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Leyton Orient v Charlton - MATCH THREAD (Non-Members, please read opening post)



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    Dropping Solly and Sodje is a tough decision but one the manager has to make...

    Francis has looked solid and in his opinion from training with the guy all week is the better player for today...

    same with Martin...

    I actually am starting to find it quite funny that he cant win you guys over...
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    That's a penalty on Martin.
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    If semedo got a red last week then that tackle deserves a red.

    We're looking sharp, like the look of our team this season. Some passion at last.
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    Martin challenge looked a deffo PENALTY....
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    Great chasing and closing down from our boys - teams did that to us last year and it's great to see us doing it
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]Who supplied the cross?

    Simon Francis, and it was a peach.
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    one more please.... one more before half time...
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]Who supplied the cross?
    That question was for NLA!
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    Should of been a pen
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    Great challenge Racon
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    Replays confirm - should have been a penalty to us
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]Who supplied the cross?
    That question was for NLA!

    and Stu .... ;)
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    Martins movement looks the nuts
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    Im starting to like the kit an all now....
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    Abbot being manhandled up top - when he's knackered the Sodj will come on and batter their tiring centre backs
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    Parkinson has to pick a side for each game. Based on who we are playing and what there strengths and weaknesses are.

    Francis looks like a solid player at this level. Solly will get games this season but not ready to be a regular.

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    [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]Dropping Solly and Sodje is a tough decision but one the manager has to make...

    Francis has looked solid and in his opinion from training with the guy all week is the better player for today...

    same with Martin...

    I actually am starting to find it quite funny that he cant win you guys over...

    he could easily win me over mascot

    the 3 decisions he has made with chris solly are shocking

    the sub appearence at 4 nil down at the den pointless and harmful

    left back midweek poor decision

    dropped tonight totally scandelous

    i rate francis i said that when we signed him, but his attitude to a bright talented young charlton player and one of ours that we have grown is shocking

    what more could solly have done, his tackling, postioning, his distribution was 1st class Saturday

    what does it say to others regradless of how well you do this is player in that position and will be unless injured or suspended

    crap decision and a real highlight of parkinsons weekness as a mgr imo
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    Good cross for the goal though, eh NLA?
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    Solly is the back-up right back regardless, far higher wages, gotta earn them, plus we need him to keep playing and get proper fit.
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]Who supplied the cross?

    like i said in my first post it is not a slight on Francis and it makes no odds how well Frnacis plays i was not basing my reaction on the performance of the player, i wouldnt have slated francis for having a poor game if he did, it was based on how did parkinson decide he was better than solly for tonight

    Francis played in a back 4 in his position to a team that conceded 4 midweek

    where as Solly had to fill in at LB in the same team and put a MOM performance in on saturday
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    yeah bollo mate.....

    if he gets 6 points from 2 games hes made the right decisions...

    good decison and has already yielded a goal (francis cross) already

    Highlights Parkinsons ability to make tough decisions...
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    Brilliant block Macca and decent save from Robbie too

    Macca is everywhere and his performance should shut a few of his doubters too
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    great scuff by francis mins after that mcleish failed to take
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    All these doubters and haters EVERYWHERE... its like supporting a club with a bunch of permanantly negative, nervous, whingers...
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    I'm not going to whinge...Charlton are winning and life is beautiful!
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    saying Parky is kak is a statement it aint a whing.
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    McCormack's not a crosser and Racinson looks solid playing quite defensively!
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]All these doubters and haters EVERYWHERE... its like supporting a club with a bunch of permanantly negative, nervous, whingers...[/quote]

    They drive me mad ! Charlton fans who slag off all the time
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    That Horn really put elliott off what feckers!
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    Omozusi doing a great job on Reid so we should look to Martin and Waggy to create the problems
This discussion has been closed.

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