Great thread this, already posted earlier, discussing with my wife and daughter sat in the kitchen, have to agree with The Return of the King, you get hit with Aragorn seeing Arwen and then he says to the hobbits "you bow to no-one".
Hachi: A Dog's Tale .. the closest I've ever come to crying at a film, it was a battle I somehow came out on top from... It's a tearjerker to say the least (based on a true story)
On that theme the Japanese film 'Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog'.
Not seen it till today, but they re-showed the episode of Futurama about the dog....i was a quivering wreck, must be because 12 months ago yesterday one of my GSD's was put to sleep and i would gladly do all I can to have her back. Other films that get me are Green Mile, Gladiator, and the episode of Only Fools where they find 'the watch' and then walk into The Nags and people start clapping....get's me everytime...and yes the last episode of Blackadder Goes the end i have to walk away from the room. Life makes me cry more though!!!
I know it's blokes only but I was on a plane once about 4 hours in to a 12 hour flight so had had a few wines and Ian had to tell me to quieten down as I started to wail so loudly watching My Sister's Keeper. People had started to look.
Blood and guts for the most of it, the end with the young girl got me.
Marley and me. Was on a plane watching that....
The only other film that has got me like that was the pursuit of happiness - again starring Will Smith.
I will also admit I think I shed a tear at Glory starring Denzel Washington. The scene where he is being whipped and is crying really affected me
The ending of the American Civil War film Glory had me teary.
Me too. Couldn't manage to watch it all in one go, took three sittings.