I might be wrong (i appologise if it wasn't you )and I can't be arsed to go back through this whole thread , but someone and for some reason I think it was you , spent ages explaining the words that suarez used , and I think you explained it in the easiest way possible about the amount of different interpretations it could have , but I am also sure that you concluded what was said was in fact racist
I might be wrong (i appologise if it wasn't you )and I can't be arsed to go back through this whole thread , but someone and for some reason I think it was you , spent ages explaining the words that suarez used , and I think you explained it in the easiest way possible about the amount of different interpretations it could have , but I am also sure that you concluded what was said was in fact racist
No - you're wrong. It was definitely banter...
I'm not going over this old shite again. Melrose is just on a wind-up. It's pointless arguing with someone who won't listen.
I too have given up but at least someone has taken dalglish in hand he was seriously beginning to irritate the shite out of me soon the bin dippers will have a new manager and the whole thing will be forgotten
Could you convict Suarez in a court? No the CPS would not touch it. Is it a crime not to shake someone's hand? No. Is Ferguson full of partisan lunacy? Yes. Have Liverpool been hugely naive in how they dealt with the situation? Yes. Was it ever obvious that Dalglish would respond in his monosyllabic, prickly, Dr.Grump personality? Yes.
For god's sake get on with life. Everyone involved seems to be a human being, people get things wrong. Suarez said something racist, but is not a racist. Schmeichel said something racist, but is not a racist. It was a completely fucked up response by Liverpool, and Suarez was petulant past normal sanity. For everyone getting angry, take a step back, you've just got the same emotion as Luis and Patrice. I can't remember too many people complaining about racist Charlton fans when I travelled on coaches as a teen.
Exiled.........the American society is still one of the most racist on the Planet. People in glasshouses..........
I couldn't care less if every single person in North America is a fully paid up member of the KKK, I'm still embarrassed to hear English football being viewed in that perspective.
You would have thought that he might have one or two more important things on his plate.
Kin hell. Has our prime minister not got more important things to worry about.
or...wow is our elected boss taking an active interest in a subject debated on EVERY single club message board?
Quelle surprise! The CL resident-Tory-in-Chief sticking up for David Cameron/Boris Johnson, I can hardly believe it.
For what its worth I don't mind Cameron really, I am a Labour man but can see that Cameron is generally a moderate, sensible leader who will largely govern from the middle and do a reasonable job.
However, this sort of stunt is exactly the sort of crap that Tony Blair used to come up with, short-term PR drives getting involved in major media issues for the sake of looking like you are "doing" something.
Cameron should be better than this sort of nonsense, it does him no favours at all, if you can't see that then you should take off your blue-tinted glasses.
People come to their MPs and the prime minister with an issue they're worried about and the prime minister does something about it. Wow, you're right, this really is bizarre!
People come to their MPs and the prime minister with an issue they're worried about and the prime minister does something about it. Wow, you're right, this really is bizarre!
What sort of idiot would go to their local MP and complain about racism in football? If people have concerns they should take them to their clubs or the FA/FL/PL, not their MP's.
I hardly think that in the greatest recession since the 1930's that this is the number one thing on people's minds apart from those who never read beyond the sports pages.
The racism issue is already being dealt with by the footballing authorities and the Police, there is no reason for the government to get involved whatsoever.
This is exactly the sort of shite that the Tories used to loathe Blair for - and quite rightly - but when their man does it then its viewed differently.
Bottom line is this, what on earth could Cameron - or whoever is in charge -actually do about the problem apart from issue some worthy statement? The answer is that the PM or parliament can do feck all about this issue, there are already laws in place to combat racism, this is just pure Blair style spin over substance.
If, in Suarez’s mind, he thinks that Evra has wrongly made him out to be a racist and drag his name through the shit, he's entitled to refuse his hand (Just like Terry/Bridge in the other "Shakegate" saga). The other argument is whether or not the term "Negrito" is considered racist in the first place. If Suarez has black people in his family, as has been reported, I personally doubt he meant it in a racially offensive way, the same as he would call Rooney "fatty" or Crouch "Lanky". Evra’s a grown man ffs, there’s always been name calling in the heat of a football match, why don’t they belt up and get on with it, then SHAKE HANDS at the final whistle regardless. Look at the abuse Beckham has endured from players and fans alike regarding his wife and kids. He may have retaliated, then he got booked or sent off, but it was always handled there and then. Just my opinion.......
The "R" word has been used--the whole world now stops as "justice" is seen to be done to all.
God help everyone now the boy Dave is involved---tax on hand shakes probably in next budget. Death by firing squad if Labour catch someone calling someone a naughty name. (unless the victim is English of course)
If, in Suarez’s mind, he thinks that Evra has wrongly made him out to be a racist and drag his name through the shit, he's entitled to refuse his hand (Just like Terry/Bridge in the other "Shakegate" saga). The other argument is whether or not the term "Negrito" is considered racist in the first place. If Suarez has black people in his family, as has been reported, I personally doubt he meant it in a racially offensive way, the same as he would call Rooney "fatty" or Crouch "Lanky". Evra’s a grown man ffs, there’s always been name calling in the heat of a football match, why don’t they belt up and get on with it, then SHAKE HANDS at the final whistle regardless. Look at the abuse Beckham has endured from players and fans alike regarding his wife and kids. He may have retaliated, then he got booked or sent off, but it was always handled there and then. Just my opinion.......
Spot on. Calling someone a 'little coon' is just banter.
Suarez to sing 'I Will Always Love You' to Patrice Evra
THE Football Association has ordered Luis Suarez to sing I Will Always Love You to Manchester United's Patrice Evra on Valentine's Day.
The FA said the move would draw a line under the ongoing race controversy and form the centrepiece of the Association's official tribute to Whitney Houston.
The row was reignited on Saturday when the Liverpool player refused to shake Evra's hand confirming recent speculation that he does not think the Frenchman is a very nice person.
An FA spokesman said: "The combination of Valentine's Day and the Whitney Houston tragedy should remind us all that Patrice Evra is probably telling the truth.
"We have ordered Luis Suarez to learn his lines and then sing the song really, really well. It would be particularly nice if they could have dinner in the centre circle at Old Trafford and then a string quartet would appear out of the darkness and Luis could get up and sing while holding Patrice's hand.
"Don't tell Patrice about the song though. We want it to be a lovely Valentine's Day surprise."
Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish has backed both the dinner and the song and pledged to once again behave in a manner befitting a Liverpool manager by not winning the league.
Meanwhile, the FA is among dozens of organisations planning a Whitney Houston tribute including Network Rail, Little Chef and the Association of British Insurers.
Labour MP Tom Watson will organise his party's official tribute and has also called for the Queen's 60th Jubilee celebrations to be renamed in honour of the tragic singer.
Prime minister David Cameron added: "I will never forget the night I became the MP for Witney, which I now realise sounds the same as Whitney.
I might be wrong (i appologise if it wasn't you )and I can't be arsed to go back through this whole thread , but someone and for some reason I think it was you , spent ages explaining the words that suarez used , and I think you explained it in the easiest way possible about the amount of different interpretations it could have , but I am also sure that you concluded what was said was in fact racist
totally out of order should never be allowed to mascot again
I'm not going over this old shite again. Melrose is just on a wind-up. It's pointless arguing with someone who won't listen.
I too have given up but at least someone has taken dalglish in hand he was seriously beginning to irritate the shite out of me soon the bin dippers will have a new manager and the whole thing will be forgotten
For god's sake get on with life. Everyone involved seems to be a human being, people get things wrong. Suarez said something racist, but is not a racist. Schmeichel said something racist, but is not a racist. It was a completely fucked up response by Liverpool, and Suarez was petulant past normal sanity. For everyone getting angry, take a step back, you've just got the same emotion as Luis and Patrice. I can't remember too many people complaining about racist Charlton fans when I travelled on coaches as a teen.
"Call Me Dave" Cameron is going to sort all of this out...
You would have thought that he might have one or two more important things on his plate.
For what its worth I don't mind Cameron really, I am a Labour man but can see that Cameron is generally a moderate, sensible leader who will largely govern from the middle and do a reasonable job.
However, this sort of stunt is exactly the sort of crap that Tony Blair used to come up with, short-term PR drives getting involved in major media issues for the sake of looking like you are "doing" something.
Cameron should be better than this sort of nonsense, it does him no favours at all, if you can't see that then you should take off your blue-tinted glasses.
I hardly think that in the greatest recession since the 1930's that this is the number one thing on people's minds apart from those who never read beyond the sports pages.
The racism issue is already being dealt with by the footballing authorities and the Police, there is no reason for the government to get involved whatsoever.
This is exactly the sort of shite that the Tories used to loathe Blair for - and quite rightly - but when their man does it then its viewed differently.
Bottom line is this, what on earth could Cameron - or whoever is in charge -actually do about the problem apart from issue some worthy statement? The answer is that the PM or parliament can do feck all about this issue, there are already laws in place to combat racism, this is just pure Blair style spin over substance.
God help everyone now the boy Dave is involved---tax on hand shakes probably in next budget.
Death by firing squad if Labour catch someone calling someone a naughty name. (unless the victim is English of course)
Anton Ferdinand is English
So "English" actually means "White Working Class" Well, at least I qualify then : - )
THE Football Association has ordered Luis Suarez to sing I Will Always Love You to Manchester United's Patrice Evra on Valentine's Day.
The FA said the move would draw a line under the ongoing race controversy and form the centrepiece of the Association's official tribute to Whitney Houston.
The row was reignited on Saturday when the Liverpool player refused to shake Evra's hand confirming recent speculation that he does not think the Frenchman is a very nice person.
An FA spokesman said: "The combination of Valentine's Day and the Whitney Houston tragedy should remind us all that Patrice Evra is probably telling the truth.
"We have ordered Luis Suarez to learn his lines and then sing the song really, really well. It would be particularly nice if they could have dinner in the centre circle at Old Trafford and then a string quartet would appear out of the darkness and Luis could get up and sing while holding Patrice's hand.
"Don't tell Patrice about the song though. We want it to be a lovely Valentine's Day surprise."
Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish has backed both the dinner and the song and pledged to once again behave in a manner befitting a Liverpool manager by not winning the league.
Meanwhile, the FA is among dozens of organisations planning a Whitney Houston tribute including Network Rail, Little Chef and the Association of British Insurers.
Labour MP Tom Watson will organise his party's official tribute and has also called for the Queen's 60th Jubilee celebrations to be renamed in honour of the tragic singer.
Prime minister David Cameron added: "I will never forget the night I became the MP for Witney, which I now realise sounds the same as Whitney.
"It's so very sad"