Eltham, welling, Gravesend, Dartford, Grays, Basildon, Dagenham all fall in similar brackets of disrepair but they all are near to out of town developments that have swallowed the councils planning budget for infrastructure.
That's very offensive to Eltham putting them in the same sentence as those dumps.
Nah it is not a fantastic place, on a par with welling and Dartford. An endearing feature is its proximity to the a2 and the valley.
It has a lovely pub just by argos though, the park tavern?
It is not on a par with Welling at all. Considering Eltham has a huge M&S, Next, Debenhams, Sports Direct etc and even a newly renovated Greggs....plus plenty of decent cafes springing up, it's a high street you can actually shop down, whereas Welling has absolutely fuck all.
Eltham is still shit, but not on a par with Welling, which is effectively one giant high street of supermarkets, bookies, takeaways and closed down shops.
This could be subtitled 100 shades of 'Shite'...... I am very upset that Bexleyheath did not make this list, it takes an almighty lack of imagination to create such an 'arse wipe' of of a place. I had to drive to Long lane today , and because of the roadworks ended up by the police station, and the 'urban landscapers' are now digging up the back of the Broadway......at least they are consistent. Why does this road need a new layout?. Drunk 'chavs' know where the police station is, the only other place is goals and the dreadful Asda. I do not mention my wifes school , sorry academy, as most of the inmates try and avoid it!.
Eltham, welling, Gravesend, Dartford, Grays, Basildon, Dagenham all fall in similar brackets of disrepair but they all are near to out of town developments that have swallowed the councils planning budget for infrastructure.
That's very offensive to Eltham putting them in the same sentence as those dumps.
Nah it is not a fantastic place, on a par with welling and Dartford. An endearing feature is its proximity to the a2 and the valley.
It has a lovely pub just by argos though, the park tavern?
It is not on a par with Welling at all. Considering Eltham has a huge M&S, Next, Debenhams, Sports Direct etc and even a newly renovated Greggs....plus plenty of decent cafes springing up, it's a high street you can actually shop down, whereas Welling has absolutely fuck all.
Eltham is still shit, but not on a par with Welling, which is effectively one giant high street of supermarkets, bookies, takeaways and closed down shops.
This could be subtitled 100 shades of 'Shite'...... I am very upset that Bexleyheath did not make this list, it takes an almighty lack of imagination to create such an 'arse wipe' of of a place. I had to drive to Long lane today , and because of the roadworks ended up by the police station, and the 'urban landscapers' are now digging up the back of the Broadway......at least they are consistent. Why does this road need a new layout?. Drunk 'chavs' know where the police station is, the only other place is goals and the dreadful Asda. I do not mention my wifes school , sorry academy, as most of the inmates try and avoid it!.
Ken! - I know you have been a fervent and loyal champion of Bexleyheath as the Crappiest Town in Britain for nigh on three years on this thread. I visited the Broadway for the first time ever a few weeks ago, and have already posted about the Asda store there, which is the most ugly and crass piece of new architecture I have seen in a long while. Someone else has mentioned the new pedestrianised paving, which I noticed too - only after being almost mown down by a car; this is undoubtedly a fatal accident waiting to happen. But the Charlton Lifers have spoken, and the votes have been counted. And I am sorry to say that Bexleyheath received only four votes - which makes it less crappy than Blackpool and Portsmouth, and on a par with Corby, Grimsby, Preston, and the very wonderful Milton Keynes.
Thanks for the reply viewfinder...... and a good bit of statistical forecasting. Before my onslaught on Bexleyheath, I was a critic of Woolwich, as I did remember it as a 'honest' working class town , with a vibrant market, and department stores. We all know the demise of that particular hamlet. With so many candidates it seems that the 'race to the bottom' seems to be particularly popular with so many town planers, and local councils, who like so many goverment departments have a spectacular way of getting it so wrong. Still give it time, Rome was not built in a day, but then again the 'broadway' has not been rebuilt in a year has it!
Maybe it's just good luck but on the three occasions I've been to Middlesbrough I've met great people, enjoyed beers with the locals and come away with a positive impression of the place. So maybe the appearance of a place is not necessarily an indication of the quality of the people. As I say, maybe I just had some good fortune. I must confess it's not a visually arresting place though...
Maybe it's just good luck but on the three occasions I've been to Middlesbrough I've met great people, enjoyed beers with the locals and come away with a positive impression of the place. So maybe the appearance of a place is not necessarily an indication of the quality of the people. As I say, maybe I just had some good fortune. I must confess it's not a visually arresting place though...
You aren't joining into the spirit of the thread, Matt! Can't you think of somewhere that deserves a damn good pasting before being demolished?
Maybe it's just good luck but on the three occasions I've been to Middlesbrough I've met great people, enjoyed beers with the locals and come away with a positive impression of the place. So maybe the appearance of a place is not necessarily an indication of the quality of the people. As I say, maybe I just had some good fortune. I must confess it's not a visually arresting place though...
You aren't joining into the spirit of the thread, Matt! Can't you think of somewhere that deserves a damn good pasting before being demolished?
I know - what a stick in the mud I am! - I refer you to my earlier thread where I condemned Basingstoke to the dustbin. My only experience of that place and its people is of a rainy day stuck in a soulless hotel and, a couple of years ago, a group of Basingstoke FC fans beating up a steward at Tonbridge Angels FC.
Maybe it's just good luck but on the three occasions I've been to Middlesbrough I've met great people, enjoyed beers with the locals and come away with a positive impression of the place. So maybe the appearance of a place is not necessarily an indication of the quality of the people. As I say, maybe I just had some good fortune. I must confess it's not a visually arresting place though...
You aren't joining into the spirit of the thread, Matt! Can't you think of somewhere that deserves a damn good pasting before being demolished?
I know - what a stick in the mud I am! - I refer you to my earlier thread where I condemned Basingstoke to the dustbin. My only experience of that place and its people is of a rainy day stuck in a soulless hotel and, a couple of years ago, a group of Basingstoke FC fans beating up a steward at Tonbridge Angels FC.
Your perfectly justified attack on Basingstoke was duly noted, and you had two other supporters of your worthy cause. Sadly, three votes weren't enough to propel Basingstoke into the Top Thirty. But keep trying - the chart is changing all the time. For example, Biggleswade started strongly as a contender for Crap Town three years ago but faded to oblivion, while Dalston was nowhere until it came up on the rails and snuck into the chart at the death. Somehow, Dalston and death go well together....
Woolwich as shit as Coventry have a word with yourselves and some others vote for Coventry if you think Woolwich is ashit hole then you aint ever been to that shite hole coventry
Can i nominate Tonbridge? Apart from the school it's a grotty place
Of course you can nominate Tonbridge, duly noted. The chart will be continuously updated and posted here every few weeks. You are the first to nominate that handsome yet dysfunctional town, although Tunbridge Wells got a vote some while back.
Can i nominate Tonbridge? Apart from the school it's a grotty place
Yeah, not great is it. Which part of the Garden of England do you live in?
I'm from TW but i'm now (attempting) to be a londoner
Won't happen, Bexley and Bromley people been trying to pass themselves off as Londoners for years but they are all very easily spotted as they cross the border
like people saying brighton, reverse snobbery at its finest.
Brighton is dirty. It's not a sh1thole by any means, it's just filthy. I love going down there, had some fantastic nights out. It certainly doesn't qualify in the same bracket as Redhill, Coventry or Croydon. But it's physically quite dirty.
like people saying brighton, reverse snobbery at its finest.
Brighton is dirty. It's not a sh1thole by any means, it's just filthy. I love going down there, had some fantastic nights out. It certainly doesn't qualify in the same bracket as Redhill, Coventry or Croydon. But it's physically quite dirty.
superb that's another one for that shite hole scum filled place
Can i nominate Tonbridge? Apart from the school it's a grotty place
Of course you can nominate Tonbridge, duly noted. The chart will be continuously updated and posted here every few weeks. You are the first to nominate that handsome yet dysfunctional town, although Tunbridge Wells got a vote some while back.
arrrgh, i didn't nominate Tunbridge wells haha, I simply said it was a nice place filled with hipsters.
Woolwich as shit as Coventry have a word with yourselves and some others vote for Coventry if you think Woolwich is ashit hole then you aint ever been to that shite hole coventry
Duly noted, NLA. Crap-hole Coventry has always featured strongly on this thread, and is currently 8th equal with Woolwich in the chart. With your excellent support, I'm sure Coventry can be boosted into the top five.
Maybe it's just good luck but on the three occasions I've been to Middlesbrough I've met great people, enjoyed beers with the locals and come away with a positive impression of the place. So maybe the appearance of a place is not necessarily an indication of the quality of the people. As I say, maybe I just had some good fortune. I must confess it's not a visually arresting place though...
You aren't joining into the spirit of the thread, Matt! Can't you think of somewhere that deserves a damn good pasting before being demolished?
I know - what a stick in the mud I am! - I refer you to my earlier thread where I condemned Basingstoke to the dustbin. My only experience of that place and its people is of a rainy day stuck in a soulless hotel and, a couple of years ago, a group of Basingstoke FC fans beating up a steward at Tonbridge Angels FC.
Your perfectly justified attack on Basingstoke was duly noted, and you had two other supporters of your worthy cause. Sadly, three votes weren't enough to propel Basingstoke into the Top Thirty. But keep trying - the chart is changing all the time. For example, Biggleswade started strongly as a contender for Crap Town three years ago but faded to oblivion, while Dalston was nowhere until it came up on the rails and snuck into the chart at the death. Somehow, Dalston and death go well together....
You're being far too fastidious and busy for my liking Viewfinder!
Can i nominate Tonbridge? Apart from the school it's a grotty place
Seconded. Not a nice place. Although does have SOS nightclub, which despite being chav haven can also provide quite good entertainment on a night out!!
Can i nominate Tonbridge? Apart from the school it's a grotty place
Seconded. Not a nice place. Although does have SOS nightclub, which despite being chav haven can also provide quite good entertainment on a night out!!
I've literally never seen SOS "busy" in my life. That and the fact that people tend to get stabbed and beaten with baseball bats round there I tend to steer clear.
I am very upset that Bexleyheath did not make this list, it takes an almighty lack of imagination to create such an 'arse wipe' of of a place.
I had to drive to Long lane today , and because of the roadworks ended up by the police station, and the 'urban landscapers' are now digging up the back of the Broadway......at least they are consistent. Why does this road need a new layout?. Drunk 'chavs' know where the police station is, the only other place is goals and the dreadful Asda. I do not mention my wifes school , sorry academy, as most of the inmates try and avoid it!.
Before my onslaught on Bexleyheath, I was a critic of Woolwich, as I did remember it as a 'honest' working class town , with a vibrant market, and department stores. We all know the demise of that particular hamlet. With so many candidates it seems that the 'race to the bottom' seems to be particularly popular with so many town planers, and local councils, who like so many goverment departments have a spectacular way of getting it so wrong. Still give it time, Rome was not built in a day, but then again the 'broadway' has not been rebuilt in a year has it!
1. Newport
2. Luton
3. Oldham
4. Isle of Sheppey
5. Coventry
better than Woolwich ffs are you lot mad or don't you get about much
Seconded. Not a nice place. Although does have SOS nightclub, which despite being chav haven can also provide quite good entertainment on a night out!!
I've literally never seen SOS "busy" in my life. That and the fact that people tend to get stabbed and beaten with baseball bats round there I tend to steer clear.
If you think Tonbridge is anywhere NEAR being a crap town you need to get a rail pass and take a look around the UK a bit more closely.
@g Monte Carlo.
Wearing Ralph Lauren whilst rapping about what a ghetto tonbridge is haha
Croydon gets my vote. Runner up Luton.