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luis suarez



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    Just cos I call a mate a c*** doesn't mean I'd be too impressed if someone I don't know calls me a c*** or i called any of you a c***

    It's about the context the word is used in and the relationship between the people using it

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    Exiled.........the American society is still one of the most racist on the Planet. People in glasshouses..........
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    So has evra ever used the N word?
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    The point here is after the racist incident it was time to move on. Evra offered his hand; Suarez blanked him which has raised the racism issue again.
    Liverpool and Suarez have been a total disgrace throughout all of this, I think Ferguson can make what comment he likes and in this case I make him right.
    Would Sir Chris have remained silent if Suarez had refused to shake his hand, I doubt it, I certainly would be making the same type of comments Ferguson had made if it was myself.
    And those who say he was wrong to comment swap Man Utd for Charlton and imagine Suarez treating one of ours in that way….this Forum would be full of people calling for his head.

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    And what about the bigger picture? What does Dalglish achieve here? Well, let's say a quality player,maybe a player who happens to be black, has a choice of moving to one of two teams of equal standing and one of them is Liverpool. He going elsewhere isn't he?
    And what do Liverpool's sponsor's think about it? If you were the Chief Exec of a multinational company would you be queing up to be Liverpool's next shirt sponsor? I'm sure that Standard Chartered Bank - who do big business in Africa - are just loving this at the moment.
    I'd be surprised if the Liverpool board weren't looking to off-load Suarez (maybe doing a Chelsea/Mutu style breach of contract action in the process) and they should censure Dalglish while they're about it.
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    Why are people still trying to find some sort of justification for what he said???

    So what if Evra has said this or that in some video or when messing about with his mates? It's of zero relevance to what happened yesterday and the fact is that Suarez had his chance to argue his case and was found guilty. Thats a fact.

    The injured party in this was prepared to move on and put it behind them but this piece of filth decides his feelings, pride, arrogance...whatever it was are more important than than greater good of his club, the game and his agreement with his manager.

    Suarez = a wrong un, so can we please stop trying to suggest that any of yesterdays nonsense was anyone elses fault than his.
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    Because he said it and its offensive stop making excuses for him as well. If the word is offensive then its offensive from his lips to!! The guy has a unsavoury past himself leading a french revolt from the world cup .
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    Neither player comes out of this with any credit.
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    Now knowing what we all know, if you lined up against Suarez, would you shake his hand?
    Would you shake Evra's hand?
    Is the hand shake that important?

    I thought the handshake was all about the respect between two players and their playing ability and the ensuing contest on the pitch ( May the best man win and all that), and not as a mark of respect to another players beliefs or attitude to society
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    Dalglish will go over this, directly or indirectly. He will not be Liverpool manager at the start of 2012/13 season.

    £50 to Demelza House if I'm wrong as long as someone dontates £50 if I'm right.
    I make you right on that one, especially as the owners are Yanks and are very sensitive on racial issues.

    That's before we even talk about Andy Carroll or Jordan Henderson.

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    i make suarez bang on if he doesnt like evra why shake his hand, as jamie redknapp said if u dont like someone you dont walk up to them in the street and shake their hand do you, evra is trouble he caused it at chelsea after the game with the groundsman ,he caused havoc in the french national squad , and not condoneing wot suarez did at anfield but it should av stayed on the pitch ,dont agree with racism at all ,as for the handshake thing i think u should shake hands after the game not before cos as we av seen in other high profile matches people only want to see the handshake but wot we got to remember is its a football match not a handshake lets all be friends again contest.
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    The saddest thing for me has been the behaviour of Dalglish, the man was immense through the darkest days of Hillsbrough and was attending funerals for weeks after.

    On this though he has got it horrendously wrong and just keeps digging deeper.
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    The saddest thing for me has been the behaviour of Dalglish, the man was immense through the darkest days of Hillsbrough and was attending funerals for weeks after.

    On this though he has got it horrendously wrong and just keeps digging deeper.

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    So if some one insults my sister I have a right to be racist? Riiight...
    Yes why not? If the someone insults your sister for no reason they cant go complaining if you say something back to them. Dont go being insulting to someone if you dont want to be insulted back. Another example is if I go up to some one and hit them for no reason and they hit me back harder I cant really go crying to the police can I?

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    edited February 2012
    Of course you can because assault is against the law.

    But insulting your sister is not illegal, racial abuse is.
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    Of course you can because assault is against the law.

    But insulting your sister is not illegal, racial abuse is.
    So someone can sit and call me a "c" a thousand times for half an hour without legal reprecussion yet his mate says to me once you white "c" and will be nicked for it.

    What a crazy world we live in.

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    Of course you can because assault is against the law.

    But insulting your sister is not illegal, racial abuse is.

    I'm pretty sure that you can be arrested for "threatening, abusive or insulting language"
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    edited February 2012
    If you take it to the extreme of course you're right. But if it's a "you're sister's a slut" and you come back with a racial slur it is different.

    Whether that is right or wrong is a different debate but it's the world we live in.
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    Of course you can because assault is against the law.

    But insulting your sister is not illegal, racial abuse is.
    If he racially abused Evra, why hasnt he been charged WSS. Abused is the key word I believe you've inadvertently stumbled across. He's admitted using the 'word' but not to insult. John Barnes even said himself on Radio 5 an hour ago or so that if he'd been accused of something if he didn't do, he wouldn't shake the hand of the accuser. In fact John Barnes came across really well. This subject could be debated until the cows come home. My take on it is until black people stop using the 'N' word, all racist and non racist people will use it in whatever guise they deem fit.
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    The saddest thing for me has been the behaviour of Dalglish, the man was immense through the darkest days of Hillsbrough and was attending funerals for weeks after.

    On this though he has got it horrendously wrong and just keeps digging deeper.
    I was just about to post something similar to this. Suarez refusal to shake Evra's hand is bang out of order but Dalglish's constant defence of Suarez over the matter is quite frankly a disgrace!!
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    edited February 2012
    I don't know why Suarez hasn't been arrested and I'm quite frankly bored of the two extreme opinions that keep getting spouted. That being said if Evra said he felt abused by it, then who are we to say different.

    That being said, the underlying views from people across a variety of media using the case to somehow justify their warped views (on both sides) is so boring.

    Anyway, Suarez has just apologised for his actions from yesterday.
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    He's just issued a statement apologising for yesterday.
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    He's just issued a statement apologising for yesterday.
    Only cause he was told to!!
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    I don't know why Suarez hasn't been arrested and I'm quite frankly bored of the two extreme opinions that keep getting spouted. That being said if Evra said he felt abused by it, then who are we to say different.

    That being said, the underlying views from people across a variety of media using the case to somehow justify their warped views (on both sides) is so boring.

    Anyway, Suarez has just apologised for his actions from yesterday.

    Well Suarez has mugged himself off IMO if he's apologised. He consciously decided not to shake hands and has admitted he was wrong by apologising. What an absolute idiot.

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    ok so the suarez apologists got it wrong
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    And he's made a lot of Scousers look stupid for saying he was right in not shaking his hand.

    If the club made a similar statement back in October, this would all be behind us now.
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    correct WSS but they've got their liverpool blinkers on
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    And he's made a lot of Scousers look stupid for saying he was right in not shaking his hand.

    If the club made a similar statement back in October, this would all be behind us now.
    Agreed. The only people who think Suarez was right not to shake hands are, of course, Liverpool fans.
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    "I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football".

    If only he had a way of doing that yesterday, such as a handshake....
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