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  • Watched Nebraska last night, excellent film - slow paced, poignant and funny - one of the best I have seen in a long time....
  • Saw Non-Stop at the weekend and that was fairly good. Interesting idea and development of the plot but I felt fairly let down by the ending. Decent but wouldn't see it again. 6/10 maybe 7.
  • Grand Budapest Hotel
    Very funny but slightly sad in places. Very well acted even though it's almost like a cartoon. Highly recommended.

    Just got tickets for Frank at the Sundance Film Festival in Greenwich.
  • Saw Non-Stop at the weekend and that was fairly good. Interesting idea and development of the plot but I felt fairly let down by the ending. Decent but wouldn't see it again. 6/10 maybe 7.

    Would anyone watch a film again whilst it was still fresh in the memory? 'Recently' I enjoyed The Adjustment Bureau, Source Code, the third of Nolan's Batman films but I have no desire to watch them again at the moment as I think I can remember them too well.

    Having said that, I've watched Zulu, The Great Escape, The Alamo and Aliens more times than I care to remember, know them all almost off by heart and would still sit down and watch any or all of them again.
  • Saw Non-Stop at the weekend and that was fairly good. Interesting idea and development of the plot but I felt fairly let down by the ending. Decent but wouldn't see it again. 6/10 maybe 7.

    Would anyone watch a film again whilst it was still fresh in the memory? 'Recently' I enjoyed The Adjustment Bureau, Source Code, the third of Nolan's Batman films but I have no desire to watch them again at the moment as I think I can remember them too well.

    Having said that, I've watched Zulu, The Great Escape, The Alamo and Aliens more times than I care to remember, know them all almost off by heart and would still sit down and watch any or all of them again.
    Pretty sure I could watch a fair number of films over and over again, and I've seen a number twice in the cinema. LOTR, Team America, The Godfather and a number of others I could watch numerous times. My mate saw The Dark Knight Rises 3 times in a week.

    But my point was more that I don't really plan on ever watching it again, if me and some friends had a choice of watching that or a few other films i'd probably suggest something different.
  • Starred up - thought it was a good gritty British film reflecting grim prison life.
  • Last nights offering was Pompeii. Despite some poor write up's it wasnt too bad, although the Eddie Murphy lookalike Gladiator called Atticus, made poor old Kit Harrington look like a little boy. Keifer Sutherland played his hideous self and the visuall effects were very good apart from the last scenes involving the chariot (they must have run out of money by that stage). All in all not bad, so I give it 6/10
  • saw World war Z on Sky the other evening. Excellent action scenes and a decent "apocalyptic" film. 7/10
  • Bad Country is the dogs bollocks.
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  • Took my nine year old son to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier tonight. I have to say we love the Marvel films, but it was fantastic and we both loved it.

    It was much better, in my view, than the Thor sequel, which we enjoyed but would probably not go to too much trouble to watch again.
  • Just back from Cap America - loved it. Good story, great action, seamless effects, beautiful Scarlett, what more could have I wanted - 9/10
  • Considering waiting for Noah. Looks decent on the trailers.
  • Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

    Finally got around to seeing this film after much anticipation. Inevitability it was a big disappointment. I laughed three or four times which is poor for a comedy that is over two hours long. I think they missed a trick by not having a spontaneous barber shop moment as they did in the first film with the "Afternoon Delight" song.

    5 out of 10
  • Just been to see Captain America , 8 out of 10 for me.
  • Nebraska - excellent. Bruce Dern is brilliant as is all the cast and some genuinely unexpected laugh out loud moments especially from Derns on screen wife.
  • I felt like Cap America was good but I don't think it really felt that special or different to any other Superhero movie (Market saturation maybe?) of its ilk. I feel like there was no need for the Winter Soldier to be who he was (avoiding spoilers) but they needed the Cap to have some kind of moral dilemma which I thought is weird seeing as I think having him struggle to come to terms with the modern world after however many years on ice is kind of set up on a plate and would be better than what they were going for.

    Still an entertaining film and worth the watch. 7/10
  • RoboCop - 5 out of 10 Average
    The Way Way Back - 8 out of 10 V/Good
    Snowpiercer - 7 out of 10 Plot holes but enjoyed the film.
    The Legend of Hercules - 2 out of 10 Think Danny Green.
  • Captain Phillips - 4/10

    some good bits but a terrible terrible portrayal of the somalian characters. If your going to have a film with 30% somali language in it, at least make it more believable than constant ranting and screaming. i thought this film was total rubbish.

    Blue Jasmine - 1/10

    gosh this was Allen at his self-indulgent worst. can anybody empathise with such characters? good actors, terrible script and direction. like watching paint dry but more predictable.

    Dallas Buyers Club - 8/10.

    reallly enjoyed this one. thought it was well scripted and directed and an enjoyable story.

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  • Dom Hemingway

    Without a shadow of a doubt , Jude Law's best ever acting performance. He is fantastic as Dom Hemingway , a man who has the vocabulary of a poet with tourettes. This has more than a few shades of Sexy Beast.
    How this didn't get more recognition when it was released at the end of last year , i dont know.
    I loved it.

    9 out of 10
  • If there was a film I did NOT want to see it was the Lego Movie. But it creased me up. Great film with a sting in the tail. What more could you ask for from an advert that lasts nearly two hours. Sincerely, it was way better than Frozen.
  • Divergent 5/10

    A convergence of Brave new world meets Terminator meets Hunger Games with a little Twilight romance thrown in. Not the most original of storylines and, in my opinion, could have done with being 15/20 mins shorter.
  • edited April 2014

    Dom Hemingway

    Without a shadow of a doubt , Jude Law's best ever acting performance. He is fantastic as Dom Hemingway , a man who has the vocabulary of a poet with tourettes. This has more than a few shades of Sexy Beast.
    How this didn't get more recognition when it was released at the end of last year , i dont know.
    I loved it.

    9 out of 10

    Wouldn't have normally been drawn to this film but watched it on the strength of your review Beds as we seem to normally have similar taste. Have to say though I thought it was a load of old macho tosh. The dialogue was terrible, Richard E Grant's character was totally unbelievable and as for the supposedly loveable rogue who is the main character, I fail to see what I was supposed to like about a racist, misogynistic, violent criminal who's apparently only 'redeeming' features were his unwillingness to grass on people and that he chose not to leave a young girl for dead at the scene of a car accident.

    Maybe I just totally missed the point, but it thought it was one of the worst films I've seen for ages. Each to his own though.

  • Dom Hemingway

    Without a shadow of a doubt , Jude Law's best ever acting performance. He is fantastic as Dom Hemingway , a man who has the vocabulary of a poet with tourettes. This has more than a few shades of Sexy Beast.
    How this didn't get more recognition when it was released at the end of last year , i dont know.
    I loved it.

    9 out of 10

    Wouldn't have normally been drawn to this film but watched it on the strength of your review Beds as we seem to normally have similar taste. Have to say though I thought it was a load of old macho tosh. The dialogue was terrible, Richard E Grant's character was totally unbelievable and as for the supposedly loveable rogue who is the main character, I fail to see what I was supposed to like about a racist, misogynistic, violent criminal who's apparently only 'redeeming' features were his unwillingness to grass on people and that he chose not to leave a young girl for dead at the scene of a car accident.

    Maybe I just totally missed the point, but it thought it was one of the worst films I've seen for ages. Each to his own though.

    Fair enough . It had mixed reviews in the UK but seems to have gone down well in the States with their critics.

    I'm not sure Dom Hemingway was ever meant to be a lovable rogue , just a nasty piece of work. Which he was and I thought Jude Law did a great job of portraying that .

    As you say each to their own .

    School holidays for the next two weeks so it looks like my kids are going to drag me to the cinema to watch Captain America , which I'm not looking forward to one little bit.
  • Another thumbs up for The Book Thief 8.5/10. I thought I only enjoyed it because it's pretty much my Mum's life story in so many ways. It's good to see others enjoyed it from a 'neutral' corner too.
  • edited April 2014
    Blue Jasmine

    A very good performance from Cate Blanchett . I'm not a massive fan of Woody Allen films but this is one of his better recent efforts.

    7 out of 10
  • Noah ... very poor 4/10... although my wife liked it and gave 7/10
  • Thought Blue Jasmine was one of the worst films I'd seen for a while - and that Blanchett overacted throughout.
  • Saw Grand Budapest Hotel today as we couldn't get in to Noah ...

    Mr F enjoyed it but not my cup of tea & I fell asleep twice !
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