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luis suarez



  • Of course you can because assault is against the law.

    But insulting your sister is not illegal, racial abuse is.

    I'm pretty sure that you can be arrested for "threatening, abusive or insulting language"

    Yep, S. 4 Public Order Act 1986.
    (1) A person is guilty of an offence if he -
    a) Uses..threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour.

  • Liverpool board must be fuming you cannot defend what Suarez done -- they thought he was going to shake hands.

    Liverpool name is at stake here .....big time and so is Kenny Dagleish

    Lets hope for Soocer sake they sort it out

  • .

    Lets hope for Soocer sake they sort it out


  • .

    Lets hope for Soocer sake they sort it out

    When English people call it "Soccer" it really bugs me!
  • WTF is soccer??
  • Soccer is an English word. It's short for association, as in association football and exists to distinguish association football from rugby football, or rugger. Don't get why everyone has rod up their arse about using it.
  • Liverpool have dealt with it as an internal disciplinary matter and ordered him to apologise. After Liverpool got it so wrong throughout this sorry saga, someone has finally got Dalglish and the Liverpool board to see sense.

    Thank goodness, because that's how it should be handled, and perhaps Ferguson will now stop trying to stir it further by telling Liverpool whom they can and cannot pick.
  • Don't get why everyone has rod up their arse ....
    That's what Zippy and Bungle used to complain about.

  • And Emu.
    Lol quality

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  • ok so the suarez apologists got it wrong
    It would seem so. And the "it was Evra who pulled his hand away" lobby.

    In a separate statement, Liverpool managing director Ian Ayre said the club was misled by Suarez.
    'We are extremely disappointed Luis Suarez did not shake hands with Patrice Evra before yesterday's game,' he said. 'The player had told us beforehand that he would, but then chose not to do so.
    'He was wrong to mislead us and wrong not to offer his hand to Patrice Evra. He has not only let himself down, but also Kenny Dalglish, his teammates and the club. It has been made absolutely clear to Luis Suarez that his behaviour was not acceptable.
    'Luis Suarez has now apologised for his actions which was the right thing to do. However, all of us have a duty to behave in a responsible manner and we hope that he now understands what is expected of anyone representing Liverpool Football Club.'

    Read more:

    Fergie wins yet another round of Management Mind Games

  • Statement from Dalglish now as well
  • Statement from Dalglish now as well
    apologised for his post match interview.

  • I don't know why Suarez hasn't been arrested and I'm quite frankly bored of the two extreme opinions that keep getting spouted. That being said if Evra said he felt abused by it, then who are we to say different.

    That being said, the underlying views from people across a variety of media using the case to somehow justify their warped views (on both sides) is so boring.

    Anyway, Suarez has just apologised for his actions from yesterday.

    Well Suarez has mugged himself off IMO if he's apologised. He consciously decided not to shake hands and has admitted he was wrong by apologising. What an absolute idiot.

    if the police arrested everyone for racial abuse then they wouldnt have the time to do anything else ,dont agree with racial abuse but its in society and it always will be and to be honest it aint gonna change,people are out the murdering other people and that dont get coverage like the suarez and evra spat or the terry and ferdinand spat .

  • Suarez and Liverpool apologise. As well as Dalglish, according to sky.........
    Hopefully this draws a line under as I posted earlier an 'ungracious' episode in both the club and managers reputation. Hopefully all parties can go forward together, and at least respect each others position. I am all for Dalglish supporting his players...... but his manner was simply rude, and way off mark. Good to see that some common sense has returned to the situation, perhaps we can now talk about the football.....
  • Finally, finally someone has got to Dalglish and he is now saying the things he should have said weeks ago. He has just fueled this whole thing and regardless of his private thoughts he should have been more responsible and, outwardly at least, shown his respect for the decisions that were made. I would say someone in the higher echelons(sp) of Liverpool FC have had a quiet word in his ear.
  • Finally, finally someone has got to Dalglish and he is now saying the things he should have said weeks ago. He has just fueled this whole thing and regardless of his private thoughts he should have been more responsible and, outwardly at least, shown his respect for the decisions that were made. I would say someone in the higher echelons(sp) of Liverpool FC have had a quiet word in his ear.
    Yes Rob, how Shank's would have been turning in his grave, sometimes football should look back on it's heritage, and remember the people who made the club what it was.......

    The Labour Party conference stood in a minute's silence when Shankley's death was announced, for a man who had always been a socialist. Sir Matt Busby was so upset when he heard the news of Shankly's death that he refused to take any telephone calls from people asking him for a reaction. Some years before his death, Shankly had paid tribute to Busby, saying that he was "the greatest football manager who ever lived".

    Somehow, I do not think this was Liverpool's best day at the office........
  • Dalglish clearly received a mega rollicking from the Yanks this morning and was told his job was on the line. Still can't believe that he genuinely didn't know Suarez hadn't shaken Evra's hand- someone in the dugout must have told him?

    Also, don't expect to see Suarez at Anfield next season- he's obviously hacked off with the FA etc and Liverpool must now be seriously hacked off with him
  • Still no apology to Evra though.
  • edited February 2012
    suarez was wrong but let me tell u now evra aint no angel nor is ferdinand everyone forgets the missed drugs test oh yeh thats all forgotten now the ban ferdinand got 4 that wasnt long enough i think he should never have played 4 man utd again.
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  • Agree mostly boogica but missing a drugs test is completely different to failing one in my opinion.
  • suarez was wrong but let me tell u now evra aint no angel nor is ferdinand everyone forgets the missed drugs test oh yeh thats all forgotten now the ban ferdinand got 4 that wasnt long enough i think he should never have played 4 man utd again.

    Thank you for your unique personal insight into Patrice Evra's character, he may or may not be an angel but that's irrelevant. What's at stake in this whole mess is whether he was racially abused or not by Suarez and most normal people would conclude on the evidence tendered to the FA that he was.
  • suarez was wrong but let me tell u now evra aint no angel nor is ferdinand everyone forgets the missed drugs test oh yeh thats all forgotten now the ban ferdinand got 4 that wasnt long enough i think he should never have played 4 man utd again.

    Thank you for your unique personal insight into Patrice Evra's character, he may or may not be an angel but that's irrelevant. What's at stake in this whole mess is whether he was racially abused or not by Suarez and most normal people would conclude on the evidence tendered to the FA that he was.

    it aint a unique insight into evras character at all just saying he aint no angel he has previous at causing hag thats all im saying.

  • Well, I still think that he wasn't racially abused by Suarez.

    It may be interpreted as such by all the clamouring hoards baying for blood as usual, but that doesn't mean that he is a racist.

    Still think it's a storm in a teacup.
  • Not many are saying he is racist, to be fair, just that he racially abused Evra - there's a difference.

    Basically I think the FA decided ignorance wasn't an excuse for something that serious, and frankly I agree.
  • just read this ffs reasons/FA v Suarez Written Reasons of Regulatory Commission.ashx
    As I said before the translations given in the report are not accurate:

    For Mr Suarez, Spanish is his native language as a Uruguayan. Mr
    Evra told us that he began the conversation by saying "Concha de tu hermana". Mr Evra's
    evidence was that this is a phrase used in Spanish like when you say "fucking hell" in
    English, but the literal translation is "your sister's pussy" fuck your sister.

    This is abusive language. Evra was the first to use abusive language.

    I conclude that we are dealing with two people whose stupid insults don't deserve all this attention. They are both as bad as each other and it should have been largely ignored in the first place.
  • Exiled.........the American society is still one of the most racist on the Planet. People in glasshouses..........
    I couldn't care less if every single person in North America is a fully paid up member of the KKK, I'm still embarrassed to hear English football being viewed in that perspective.

  • Ah, that makes racism alright then, cause Evra was mean first, basically asked for it
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