    Watched this a while ago, it's a great example of how to do a film with lots of explosions but not much brains. Nothing wrong with that genre of film at all, as long as it's done well.

  • Need for Speed

    For his birthday i took my 11 year old son and his friends to see Need for Speed and to be fair the film is probably aimed at boys his age. Needless to say they loved it. It's easy to be sniffy about this movie. Yes it's utterly ridiculous , yes it's far fetched and yes it has so many plot holes but do you know what? I've seen a lot worse recently.

    6 out of 10

    I must admit that I don't see too many films at the cinema but I pity you if you have seen a lot worse recently and paid for them :-)

    Don't pity me. I watch a lot of films !
  • Dazzler21 said:

    White House down... Erm yeah... Better than the similar thing with Gerard butler.


    Channing Tatum is believable as a serviceman.
    His daughter is well acted.
    The president is Jamie Foxx and well acted.
    James woods is the baddy.

    Watched this a while ago, it's a great example of how to do a film with lots of explosions but not much brains. Nothing wrong with that genre of film at all, as long as it's done well.

    Got to agree, as I had a long day I needed brainless action... I'm now watching Elysium which is trying hard to have a story but is just so crap... I never stop a movie early though! All I've got so far is there's two androidy types and one of them got fatal radiation poisoning... Oh now there's one.
  • edited March 2014
    Okay... Pile of shit... Very beautiful and very easy on the eye, but not enjoyable.

    The story had so many holes it was unreal.

    4/10 that 4 is those beautiful graphics.
  • Saw Dallas Buyers Club on the flight out to Florida yesterday. Probably the best film I have seen this year so far and worthy of all the awards it has won. Then caught a bit of True Detective on the tv and Matthew Mcconaughey shines in this too.
  • Her

    Two excellent performances in an intriguing film. Scarlett Johansson's is all the more impressive given that it's voice only.
  • Her

    Two excellent performances in an intriguing film. Scarlett Johansson's is all the more impressive given that it's voice only.

    Samantha Morton was the original voice of Her. For some reason they got Scarlett Johansson to dub over the dialogue after the film was shot.
    A good decision in my opinion , her voice is extremely sexy.

    Her is a very Good film .
  • This is the end was amazing. rogan franco etc.. if u loved pinapple express and love seth rogan films its a must see michael cera steals the show with his bathroom scene.
  • The Monument Men. I wanted to like, I tried to like it, but I didnt like it. Mealy mouthed pointless sentimental claptrap,however well acted. Awful script, poor direction and flitted around. Waste of a good bunch of actors. 5/10 just for the acting.
  • edited March 2014

    A wonderful , bitter sweet film that shows how evil the Catholic church is can be , when a young boy is taken away from a young girl and is sold to an American couple .
    Dame Judy Dench is fantastic as Philomena , who fifty years later , searches for her son.
    A true story.

    9 out of 10
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