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See ya Gordon



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    The country never got into this ridiculous mess with the Conservatives in power!

    If you think Blair and Brown did a good job of raping this country of it's wealth and stupidly spending through boom and bust periods supported by a ridiculous house price inflation then you're nuts too.

    Sorry - I'll vote for whatever party will look after the majority of the country's interests - at the moment, that's Conservatives. Considering the average house price in this country means nearly everybody would suffer from Inheritance Tax - a tax on the wealth somebody has accumulated (AND already paid tax on), then I'm not a fan of double taxation - taxing money that has already been taxed - at 50% in some cases too!
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    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Think Boulton was just venting his anger to one of the members of the pi55 poor Blair/Brown regime that have well and truly F****d this country up for the last 13 years.
    The way Labour are hanging on is just embarrasssing. National good my arse.They're all f***ing power crazy.My contempt for them grows by the day.

    Boulton is supposed to be an objective and professional journalist and should not be "venting" his anger live on national TV because his preferred candidate did not win the election.

    Labour are not "hanging on" to anything, according to constitutional law the existing government stays in place until the new one is formed to take power.

    At the moment no new government can or has been formed so the old Labour government must stay in power until the new one is formed. It's not that hard to understand.

    The Tories won most votes/seats but nowhere near a majority of either and have had their chance to form a deal with the Lib-Dems and have failed to do so so now Labour get their turn.

    If I were the Tories I would be PRAYING for a Lib-Lab-Nats pact to let them take the shitstorm thats coming in the next 12-18 months and then come into power in about two years via a new election where they will have a decent chance of winning a small majority by themselves.

    They might have to ditch Dave and George though and get Hague/Clarke in charge.
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    Is a coalition of losers really in the national interest? Lib-Lab is still not a majority.
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    Now I hate this Labour government and their incompetence and am staggered that they might get another go at arsing things up, but....

    Raping the country of its wealth? Thatcher wrote the book on that didn't she?

    Tory SOP:

    1. Take a hugely valuable national asset
    2. Criminally undervalue it
    3. Sell it to your already rich mates
    4. PROFIT!!!!!!!!
    5. Repeat

    Oh, and I forgot another step....

    6. Leave politics and get handsomely paying directorship from the organisation that you oversaw as it none too subtly siphoned off the public's money and transferred it to the Swiss Bank accounts of people so rich they already shit gold.

    That about covers it.
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    Why has a Lab/Con coalition not mentioned?
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    edited May 2010
    sad to see Gordon go- i mean he did so much for the people of ENGLAND didnt he ? know we get the chance of a lib/lab pact whose PM may be someone who we never thought would be MP an unelected PM much like Gordon Brown --- yep "i agree with Nick" you really did want to change the country didnt you.

    as for adding in the SNP as someone mentioned above,and all this PR stuff well think on this SNP total vote 490,000 ------------------ BNP total votes 580,000 ------- UKIp total votes---900,000.
    Yes how those darling SNP people loooooooooooooooooooooooooove this system.

    Whilst the coutrys debt mounts the MPs twaddle about (in out best intrest) and do naff all. Some Labour twonk said we (the MPs) should vote onit. Yet the sillyc**t cant see there aint a Parliament yet in which he could vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this from one ofthe numptys who wil be leading us out of the mess ?
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    edited May 2010
    Absolute torture this....FFS. My one hope was that after the w/e gone, at least we would not even have to hear the name Gordon feckface Brown. Hows your fucking luck? As for the red wedge on here, trying to justify keeping that shower of shite in power, shame on you. The whole thing is just shabby and does nothing for our country, so no change there Gordon.
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    yes but no but yes but bo but SOAPY you missed the POINT mate its not THEIR fault its not THEIR fault mate and if we give them a few more years than the 13 they have just had well then its all light and gravy and its jolly holly sticks.

    That nice Mr Mendleson has said he wants to reform the way we vote and he ALWAYS wanted that(except when he was in power of course). and that nice Harriet Harperson wants only women short lists for MPs (except when its her oldman) -------------------------------SCUM end of.
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    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]as for adding in the SNP as someone mentioned above,and all this PR stuff well think on this SNP total vote 490,000
    BNP total votes 580,000
    UKIp total votes---900,000.
    Yes how those darling SNP people loooooooooooooooooooooooooove this system.

    Labour are the big winners from FPTP in Scotland. SNP lose out, not as much as the Tories, but they lose out.

    UKIP are massive losers from FPTP across England and Wales. Any more proportional system would see them with a few seats. Lib Dems probably lose more seats in absolute numbers, but UKIP would have 15 seats or so under a more proportional system.

    It's not just Lib Dem supporters who should seriously think about PR. Scottish Tories (17% of the voters there), UKIP etc should all seriously think about it
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    Great. Let's have UKIP and/or the BNP holding the country to ransom...

    Best analogy I've heard: saying the Tories won the election because they've got the most seats is like saying your team won a drawn football match because they had the most corners.
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]Great. Let's have UKIP and/or the BNP holding the country to ransom...

    Best analogy I've heard: saying the Tories won the election because they've got the most seats is like saying your team won a drawn football match because they had the most corners.
    That's like saying Manure are league champions because they and Hull have joined points, stupid....

    The party that have the most seats always form the government, minority or not...
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]
    Best analogy I've heard: saying the Tories won the election because they've got the most seats is like saying your team won a drawn football match because they had the most corners.

    Or.Chelsea win the league but let Dowie have a say on transfers next season.
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]Great. Let's have UKIP and/or the BNP holding the country to ransom...

    Best analogy I've heard: saying the Tories won the election because they've got the most seats is like saying your team won a drawn football match because they had the most corners.

    Unlikely to happen - although not impossible.

    More likely that the big three parties will hold around 90% or so of the vote and so on a combination of two of the three of them could get most things through.

    Its only when there is a huge number of different parties (as in some European countries) that you need the support of the fringe parties.
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]Great. Let's have UKIP and/or the BNP holding the country to ransom...

    Best analogy I've heard: saying the Tories won the election because they've got the most seats is like saying your team won a drawn football match because they had the most corners.

    In our first past the post system, you only have the right to govern if you get past the feckin' post in the first place!
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    Would have been interesting to see if Labour would have got the BNP on board to gain a majority if they'd been rejected elsewhere.
    I wouldn't have put it past them.
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    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Would have been interesting to see if Labour would have got the BNP on board to gain a majority if they'd been rejected elsewhere.
    I wouldn't have put it past them.

    The BNP would have to win a seat first.....
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    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Would have been interesting to see if Labour would have got the BNP on board to gain a majority if they'd been rejected elsewhere.
    I wouldn't have put it past them.

    The BNP would have to win a seat first.....

    I know that.Hypothetically speaking i mean.Just wondering how far this power obsessed party will go to stay in government.
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    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Would have been interesting to see if Labour would have got the BNP on board to gain a majority if they'd been rejected elsewhere.
    I wouldn't have put it past them.

    The BNP would have to win a seat first.....

    I know that.Hypothetically speaking i mean.Just wondering how far this power obsessed party will go to stay in government.

    Surely the goal of any political party,from far right to far left is to have power?? Otherwise what's the point?
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    Think your rationality is being blinded by your dissatisfaction at the moment, Carly. That wouldn't happen in a million years. More likely to happen on the right, if at all.
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    [cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]Think your rationality is being blinded by your dissatisfaction at the moment, Carly. That wouldn't happen in a million years. More likely to happen on the right, if at all.

    I would put nothing past them at the moment.
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    edited May 2010
    carly, are you really comparing the SNP, Plaid Cymru etc with the BNP?

    If Labour were depending on the one or two BNP MPs to form a 'not Tory' government, I really don't think it'd be worth it.

    And, if it really came down to that, they'd be more likely (but still very very unlikely) to change things so that Sinn Fein don't have to pledge allegiance to the Queen in order to take their seats in Westminster. (edited to make slightly more sense)
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    Er, what exactly are they doing wrong? They didn't write the parliamentary constitution. They gave the conservatives the chance to speak to the liberals, which they did, and there doesn't appear to have been a deal done. Labour's fault? If there was a deal, your beloved Cameron would now be prime minister. But there isn't a deal. So now Labour are talking to the Liberals.

    We do have to have a government you know.
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    Politicians would steal the steam off your grand mothers shite to get their own way...
    Would you buy a used government off this man...?
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    [cite]Posted By: IA[/cite]carly, are you really comparing the SNP, Plaid Cymru etc with the BNP?

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    [cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]Er, what exactly are they doing wrong? They didn't write the parliamentary constitution. They gave the conservatives the chance to speak to the liberals, which they did, and there doesn't appear to have been a deal done. Labour's fault? If there was a deal, your beloved Cameron would now be prime minister. But there isn't a deal. So now Labour are talking to the Liberals.

    We do have to have a government you know.

    Just add to that: keeping Brown in the meantime until another unelected candidate is trotted out.National interest??

    About as stable as an ikea bookshelf.
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    edited May 2010
    Er, alternatives are?

    Please note David Cameron hasn't been elected either.
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    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: IA[/cite]carly, are you really comparing the SNP, Plaid Cymru etc with the BNP?

    How can you possibly compare the SNP and Plaid Cymru to the BNP...?

    Everyone knows how much the SNP and Plaid Cymru hate racists and love foreigners (unless you're English of course....)
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    [cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]Er, alternatives are?
    Chubby Brown steps down and gives someone else to fcuk it up for a bit, he's had his turn...
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    [cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]Er, alternatives are?

    Up to the Liberals. Labour are clearly not ready to govern.
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    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]Er, what exactly are they doing wrong? They didn't write the parliamentary constitution. They gave the conservatives the chance to speak to the liberals, which they did, and there doesn't appear to have been a deal done. Labour's fault? If there was a deal, your beloved Cameron would now be prime minister. But there isn't a deal. So now Labour are talking to the Liberals.

    We do have to have a government you know.

    Just add to that: keeping Brown in the meantime until another unelected candidate is trotted out.National interest??

    About as stable as an ikea bookshelf.

    Clegg said that Brown would have to go before a Lab-Lib deal could be done so now Brown has gone....and people are still complaining!!!
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