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Jim Davidson



  • loooooooooooove what Jim D does to the Guardianistas ,just love it. Notice tho they start quoting the Sun when its fits in with their usual moral clap trap.

    so let me see he cuts some ones tie off at school he is a bully----------Pikeys at my school ROB ---thats MUG people day in day out but actually saying they are scum is racist ?you leftys are really confused sad people.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]so let me see he cuts some ones tie off at school he is a bully
    Pikeys at my school ROB ---thats MUG people day in day out but actually saying they are scum is racist ?
    Cutting someone's tie off might mean he was a bully or just an arsehole depending how it was done.

    Saying that the individuals who were robbing people every day are scum is not racist, as it's based on their own behaviour. Calling all members of the same ethnic group scum? Yep, that's racist. It's judging them on their ethnic group not their own behaviour, pretty much a definition of racist there.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]I went to school with him. About four years older and one to avoid. A twat and a bully. He cut my school tie off with a pair of scissors just below the knot. Git.

    Was that St Austen's near the Rectory field cricket club........

    Swear he used to walk along the the road past Springfields, into Charlton village most night's.

    Saw him once in a hotel at Great Yarmouth,( think he did several summer seasons there, I was there taking some photos.....) he seemed a bit pre-occupied with talking rather loudly about 'para gliding' at breakfast with a small group of his mates/hangers on.

    Alway's seemed a bit old fashioned to me, and a second rate Jimmy Jones.....
  • Jim Davidson is a racist right wing misogynist. That's not what I have read it's what I have observed and heard when the man appears on tv which thankfully is not much these days. As for his school days well he was no Flashman but a nasty piece of work that kids smaller and younger did well to avoid. That defines him in my eyes as a bully which as we all know is one of the worst kind of people.
  • In answer to Ken. Yes it was St. Austins.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]loooooooooooove what Jim D does to the Guardianistas ,just love it. Notice tho they start quoting the Sun when its fits in with their usual moral clap trap.

    so let me see he cuts some ones tie off at school he is a bully
    Pikeys at my school ROB ---thats MUG people day in day out but actually saying they are scum is racist ?you leftys are really confused sad people.

    I've only ever voted tory. I also hate how people seem to think that some one's political alignment is ever relevant in a debate that has nothing to do with politics. Hiding behind cheap shots about a particular newspaper doesn't hide the fact the guy's a complete idiot.
  • I know he was brought up in Holbourne Road, Kidbrooke & went to Charlton Secondary school on the Woolwich Road. I thought my noting that he was there may cause a discussion :-)
  • edited February 2011
    Personally, I think Jim Davidson is great...he takes the piss out of everyone, regardless of colour, sex, race, religion, age, ability etc etc.

    What he supposedly did with his wives isn't good and obviously I don't commend him for that.....but then again it's none of my business, nor yours.

    Saw him at The Orchard last year...brilliant night. Revealed why he disliked Brian Dowling on that reality cooking programme...nothing to do with the fact that he's gay, it was because he's a !

    He's a funny man...end of.
  • [cite]Posted By: fadgadget[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]I went to school with him. About four years older and one to avoid. A twat and a bully. He cut my school tie off with a pair of scissors just below the knot. Git.

    We used to call that tagging at Thomas Tallis , the rumour was that if you collected enough tags Cuffs in Woolwich would buy them back off you , total rubbish of course .

    When did you go to Tallis? Me, 1971-1976
  • Don't really know anything about him refusing to perform with disabled folk in the front row, but if that's the case then could it not be down to the fact that a majority of comedians tend to rip the shit out of those who sit in the front row?
    If you sit there then you're just asking for it. with an entire front row of wheelchairs, this would make it extremely difficult for him to do this. So what does he do, completely ignore them? rip into them as he would anyone else? a no-win situation.
    I'm not saying this was the reason for it, just a possible one..................
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  • [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: fadgadget[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]I went to school with him. About four years older and one to avoid. A twat and a bully. He cut my school tie off with a pair of scissors just below the knot. Git.

    We used to call that tagging at Thomas Tallis , the rumour was that if you collected enough tags Cuffs in Woolwich would buy them back off you , total rubbish of course .

    When did you go to Tallis? Me,[url=tel:1971-1976]1971-1976[/url]

    St.Austins. RC Secondary School for Boys. Highcoombe, Charlton. 1967 - 73
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: fadgadget[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]I went to school with him. About four years older and one to avoid. A twat and a bully. He cut my school tie off with a pair of scissors just below the knot. Git.

    We used to call that tagging at Thomas Tallis , the rumour was that if you collected enough tags Cuffs in Woolwich would buy them back off you , total rubbish of course .

    When did you go to Tallis? Me,[url=tel:1971-1976]1971-1976[/url]

    Tallis from 1975 to 1980 Mr Giffen was my tutor
  • I like Davidson, he happens to be the teller of the funniest joke I have ever heard, not racist it was about a tiger and a reunion at the British Legion...his comedy is from a bygone era, when you could make jokes about many subjects. He also raises a ton of dough and also supports our armed forces, so he cut a few ties off at school, get over it or go to councilling or grow some nuts!!! I was no angel at school, but I am a totally different person since I left 30 years ago!! I suspect Davidson is too.
    RE The wheelchair incident, it is in his act, it does not mean it is what he believes, its his act hes not a politician making a political statement. I understand that it would make him feel uncomfortable and indeed the wheelchair people too, so a good call by Davidson.
    RE The rascists material, Matt Lucas does the same in his act, but presumably because he is a gay man and therefore a minority it is OK!
    Is Matt Lucas a rascist? No he isnt, he is funny though, sometimes! Is Jim Davidson a rascist No he isn't, he is funny though, sometimes!
  • [cite]Posted By: bibble[/cite]I like Davidson, he happens to be the teller of the funniest joke I have ever heard, not racist it was about a tiger and a reunion at the British Legion...his comedy is from a bygone era, when you could make jokes about many subjects. He also raises a ton of dough and also supports our armed forces, so he cut a few ties off at school, get over it or go to councilling or grow some nuts!!! I was no angel at school, but I am a totally different person since I left 30 years ago!! I suspect Davidson is too.
    RE The wheelchair incident, it is in his act, it does not mean it is what he believes, its his act hes not a politician making a political statement. I understand that it would make him feel uncomfortable and indeed the wheelchair people too, so a good call by Davidson.
    RE The rascists material, Matt Lucas does the same in his act, but presumably because he is a gay man and therefore a minority it is OK!
    Is Matt Lucas a rascist? No he isnt, he is funny though, sometimes! Is Jim Davidson a rascist No he isn't, he is funny though, sometimes!

    Oh dear oh dear.
  • Bibble. Are you saying that just because Davidson's act takes the piss out of disabled people then we should cut him some slack because he might not believe it? If that is your case then it is a strange argument. Somehow it seems to make him worse - taking cheap shots just to gain a laugh, with no belief behind them.

    I never actually accused Davidson of being a racist, his charge sheet is long enough already. However, it is a difficult one to judge when it comes to comedy. Was Johnny Speight a racist because he created Alf Garnett? Clearly not, because we laughed at the Garnett character and not with him. Was Bernard Manning a racist? Clearly yes because his audience laughed with him.

    As for Davidson? I will leave that for others to judge. However, I stand by my comment that he is a deeply flawed individual.

    Am I perfect? Far from it, but I do my best not to offend other people because of their sex, race, colour, sexual orientation, etc.
  • Look chaps, hasn't this all been done before - to death?

    Some of you like him, some of you don't. Neither side is going to change their minds because of a few comments on here - so what's the bleedin point? Are people really that desperate for a row on a Sunday evening? It's not going to make work in the morning any easier you know!
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Look chaps, hasn't this all been done before - to death?

    Some of you like him, some of you don't. Neither side is going to change their minds because of a few comments on here - so what's the bleedin point? Are people really that desperate for a row on a Sunday evening? It's not going to make work in the morning any easier you know!

    Good point.
  • The point is... could he do a job at CB?
  • No one has given him much credit for going to Yeovil on a horrible windy day. Better than me.
    Saw him on the pitch at Old Trafford once, doing a pro Charlton patter half time.
    Glad he is still loyal.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Happy Valley[/cite]Bibble. Are you saying that just because Davidson's act takes the piss out of disabled people then we should cut him some slack because he might not believe it? .[/quote]

    No I'm not saying that, I wrote what I am saying, read it again! Its an act nothing more nothing less!

    I would bet that most people have told or laughed at a joke about someone with a disablity, be it mental or physical, it does not mean they beleive it!! You would have to be naive to think people haven't!!

    You dont like him, I happen to think he is OK! Move on!
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  • What could be funnier than a wife beater who refuses to perform (and by perform I mean stomp around shoulting a lot of non-gags for the benefit of dunces) in front of anyone in a wheelchair? Presumably in case he can catch handicappedness... Anyway, a genuine British comic genius.
  • [cite]Posted By: bibble[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Happy Valley[/cite]Bibble. Are you saying that just because Davidson's act takes the piss out of disabled people then we should cut him some slack because he might not believe it? .

    No I'm not saying that, I wrote what I am saying, read it again! Its an act nothing more nothing less!

    I would bet that most people have told or laughed at a joke about someone with a disablity, be it mental or physical, it does not mean they beleive it!! You would have to be naive to think people haven't!!

    You dont like him, I happen to think he is OK! Move on!

    You really do come across as very aggressive and arrogant.
  • IS john virgo a fan then?
  • [cite]Posted By: WelshAddick[/cite]IS john virgo a fan then?

    I think that may have been a joke, or am I snooker loopy?!
  • As for the wheelchair incident - See Frankie Boyle - it's either an act or they really believe it and should go to jail.

    As for his behavior as a child - have any of us changed / regretted something from our past ?

    I do know he did a free gig to raise money for John Robinson's testimonial fund, which I attended.

    If he was at Yeovil to watch us, then that says something.........unlike all those hangers-on when we played in the Prem.

    Did you see Hugh Grant sitting next to Capello in the Fulham v Spurs Cup game ?

    Can't see him at Yeovil if Fulham were in L1
  • Whatever else you may throw at Jim Davidson or accuse him of, you cannot say that he is a plastic fan.

    And I don't even like him as a comedian!
  • I have no real thoughts on Davidson either way.
    But find it amazing that many on here are berating him for being an offensive racist bigot.Probably the same people that are kissing Frankie Boyles arse on the 'Comedians you Like/Hate' thread. Bizarre
  • Could not agree more with Offit and Carly - We are breeding a nation of zealots.
  • You either like him or you hate him but at the end of the day, He's one of us. AN ADDICK. And that's all that counts in my book. End of...
  • if people didnt find different things amusing then the world would be a boring place

    i dont find jimmy carr or his weird little goggle eyed namsake alan funny at all, yet i have heard jimmy rip the piss out of disabled people and alan rip the piss out of gays

    i do find jim beep beep davidson funny and it is not the hate filled crime that some of you make it sound like it should be.

    get a grip on reality and whatever you do dont open the jokes thread on here or you will all have a cardiac arrest
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